Changing Company Information

Use Partner Portal to change your company information.

Information about your company may change over time. For example, your company might update its corporate logo, move to a new location, or get a new email address. Also, you might want to add or update the links that let Oracle Cloud Marketplace users follow you on your social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Your company information displays on the PROVIDER tab in Oracle Cloud Marketplace. Customers will see the information when they evaluate the apps and services you publish to the marketplace. To edit your company information, do the following:

  1. Sign in to Partner Portal.
  2. Click My Company.

    The My Company link is available only if you’re assigned the partner administrator role. Only partner administrators can view and modify the company information.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Modify your company information.
    • In Oracle Cloud Marketplace, your company logo will be displayed against a white background. You can update your company logo at any time. Remember that the logo image must:

      • Have a transparent or solid background.

      • Be 115 pixels by 115 pixels in size (1:1 aspect ratio). Other sizes won’t display correctly.

      • Be in the BMP, GIF, JPEG (JPG), or PNG format.

      • Be smaller than 5 MB.

    • Your company name is displayed for your information only. You can’t use Partner Portal to change the name of your company because your company name is associated with your Oracle PartnerNetwork account and membership. If you must change your company name, open a support ticket with Oracle support and submit a ticket to the Partner Assistance Team at

    • Your Oracle PartnerNetwork (OPN) membership number is displayed for your information only. You can’t edit your OPN membership number. In addition, the OPN number isn’t displayed on the PROVIDER tab in Oracle Cloud Marketplace.

    • The address in the Notification Email field receives notifications from Oracle, including status updates for all listings submitted to Oracle and contact information for users who requested your app or service from Oracle Cloud Marketplace (leads generated).

    • In the Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn fields, enter the links to your social media pages. It’s a great way to encourage Oracle Cloud Marketplace users to follow you, your company, and your products. Users can access these links from the PROVIDER tab:

      Social Media Icons

    • You provided the information in the Products field when you completed the publisher application form. You can’t use Partner Portal to change this information because Oracle approved your publisher application based on the products you selected. If you need to change this information, open a support ticket with Oracle support.

  5. Click Save to update your company profile.