Cluster Add-on Configuration Arguments

Find out about the configuration arguments that you can pass to cluster add-ons.

When you enable a cluster add-on, you can specify one or more key/value pairs to pass as arguments to the cluster add-on.

If the value of a key is required in JSON format, you can specify the value in plain text or Base64 encoded. For example, you could specify either of the following as the value of the coreDnsContainerResources key:

  • {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}} (plain text)
  • eyJsaW1pdHMiOiB7ImNwdSI6ICI1MDBtIiwgIm1lbW9yeSI6ICIyMDBNaSIgfSwgInJlcXVlc3RzIjogeyJjcHUiOiAiMTAwbSIsICJtZW1vcnkiOiAiMTAwTWkifX0= (Base64 encoded)

If the value of a key is required in JSON form, depending on the OCI tool you are using, you might have to escape double quotation marks in the key value with single backslash characters, as follows:

  • If you are specifying the value of a key when using the Console, do not escape double quotation marks in the key value. For example, when using the Console to specify the value of the cluster-autoscaler container resources key, enter the following:
    {"limits":{"cpu": "250m", "memory": "400Mi"}, "requests": {"cpu": "50m", "memory": "200Mi"}}
  • If you are specifying the value of a key when using the CLI or API, always escape double quotation marks in the key value with a single backslash. For example, when using the CLI to specify the value of the cluster-autoscaler container resources key, use the following notation:
    { "key": "cluster-autoscaler.ContainerResources", "value": "{\"limits\":{\"cpu\": \"250m\", \"memory\": \"400Mi\"}, \"requests\": {\"cpu\": \"50m\", \"memory\": \"200Mi\"}}" }

kube-proxy add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the kube-proxy cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
customizeKubeProxyConfigMap customize kube-proxy configMap

If you want Oracle to manage Kube-proxy for you automatically, set customizeKubeProxyConfigMap to false (the default).

If you want to customize Kube-proxy behavior, set customizeKubeProxyConfigMap to true and create a kube-proxy configMap in the kube-system namespace.

Required false true
kube-proxy.ContainerResources kube-proxy container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

CoreDNS add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the CoreDNS cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
coreDnsContainerResources CoreDNS container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

customizeCoreDNSConfigMap customize CoreDNS configMap

If you want Oracle to manage CoreDNS for you automatically, set customizeCoreDNSConfigMap to false (the default).

If you want to customize CoreDNS behavior, set customizeCoreDNSConfigMap to true and create a coredns configMap in the kube-system namespace.

Required false true
minReplica min replica

The minimum number of replicas of the CoreDNS deployment.

Required 1

Creates a total of one pod in the cluster.


Creates a total of two pods in the cluster.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

nodesPerReplica nodes per replica

The number of CoreDNS replicas per cluster node.

Required 1

Creates a replica on every node.


Creates a replica on every second node.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

OCI VCN-Native Pod Networking CNI plugin add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the OCI VCN-Native Pod Networking CNI plugin cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
install-cni-ips.ContainerResources install-cni-ips container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

flannel add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the flannel CNI plugin cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
kube-flannel.ContainerResources kube-flannel container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which add-on pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Kubernetes Dashboard add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Kubernetes Dashboard cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
kubernetes-dashboard.ContainerResources kubernetes-dashboard container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the Kubernetes Dashboard deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Tiller add-on configuration arguments (not recommended)

When you enable the Tiller cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments.

Note that Tiller was removed from Helm in version 3 (and later versions) due to known security risks. Because of those security risks, we strongly recommend that you do not deploy Tiller on production clusters. For the same reason, the Tiller add-on is not shown in the Console. If you decide that you do want to deploy the Tiller add-on despite the security risks, use the OCI CLI or API.

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tiller.ContainerResources tiller container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Oracle Database Operator for Kubernetes cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
manager.ContainerResources manager container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the Database Operator deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

WebLogic Kubernetes Operator add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the WebLogic Kubernetes Operator cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the Weblogic Operator deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
weblogic-operator.ContainerResources weblogic-operator container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

weblogic-operator-webhook.ContainerResources weblogic-operator-webhook container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

Certificate Manager add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Certificate Manager cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
cert-manager-cainjector.ContainerResources cert-manager-cainjector container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

cert-manager-controller.ContainerResources cert-manager-controller container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

cert-manager-webhook.ContainerResources cert-manager-webhook container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the Certificate Manager deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Cluster Autoscaler add-on add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Cluster Autoscaler add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Commonly used configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
cluster-autoscaler.ContainerResources cluster-autoscaler container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the Cluster Autoscaler add-on deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Other configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value
annotations annotations

Annotations to pass to the Cluster Autoscaler deployment.

