Create a Kubernetes Cluster

Use Terraform to set up a Kubernetes cluster in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

Key tasks include how to:

  • Copy your existing scripts from Terraform tutorials.
  • Edit existing scripts for reuse.
  • Write new scripts for a Kubernetes cluster.
A diagram of the components needed to create a Kubernetes cluster with Terraform. From a local Linux environment, the user connects to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account and creates a cluster. The cluster creation includes creating network resources. The network resources include one private regional subnet for worker nodes. These nodes are compute nodes. There is also a public regional subnet created to use for load balancers. In this example, each regional subnet spans three availability domains: AD1, AD2, and AD3. The public subnet is connected to the internet with a two-way arrow. The private subnet has two one-directional, outgoing arrows, one to the internet and the other to Oracle services network.

For more information, see:

1. Gather Required Information

Gather information for the compute instances in the node pool.

Get Node Shape
This tutorial uses VM.Standard2.1 for the compute instances in the node pool..
Save the <node-shape> VM.Standard2.1 in your notepad.
To learn more about the shape, go to Standard Shapes .
Get Image ID
  1. In the Console navigation bar, find your region.
  2. Go to Image Release Notes.
  3. Select Oracle Linux 7.x.
  4. Select the latest Oracle Linux 7.x-<date>. Don't select any images labeled Gen2-GPU.
  5. Copy the Image OCID for your region.
  6. Save the <image-ocid> in your notepad.

    Ensure that you select a commercial OCID without gov in its OCID.

2. Copy Existing Scripts

Copy scripts created at Set Up a Simple Infrastructure with OCI Terraform. Then, remove the scripts and outputs related to the compute instance. In the next section, you declare a node pool with compute instances.

Copy the Scripts
  1. In your $HOME directory, create a directory called tf-cluster and change to that directory.
    mkdir tf-cluster
    cd tf-cluster
  2. Copy all the files ending in .tf from the tf-simple-infrastructure directory.
    cp ../tf-simple-infrastructure/*.tf .
  3. Confirm that you have the following files in your directory.

    Don't copy the state files (terraform.tfstate or terraform.tfstate.backup). These files contain the state of resources for their current directory. After you run the scripts in this new directory, you get a new state file.
Remove Irrelevant Scripts
  1. Remove the file from the tf-cluster directory.
  2. In the file, remove all the outputs for the compute instance.
    # Outputs for compute instance
    output "public-ip-for-compute-instance" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.public_ip
    output "instance-name" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.display_name
    output "instance-OCID" {
      value =
    output "instance-region" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.region
    output "instance-shape" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.shape
    output "instance-state" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.state
    output "instance-OCPUs" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.shape_config[0].ocpus
    output "instance-memory-in-GBs" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.shape_config[0].memory_in_gbs
    output "time-created" {
      value = oci_core_instance.ubuntu_instance.time_created

3. Create Scripts

Create scripts for a cluster, a node pool, and to print outputs.

Declare a Cluster
  1. Create a file called
  2. Add the following code to
    • Replace <your-cluster-name> with a name of your choice. Example: tf-cluster.
    # Source from
    resource "oci_containerengine_cluster" "oke-cluster" {
        # Required
        compartment_id =
        kubernetes_version = "v1.21.5"
        name = "<your-cluster-name>"
        vcn_id = module.vcn.vcn_id
        # Optional
        options {
                is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled = false
                is_tiller_enabled = false
            kubernetes_network_config {
                pods_cidr = ""
                services_cidr = ""
            service_lb_subnet_ids = []
  3. Save the file.

At Argument Reference (oci_containerengine_cluster), find all required arguments:

  • compartment_id
  • kubernetes_version
  • name
  • vcn_id
To navigate to this URL

To navigate to Argument Reference (oci_containerengine_cluster):

  1. Go to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Provider.
  2. In the Filter box on the upper left, enter container engine.

    Results are returned for both data sources and resources.

  3. Under Container Engine, go to Resources and select oci_containerengine_cluster.
  4. Select Argument Reference.

    Argument Reference opens.

