Working with Oracle Patches

Download patches for Oracle WebLogic Server and Oracle Java SE (JDK) from the My Oracle Support site and then upload them to an Object Storage bucket.


Ensure that you can access the Oracle support site to download the required patches. See Getting Help and Contacting Support.
  1. Go to Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins for all Oracle products.
    Critical patch updates are listed by date. As a best practice, verify the latest updates bimonthly so that you download the latest patches whenever they're available.
  2. Click the latest patch update, for example, "Critical Patch Update - October 2024."

    The "Affected Products and Patch Information" table lists products and corresponding versions that have patch updates and the links to access the corresponding patches.

  3. Download Oracle WebLogic Server patches.
  4. Download JDK patches.
  5. Package all patches.
  6. Upload the <patch_ID>.zip file to a bucket in Object Storage. See Uploading an Object Storage Object to a Bucket.
  7. Add the Object Storage bucket name to the platform-specific property, Patch Bucket Name (Platform Config) as follows:
    1. Open the navigation menu and click Observability & Management. Under Fleet Application Management, click Administration.
    2. Select the checkbox next to Patch Bucket Name (Platform Config) property name, and then select Edit. Add the bucket name.
Check for fleet compliance issues after applying patches.

Downloading Oracle WebLogic Server Patches

Download patches for Oracle WebLogic Server versions and from My Oracle Support.

Ensure that you have already signed in to My Oracle Support and navigated to your account.
  1. In the "Affected Products and Patch Information" table on the critical patch update page, find the row for Oracle WebLogic Server, versions, in the "Affected Product and Versions" column.
  2. In the "Patch Availability Document" column for that row, click the Fusion Middleware link.
    The Fusion Middleware critical patch update page opens in My Oracle Support.
  3. From the left side page, select Oracle Weblogic Server
    You can select a required Oracle WebLogic Server version, as applicable.
    A table is displayed that lists information about the Oracle WebLogic Server patch bundle with a patch number.
  4. In the "Patch Advisor" column, select Click here.
    The critical patch update patch advisor for the Oracle Fusion Middleware page opens.
  5. On the Introduction tab, review information about all security patches.
  6. (Optional) Under Final CPU Information, find the support information for a specific Oracle WebLogic Server. For example, Oracle WebLogic Server shows critical patch update support until January 2028. After that date, no patches are available for Oracle WebLogic Server
  7. Click the FMW Infrastructure/Weblogic Server tab.
  8. To download all Oracle WebLogic Server patches, click the patch links under Option 2 and download the files to a local computer.

    You don't need to download Stack Patch Bundle (SPB) files under Option 1.
  9. To download all FMW Infrastructure files, in the FMW Infrastructure / WebLogic Server pane on the left side of the page, click each of the supported FMW Infrastructure versions and download all of the patches to a local computer.
  10. Proceed to the next section, "Downloading JDK Files."

Downloading JDK Patches

Download the latest patches for Java 7, Java 8, and Java 11 from My Oracle Support.

Ensure you have already signed in to My Oracle Support and navigated to your account.
  1. Go back to the critical patch update page (from Critical Patch Updates, Security Alerts and Bulletins, click the latest patch update).
  2. In the "Affected Products and Patch Information" table on the critical patch update page, find the row for Oracle GraalVM Enterprise Edition in the "Affected Product and Versions" column.
  3. In the "Patch Availability Document" column for that row, click the Java SE link.
    The Oracle Java SE critical patch update page opens in My Oracle Support.
  4. Under Patch Availability, search and download patches for JDK 7, JDK 8, and JDK 11.

    To download the JDK patches, select only the patches that support Linux x86 64 platform. You don't need to download JRE patches.
  5. After downloading patches for JDK 7, JDK 8, and JDK 11, unzip each of these.
    Save the tar.gz files created for JDK 7, JDK 8, and JDK 11.
  6. Proceed to the next section, "Packaging All Files."

Packaging All Patches

Create a folder that contains Oracle WebLogic Server and JDK patches.

  1. On the local computer where you downloaded the patch files, create a folder and name it as the patch ID of the Oracle WebLogic Server bundle, for example, 36124787.
  2. Create subfolders such as JDK and WLS, and add the JDK and Oracle WebLogic Server patches to the folders in the format shown in the following example:
    ├── JDK
    │   └── x86_64
    │       ├── jdk-11.0.22_linux-x64_bin.tar.gz
    │       ├── jdk-7u411-linux-x64.tar.gz
    │       └── jdk-8u401-linux-x64.tar.gz
    └── WLS
  3. Compress the folder contents into a zip file. The zip file name can be <patch_ID>.zip, for example,
  4. Go to step 6 under "Working with Oracle Patches."