Deleting a Domain Attachment

Delete a domain attachment to a Traffic Management steering policy.

See Overview of Traffic Management for a feature overview and more information about traffic management steering policies and domain attachments.
    1. Open the navigation menu and select Networking. Under DNS management, select Traffic management steering policies.
    2. Select a compartment from the list.
    3. Click the name of the policy you want to view domain attachments for.

      You can use search for a policy by name in the Search field. You can also use the Time Created sort filter to sort the policies chronologically in ascending or descending order.
    4. Under Resources, click Attached domains.
      Domain attachments are listed in tabular form.
    5. Click the domain attachment in the list you want to delete, and then select Delete from the Actions menu (Actions Menu).
      The domain attachment is staged for deletion.
    6. Click View changes to review the attached domain deletion information, and then click Publish.
    7. Click Publish changes.
  • Use the steering-policy delete command and required parameters to delete a steering policy attachment.

    oci dns steering-policy-attachment delete --steering-policy-attachment-id steering_policy_attachment_OCID ... [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the DeleteSteeringPolicyAttachment operation to delete a steering policy domain attachment.