Document Conventions and Tools

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation employs various visual cues to enhance the clarity and usefulness of the information it provides. This page explains those font and presentation conventions. It also provides tips for effective searches in the online Help and describes other features and tools.

Font Conventions

The following font conventions have specific meaning within this document.

User Interface Labels

Text and labels that appear in the user interface appear in bold text. For example:

In the Console, click Compute, and then choose your Compartment.


Commands that you enter from your keyboard appear in a monospace typeface. For example:

sudo su


Placeholder text for required values appears in red text surrounded by angle brackets. For example:

useradd <new_user>

Code and Response Examples

Code and system response examples appear in a monospace typeface. For example:

# UPDATEDEFAULT specifies if new-kernel-pkg should make
# new kernels the default

# DEFAULTKERNEL specifies the default kernel package type

Notes, Tips, and Cautions

The documentation applies the following styles to draw your attention to important information:


"Note" boxes provide information of special interest or importance to help you understand the behavior of the system.

"Important" boxes address essential points to complete a task or understand a topic.

"Tips" provide helpful suggestions that can improve your experience using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, or alternative ways of doing things.

"Cautions" provide important information to help you prevent data loss or damage.

Reading Railroad Diagrams

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure uses railroad diagrams to express defined grammars, showing syntax for policy statements, queries, and other items.

When reading these diagrams, consider the following conventions:

  • Vertical bars indicate the beginning and end of an expression line.

  • The expression line reads from left to right (and sometimes down), following the line or any of the possible branches.

  • Literal values or commands are depicted as lozenge-shaped boxes.

    For example, 1m is a literal value for "Interval" in the following absent alarm query.

  • Variable values are depicted as rectangular boxes.

    For example, metric is a variable value in the following absent alarm query.

  • Concatenation loops are indicated by either a comma or special symbols.

    For example, a comma indicates possible concatenation loops for name-value pairs in the dimension component of the following absent alarm query.

  • An optional component is indicated by an empty branch (no value or command) above or below it.

    For example, the dimension and group components are optional in the following absent alarm query.

Example railroad diagram from Monitoring Query Language (MQL) Reference:

MQL expression.

Document Tools

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure documentation provides several tools to help you find the information you need. Chief among these tools is a powerful full-text search engine that features phrase, and partial-word searching.

The following tools do not apply to PDF documentation.

Glossary Terms

A full glossary page provides definitions for all special terms used in this document. On many pages, glossary terms also appear as links upon their first use within the topic. To see the definition, hover your cursor over the term. For example:

Volumes are only accessible to instances in the same availability domain .

Supported Browsers

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure supports the following browsers and versions:

Browser Version Notes
Edge Latest three major versions only None
Firefox Latest three major versions only Private Browsing mode isn't supported
Google Chrome Latest three major versions only None
Safari Latest three major versions only None