Editing a Steering Policy

Edit information for a Traffic Management steering policy such as name, TTL, answers, health checks, and tags.

Domain attachments are added and published in a different workflow. See Attaching a Domain to a Policy for more information. See Overview of Traffic Management for a feature overview and general information.
    1. Open the navigation menu and select Networking. Under DNS management, select Traffic management steering policies.
    2. Under List scope, select the compartment that contains the policy.
    3. Click the name of the policy in the list to open its details page.
    4. Click Edit.
    5. Update the policy information.
      For descriptions of the fields, see Overview of Traffic Management and select the task that pertains to the type of policy you're editing.
    6. Click Save changes.
    7. On the policy details page, edit, add, or delete tags as follows:
      • To edit or remove a tag, click the Tags tab, click the edit icon next to a tag, and change its value or remove it.
      • To add one or more tags, click Add tags and enter the tag namespace (for a defined tag), key, and value.
  • Use the steering-policy update command and required parameters to edit a steering policy:

    oci dns steering-policy edit --steering-policy-id steering_policy_OCID ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateSteeringPolicy operation to edit details about a steering policy.