Construct a resource block:

  • Declare a resource block with the keyword: resource
  • Add a label for resource type: "oci_containerengine_cluster"
  • Add a label for a local name (your choice):
    • The label can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The first character must not be a digit.
    • Example: "oke-cluster"
  • Inside the code block, provide a value for the required arguments:
    • compartment_id: Point to the compartment declared in
    • kubernetes_version: This tutorial uses version v1.21.5. You can check the Quick Create option in the Console for the latest version.
    • name: Assign a name of your choice.
    • vcn_id: Point to the compartment declared in module.vcn.vcn_id

    A required argument doesn't have a default value.

  • Provide values for the following optional arguments to override their default values.
    • add_ons: Assign true or false for the following arguments:
      • is_kubernetes_dashboard_enabled
      • is_tiller_enabled
    • kubernetes_network_config: Assign a CIDR block as a string for the following arguments:
      • pods_cidr
      • services_cidr

      The CIDR block for the pods must not overlap with the worker node and load balancer subnet CIDR blocks.

      The CIDR block for the Kubernetes service must not overlap with the VCN CIDR block.

      The example code in this tutorial uses the same CIDR blocks as the Quick Create option in the Console.

      For more explanation, see CIDR Blocks and Kubernetes Engine (OKE).

    • service_lb_subnet_ids: Assign the public subnet you declared in

      The argument, service_lb_subnet_ids accepts a list of subnet ids:
      • Even if you have one subnet, use square brackets to denote a list.
      • Example: []
Declare a Node Pool
  1. Create a file called
  2. Add the following code to
    • Replace the following fields with the information you gathered in section one:
      • <node-shape> with VM.Standard2.1
      • <image-ocid>
    • Replace the following field with the name you chose when you declared a cluster:
      • <your-cluster-name>
    # Source from
    resource "oci_containerengine_node_pool" "oke-node-pool" {
        # Required
        cluster_id =
        compartment_id =
        kubernetes_version = "v1.21.5"
        name = "pool1"
                availability_domain =[0].name
                subnet_id =
                availability_domain =[1].name
                subnet_id =
                availability_domain =[2].name
                subnet_id =
            size = 3
        node_shape = "<node-shape>"
        # Using image Oracle-Linux-7.x-<date>
        # Find image OCID for your region from 
        node_source_details {
             image_id = "<image-ocid>"
             source_type = "image"
        # Optional
        initial_node_labels {
            key = "name"
            value = "<your-cluster-name>"
  3. Save the file.

At Alarm Reference (oci_containerengine_node_pool), find all required arguments:

  • cluster_id
  • compartment_id
  • kubernetes_version
  • name
  • node_config_details
    • placement_configs
      • availability_domain
      • subnet_id
  • node_shape
  • node_source_details
    • image_id
    • source_type
To navigate to this URL

To navigate to Alarm Reference (oci_containerengine_node_pool):

  1. Go to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Provider.
  2. In the Filter box on the upper left, enter container engine.

    Results are returned for both data sources and resources.

  3. Under Container Engine, go to Resources and select oci_containerengine_node_pool.
  4. Select Argument Reference.

    Argument Reference opens.

Construct a resource block:

  • Declare a resource block with the keyword: resource
  • Add a label for resource type:
  • Add a label for a local name (your choice):
    • The label can contain letters, digits, underscores (_), and hyphens (-). The first character must not be a digit.
    • Example:"oke-node-pool"
  • Inside the code block, provide a value for the required arguments:
    • cluster_id: Point to the cluster declared in
    • compartment_id Point to the compartment declared in
    • kubernetes_version: This tutorial uses the same version as the Console Create Cluster wizard.
    • name: Assign a name of your choice. The Console Create Cluster wizard uses the name pool1.
    • node_shape: Enter information you gathered in section one.
    • node_source_details:
      • image_id: Enter information you gathered in section one.
      • source_type: Set to "image".
  • Provide values for the following optional arguments to override their default values.
    • initial_node_labels: Assign key/value pairs for the nodes.
      • key: Assign a key of your choice. The Console Quick Create option creates the key "name".
      • value: Assign a value for the key. The Console Quick Create option assigns "<your-cluster-name>" to the "name" key.
Add Outputs

In this section, you declare outputs for the cluster and the node pool.