For example, "{\"\":\"true\",\"\":\"8086\"}"

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional ""
authType authType The authentication type the Cluster Autoscaler uses while making requests, as one of:
  • instance specifies instance principal
  • workload specifies workload identity
Required instance
balanceSimilarNodeGroups balanceSimilarNodeGroups Detect similar node groups and balance the number of nodes between them. Optional false
balancingIgnoreLabel balancingIgnoreLabel Define a node label that should be ignored when considering node group similarity. One label per flag occurrence. The format is label1, label2. Optional ""
balancingLabel balancingLabel Define a node label to use when comparing node group similarity. If set, all other comparison logic is disabled, and only labels are considered when comparing groups. One label per flag occurrence. The format is label1, label2. Optional ""
cordonNodeBeforeTerminating (Not shown in Console) Should CA cordon nodes before terminating during downscale process. Optional false
coresTotal (Not shown in Console) Minimum and maximum number of cores in cluster, in the format <min>:<max>. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. Optional 0:320000
daemonsetEvictionForEmptyNodes (Not shown in Console) Whether DaemonSet pods will be gracefully terminated from empty nodes. Optional false
daemonsetEvictionForOccupiedNodes (Not shown in Console) Whether DaemonSet pods will be gracefully terminated from non-empty nodes. Optional true
debuggingSnapshotEnabled (Not shown in Console) Whether the debugging snapshot of cluster autoscaler feature is enabled. Optional false
emitPerNodegroupMetrics (Not shown in Console) If true, emit per node group metrics. Optional false
enforceNodeGroupMinSize (Not shown in Console) Should CA scale up the node group to the configured min size if needed. Optional false
estimator (Not shown in Console) Type of resource estimator to be used in scale up. Optional binpacking
expander expander Type of node group expander to be used in scale up.

Note that expander=price is not supported.

Optional random
expendablePodsPriorityCutoff (Not shown in Console) Pods with priority below cutoff will be expendable. They can be killed without any consideration during scale down and they don't cause scale up. Pods with null priority (PodPriority disabled) are non-expendable. Optional -10
ignoreDaemonsetsUtilization (Not shown in Console) Whether DaemonSet pods will be ignored when calculating resource utilization for scaling down. Optional false
ignoreMirrorPodsUtilization (Not shown in Console) Whether Mirror pods will be ignored when calculating resource utilization for scaling down. Optional false
leaderElect (Not shown in Console) Start a leader election client and gain leadership before executing the main loop. Enable this when running replicated components for high availability. Optional true
leaderElectLeaseDuration (Not shown in Console) The duration that non-leader candidates will wait after observing a leadership renewal until attempting to acquire leadership of a led but un-renewed leader slot. This is effectively the maximum duration that a leader can be stopped before it is replaced by another candidate. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. Optional 15s
leaderElectRenewDeadline (Not shown in Console) The interval between attempts by the active cluster autoscaler to renew a leadership slot before it stops leading. This must be less than or equal to the lease duration. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. Optional 10s
leaderElectResourceLock (Not shown in Console) The type of resource object that is used for locking during leader election. Supported options are leases (default), endpoints, endpointsleases, configmaps, and configmapsleases. Optional leases
leaderElectRetryPeriod (Not shown in Console) The duration the clients should wait between attempting acquisition and renewal of a leadership. This is only applicable if leader election is enabled. Optional 2s
maxAutoprovisionedNodeGroupCount (Not shown in Console) The maximum number of auto-provisioned groups in the cluster. Optional 15
maxEmptyBulkDelete maxEmptyBulkDelete Maximum number of empty nodes that can be deleted at the same time. Optional 10
maxFailingTime (Not shown in Console) Maximum time from last recorded successful autoscaler run before automatic restart. Optional 15m
maxGracefulTerminationSec (Not shown in Console) Maximum number of seconds CA waits for pod termination when trying to scale down a node. Optional 600
maxInactivity (Not shown in Console) Maximum time from last recorded autoscaler activity before automatic restart. Optional 10m
maxNodeProvisionTime maxNodeProvisionTime Maximum time CA waits for node to be provisioned. Optional 15m
maxNodesTotal (Not shown in Console) Maximum number of nodes in all node pools. Cluster autoscaler will not grow the cluster beyond this number. Optional 0
maxTotalUnreadyPercentage (Not shown in Console) Maximum percentage of unready nodes in the cluster. After this is exceeded, CA halts operations. Optional 45
memoryTotal (Not shown in Console) Minimum and maximum number of gigabytes of memory in cluster, in the format <min>:<max>. Cluster autoscaler will not scale the cluster beyond these numbers. Optional 0:6400000
minReplicaCount (Not shown in Console) Minimum number or replicas that a replica set or replication controller should have to allow their pods deletion in scale down. Optional 0
nodes nodes

A list of Minimum number of nodes, Maximum number of nodes, and the OCID of the nodepool to be managed by cluster autoscaler.

