Use the oci organizations organization-tenancy approve-organization-tenancy-for-transfer
command to transfer a created child tenancy to another organization.
The following example scenario assumes you have a created child tenancy that you want to transfer from an existing MyOldParentTenancy tenancy, to the new Pay As You Go MyNewParentTenancy tenancy. After the child tenancy has been transferred out of MyOldParentTenancy, you can invite the child tenancy to join the new MyNewParentTenancy tenancy. Lastly, you must update the subscription mapping in the new MyNewParentTenancy tenancy to ensure all tenancies (including future tenancies) use the existing subscription from the MyOldParentTenancy tenancy.
Tenancy details are the following:
Tenancy Name |
MyOldParentTenancy |
ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<old-parent-tenancy-unique_ID> |
MyNewParentTenancy |
ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<new-parent-tenancy-unique_ID> |
childtenancy1 |
ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<child-tenancy1-unique_ID> |
To transfer a created child tenancy:
While signed in as an administrator to MyOldParentTenancy, make a note of the subscription ID, because you will need it later to change the subscription mapping.
Open the navigation menu and select Governance & Administration. Under Organization Management, select Subscription Mapping. On the Subscription Mapping page, copy the subscription ID from the Subscription ID field.
Transfer childtenancy1 to MyNewParentTenancy. While signed in as the administrator to MyOldParentTenancy, select the home region of your child tenancy and open Cloud Shell.
Run the following command:
oci organizations organization-tenancy approve-organization-tenancy-for-transfer --compartment-id ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<old-parent-tenancy-unique_ID> --organization-tenancy-id ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<child-tenancy1-unique_ID>
You can verify command success by examining the output:
"data": {
"is-approved-for-transfer": true,
"lifecycle-state": "ACTIVE",
"name": null,
"role": "CHILD",
"tenancy-id": "ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<unique_ID>"
"time-joined": "<date-time>",
"time-left": null
For more information on the CLI, see oci organizations organization-tenancy approve-organization-tenancy-for-transfer.
Sign out of MyOldParentTenancy, and then sign in to MyNewParentTenancy.
Follow the steps in Inviting a Tenancy to Join an Organization to invite childtenancy1.
In Recipient tenancy OCID, enter the OCID for childtenancy1 (ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<child-tenancy1-unique_ID>).
Select Next and skip selection of any governance rules.
Review the summary step to ensure the invited tenancy settings you specified are correct. Select Invite tenancy to invite childtenancy1.
Check the recipient email and follow the instructions to accept the invitation and complete the transfer process.
You can repeat the previous steps for any extra tenancies, adjusting the
oci organizations organization-tenancy approve-organization-tenancy-for-transfer
command and the tenancy invitation to reflect the OCIDs for further tenancies.
After the child tenancy has been transferred out of the old parent tenancy, the old parent tenancy can also be invited to become a child tenancy of the new parent tenancy. Follow the steps in Inviting a Tenancy to Join an Organization to invite MyOldParentTenancy to join MyNewParentTenancy.
In Recipient tenancy OCID, enter the OCID for MyOldParentTenancy (ocid1.tenancy.oc1..<old-parent-tenancy-unique_ID>).
Select Next and skip selection of any governance rules.
Review the summary step to ensure the invited tenancy settings you specified are correct. Select Invite tenancy to invite MyOldParentTenancy.
Check the recipient email and follow the instructions to accept the invitation and complete the transfer process.
Follow the instructions in Subscription Mapping to remap the subscription that was used by MyOldParentTenancy to MyNewParentTenancy, ensuring that you map the subscription to all tenancies.
For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.