  1. Add the following code to
    # Outputs for k8s cluster
    output "cluster-name" {
      value =
    output "cluster-OCID" {
      value =
    output "cluster-kubernetes-version" {
      value = oci_containerengine_cluster.oke-cluster.kubernetes_version
    output "cluster-state" {
      value = oci_containerengine_cluster.oke-cluster.state
    # Outputs for k8s node pool
    output "node-pool-name" {
      value =
    output "node-pool-OCID" {
      value =
    output "node-pool-kubernetes-version" {
      value = oci_containerengine_node_pool.oke-node-pool.kubernetes_version
    output "node-size" {
      value = oci_containerengine_node_pool.oke-node-pool.node_config_details[0].size
    output "node-shape" {
      value = oci_containerengine_node_pool.oke-node-pool.node_shape
  2. Save the file.
Outputs for List Items
  • Usually list attributes are plural (end in s).
  • List attribute example for node pool:
    • node_config_details
  • To output all the attributes in a list, use the list attribute by itself, without any brackets.
  • Example:
    output "node-configuration-details"{
      value = oci_containerengine_node_pool.oke-node-pool.node_config_details

    Sample output:

    node-configuration-details = [
        "placement_configs" = [
            "availability_domain" = "QnsC:US-ASHBURN-AD-1"
            "subnet_id" = ""
            "availability_domain" = "QnsC:US-ASHBURN-AD-2"
            "subnet_id" = ""
            "availability_domain" = "QnsC:US-ASHBURN-AD-3"
            "subnet_id" = ""
        "size" = 3
  • To output or call an item from a list:
    • Use the following format:


    • Replace [index] with:
      • [0] for the first item.
      • [1] for the second item.
      • ...
      • [n] for the (n+1)th item.
  • Example:

    Value for the size attribute:

    output "node-size" {
      value = oci_containerengine_node_pool.oke-node-pool.node_config_details[0].size

4. Run Scripts

Run your Terraform scripts to create a compartment, a virtual cloud network, a Kubernetes cluster, and a node pool.

  1. Initialize a working directory in the tf-cluster directory.
    terraform init

    Example output:

    Initializing the backend...
    Initializing provider plugins...
    - Finding hashicorp/oci versions matching ">= 4.41.0"...
    - Installing hashicorp/oci v4.59.0...
    - Installed hashicorp/oci v4.59.0 (signed by HashiCorp)
    Terraform has been successfully initialized!
  2. Check the contents of the tf-cluster directory.
    ls -a

    • After running terraform init
    • error message: Failed to query available provider packages:
      • If you are on a VPN, check your proxy settings.
You now have a folder called .terraform that includes the plugins for the oci provider.
  1. Create an execution plan:
    terraform plan
  2. Review the changes that Terraform plans to make to your account.

    Example output:

    Terraform used the selected providers to generate the following execution plan. Resource actions are indicated with the following symbols:
      + create
    Terraform will perform the following actions:
    Plan: 14 to add, 0 to change, 0 to destroy.

Run your Terraform scripts:

terraform apply

When prompted for confirmation, enter yes, for your resources to be created.

It might take 15 minutes or more for the cluster to be created. After Terraform creates the resources, review the output in the terminal.

Apply complete! Resources: 14 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.

cluster-OCID =
cluster-kubernetes-version = "v1.21.5"
cluster-name = <your-cluster-name>
cluster-state = ACTIVE
node-pool-OCID =
node-pool-kubernetes-version = "v1.21.5"
node-pool-name = "pool1"
node-shape = "VM.Standard2.1"
node-size = 3
  • 401 errors - (Service error:NotAuthenticated):
    • You have an incorrect value for one of the following:
      • tenancy OCID
      • user OCID
      • fingerprint
      • RSA private key (the path or the key)
  • no such host:
    • You have an incorrect value for the following:
      • region identifier


What's Next

Congratulations! You have created a Kubernetes cluster using Terraform, in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure account.

Now that you have a Kubernetes cluster, try Kubernetes tutorials at Developer Tutorials.

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