Running a Task

Manually run a published task from an application in Data Integration.

To schedule a task for automated runs, see Scheduling Published Tasks to Run.

If the task uses parameters, a panel opens to let you edit the parameter values for the run.

If you're running a pipeline that includes tasks that are configured to run in the OCI Data Flow service, use the following format if editing the default parameter values for OCI_DF_LOG_BUCKET and OCI_DF_ARTIFACT_BUCKET: oci://<bucket-name>@<tenancy-name>

    1. On the workspace home page, click Applications.
    2. On the Applications page, select the compartment that contains the application.
    3. In the applications list, click the name of the application that the task is published to.
    4. On the application details page, click Tasks.
    5. In the list of tasks, select Run from the Actions menu (Actions menu) of the task that you want to run.

      Note the following:

      • If the task uses parameters, the Run task: <task name> panel is displayed. You can change the parameter values for this specific run.

    A run entry is created in the Runs section of the application details page. See Viewing Task Runs. To manually terminate a run, see Terminating a Task Run.

  • Use the oci data-integration task-run create command and required parameters to create a task run for a published task in an application in Data Integration:

    oci data-integration task-run create [OPTIONS]

    Rerunning a task uses the same command.

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the CreateTaskRun operation to create a task run for a published task in an application in Data Integration.

    Rerunning a task uses the same operation.