Oracle Linux Storage Appliance Image

End of Life (EOL)

The Oracle Linux Storage Appliance provides a fast and easy way to build a shared storage system on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. It enables you to export files by using the protocols Network File System (NFS) v3 and v4, and Windows Server Message Block (SMB) v3 (Samba).


Oracle Linux 7 Premier Support ended December 31, 2024, and Oracle Linux Storage Appliance is no longer supported.

If you already have Oracle Linux Storage Appliance in your compute instance, there will be no changes to your instance. If you want to continue using NFS and Samba with your Oracle Linux instance, see Working with NFS and Samba Shares.

To view archived Oracle Linux Storage Appliance documentation, in PDF format, install the linux-storage-manager RPM package through Oracle Developer Channels, and navigate to /usr/share/doc/linux-storage-manager-version.

Developer Review: Build Summary of Oracle Linux Storage Appliance

For customers interested in the steps used to create Oracle Linux Storage Appliance, Oracle provides an RPM package, linux-storage-manager, that bundles all the appliance scripts and documentation. This package is available for developer review purposes only, and isn't supported by Oracle.

To pull the linux-storage-manager RPM package:

  1. Enable the ol7_developer repository.

    sudo yum-config-manager --enable ol7_developer
  2. Install the linux-storage-manager package.
    sudo __LSA_FORCE_INSTALL_MODE=1 yum install linux-storage-manager