Listing Connectors

List connectors in Connector Hub.

    1. Open the navigation menu and select Analytics & AI. Under Messaging, select Connector Hub.
    2. To view the resources in a different compartment, use the Compartment filter to switch compartments.
      You must have permission to work in a compartment to see the resources in it. If you're not sure which compartment to use, contact an administrator. For more information, see Understanding Compartments.
    3. Optionally filter the list by connector state.
      For example, filter for active connectors.
  • Use the oci sch service-connector list command and required parameters to list connectors:

    oci sch service-connector list --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListServiceConnectors operation to list connectors.