Oracle Linux Minimal Image

The Oracle Linux Minimal platform image is based on Oracle Linux and is used to create Oracle Linux Minimal instances.

The Oracle Linux Minimal image provides the following features:

  • Automated deployment at scale, made available across a range of cloud services
  • Optimized kernels and optimized boot process on the Oracle Linux Minimal instance
  • Fewer default packages installed, which reduces the image size, enables faster booting, and requires fewer security updates over time
  • Access to the same software, and the same security maintenance, as other Oracle Linux platform images

The oci-image-expand utility lets you install standard Oracle Linux packages if you want to convert an Oracle Linux Minimal instance to a standard Oracle Linux environment. For more information, see Installing the OCI Utilities and oci-image-expand.

Support is available from Oracle Support with the same terms as other Oracle Linux platform images.

Oracle Linux Minimal Image Details

The Oracle Linux Minimal image:

  • Supports VM shapes in paravirtualized (PV) mode only.
  • Supports VM Shapes running on x86_64 and AMD.
  • Has the following systemd services disabled:

    • auditd
    • kdump
    • dnf-makecache.timer
    • oracle-cloud-agent-updater
    • NetworkManager-wait-online
  • Doesn't include Ksplice.

  • Has no SELinux access control enforcement.

  • Provides different repository enablement from the standard Oracle Linux platform image. To see the available repositories on the image, run the sudo dnf repolist command.


    Be sure to do a dnf update after first boot to apply available security and bug fixes.

  • Doesn't include the OCI Utilities. To use the OCI Utilities, see Installing the OCI Utilities.

For more detailed information about the latest Oracle Linux Minimal image, see Oracle Linux 9.x Images.