Create Window

To create a window:

  1. In the Windows page, click Create Window.
  2. Enter the following fields:
    • Name: Name of the window.

    • Description: Optional descriptive text.

    • Enabled: Enables the window. (Causes the DBMS_SCHEDULER.ENABLE procedure to be called after the window is created.)

    • Resource Plan: The resource plan that automatically activates when the window opens. When the window closes, the system switches to the appropriate resource plan, which is usually the plan that was in effect before the window opened, but can also be the plan of a different window. Only one resource plan can be associated with a window. It null, the resource plan in effect when the window opens stays in effect for the duration of the window. If an empty string, the resource manager is disabled for the duration of the window. If the window is open and the resource plan is dropped, then the resource allocation for the duration of the window is not affected.

    • Duration: The length of time that the window stays open. Can range from one minute to 99 days.

    • Priority: Relevant when two windows overlap. Because only one window can be in effect at one time, the window priority determines which window opens. The two possible values for this attribute are HIGH and LOW. A high priority window has precedence over a low priority window, therefore, the low priority window does not open if it overlaps a high priority window.

    • Execution Mode: Repeating or Schedule:

      • For Repeating, specify the Repeat Interval and optionally the Start Date and End Date.

      • For Schedule, select the name of the Schedule to be used.

  3. Click Create.