Creating a Policy Rule

Create a patch compliance policy rule for a product in Fleet Application Management.

    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Observability & Management. Under Fleet Application Management, select Administration.
    2. Under Administration (on the left side of the page), click Compliance policy.
      All compliance policies are displayed along with the products they're associated with.
    3. In the Policy rules section of the compliance policy details page, click Create policy rule.
    4. In the Create policy rule panel, enter name for the rule. Avoid entering confidential information.
    5. For the Product version, select a specific product version or a specific version and successive versions, for example, 12.1 or 12.1 and above for Oracle WebLogic Server. The policy applies only to the version or next versions, and not to other versions such as, 12.1.x.
    6. For Patch type and Severity, select one or many patch types and severities to which this policy applies.
    7. For Patch selection, select one of the following options:
      • Patch level: If you select the Patch level as Latest, Fleet Application Management calculates the compliance status of the product in the following ways:
        • Reports the patch process as compliant for the software identified or targets discovered at the Latest and Latest-1 versions.
        • Reports the patch process as noncompliant for the software identified or targets discovered at the Latest-2 version.
      • Patch name: Select a specific patch.
      • Release date: If you select this option and enter the number of days since release, Fleet Application Management calculates the number of days that have passed after the release date and reports the product as noncompliant if the days exceed the number provided in Days since release. By default, the number of days is 30 days.
    8. Switch on the Enable grace/exemption period toggle to enable a grace period during which Fleet Application Management doesn't report the product as noncompliant while applying the patch.
    9. If you switched on the Enable grace/exemption period toggle, for Grace period time limit (days), enter the grace period in days. The minimum period that you can set is 30 days.
    10. Click Create.
    The policy rule is created and is listed under Policy rules on the compliance policy details page.
  • Use the oci fleet-apps-management fleet-apps-management-admin compliance-policy-rule create command and required parameters to create a compliance policy rule:

    oci fleet-apps-management fleet-apps-management-admin compliance-policy-rule create [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for Fleet Application Management CLI commands, see the CLI for Fleet Application Management.

  • Run the CreateCompliancePolicyRule operation to create a compliance policy rule.