The format is <min>:<max>:<node-pool1-ocid>, <min>:<max>:<node-pool2-ocid>.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Required ""
okTotalUnreadyCount (Not shown in Console) Number of allowed unready nodes, irrespective of max-total-unready-percentage. Optional 3
recordDuplicatedEvents (Not shown in Console) Enable the autoscaler to print duplicated events within a 5 minute window. Optional false
scaleDownCandidatesPoolMinCount (Not shown in Console)

Minimum number of nodes that are considered as additional non empty candidates for scale down when some candidates from previous iteration are no longer valid. When calculating the pool size for additional candidates we take.

max(#nodes * scale-down-candidates-pool-ratio,
Required 50
scaleDownCandidatesPoolRatio (Not shown in Console) A ratio of nodes that are considered as additional non-empty candidates for scale down when some candidates from previous iteration are no longer valid. Lower value means better CA responsiveness but possible slower scale down latency. Higher value can affect CA performance with big clusters (hundreds of nodes). Set to 1.0 to turn this heuristics off - CA will take all nodes as additional candidates. Required 0.1
scaleDownDelayAfterAdd scaleDownDelayAfterAdd How long after scale up that scale down evaluation resumes. Required 10m
scaleDownDelayAfterDelete (Not shown in Console) How long after node deletion that scale down evaluation resumes, defaults to scan-interval. Required 10s
scaleDownDelayAfterFailure (Not shown in Console) How long after scale down failure that scale down evaluation resumes. Required 3m
scaleDownEnabled scaleDownEnabled Should CA scale down the cluster. Optional true
scaleDownNonEmptyCandidatesCount (Not shown in Console) Maximum number of non empty nodes considered in one iteration as candidates for scale down with drain. Lower value means better CA responsiveness but possible slower scale down latency. Higher value can affect CA performance with big clusters (hundreds of nodes). Set to non positive value to turn this heuristic off - CA will not limit the number of nodes it considers. Required 30
scaleDownUnneededTime scaleDownUnneededTime How long a node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. Required 10m
scaleDownUnreadyTime (Not shown in Console) How long an unready node should be unneeded before it is eligible for scale down. Required 20m
scaleDownUtilizationThreshold (Not shown in Console) Node utilization level, defined as sum of requested resources divided by capacity, below which a node can be considered for scale down. Required 0.5
scanInterval scanInterval How often cluster is re-evaluated for scale up or down. Optional 10s
skipNodesWithCustomControllerPods (Not shown in Console) If true, cluster autoscaler will never delete nodes with pods owned by custom controllers. Optional true
skipNodesWithLocalStorage (Not shown in Console) If true, cluster autoscaler will never delete nodes with pods with local storage, e.g. EmptyDir or HostPath. Optional true
skipNodesWithSystemPods (Not shown in Console) If true, cluster autoscaler will never delete nodes with pods from kube-system (except for DaemonSet or mirror pods). Optional true
statusConfigMapName (Not shown in Console) The name of the status ConfigMap that CA writes. Optional cluster-autoscaler-status
stderrthreshold (Not shown in Console) The log severity threshold, beyond which logs are sent to stderr. For example, if you set this to error, all logs with a severity higher than error are sent to stderr. Optional info
unremovableNodeRecheckTimeout unremovableNodeRecheckTimeout The timeout before we check again a node that couldn't be removed before. Required 5m
v (Not shown in Console) The number for the verbosity of logging. Optional 0
writeStatusConfigmap (Not shown in Console) Should CA write status information to a configmap. Optional true

Istio add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Istio cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Commonly used configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
discovery.ContainerResources discovery.ContainerResources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the add-on deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Other configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
customizeConfigMap customizeConfigMap

If you want Oracle to manage Istio for you automatically, set customizeConfigMap to false (the default).

If you want to customize Istio using istioctl (or another tool supported by Istio) and you want to retain the customizations when Oracle updates the add-on, set customizeConfigMap to true.

Required false true
discovery.EnvVariables discovery.EnvVariables

List of Istio control plane discovery container environment variables, in JSON format.

Optional null [{"name":"ISTIO_GPRC_MAXRECVMSGSIZE","value":"8388608"},{"name":"ISTIO_GPRC_MAXSTREAMS","value":"150000"}]
enableIngressGateway enableIngressGateway Enable Istio ingress gateway Required false true
istio-ingressgateway.Annotations istio-ingressgateway.Annotations

Annotations to pass to the Istio deployment.

For example, to specify the load balancer shape, or whether to create the load balancer as a network load balancer. For more annotations, see Summary of Annotations for Load Balancers and Network Load Balancers.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional ""


{"": "nlb"}

istio-ingressgateway.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMinReplicas istio-ingressgateway.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMinReplicas

Minimum number of replicas of the Istio ingress gateway horizontal pod autoscaler.

Must be an integer, with a value greater than zero.

Optional null 1
istio-ingressgateway.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMaxReplicas istio-ingressgateway.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMaxReplicas

Maximum number of replicas of the Istio ingress gateway horizontal pod autoscaler.

Must be an integer, with a value greater than zero.

Optional null 3
istio-ingressgateway.PodDisruptionBudgetMinAvailable istio-ingressgateway.PodDisruptionBudgetMinAvailable

Minimum number or percentage of Istio ingress gateway pods available.

Optional null



istiod.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMinReplicas istiod.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMinReplicas

Minimum number of replicas of the Istio controller.

Must be an integer, with a value greater than zero.

Optional null 1
istiod.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMaxReplicas istiod.HorizontalPodAutoscalerMaxReplicas

Maximum number of replicas of the Istio controller.

Must be an integer, with a value greater than zero.

Optional null 3
istiod.PodDisruptionBudgetMinAvailable istiod.PodDisruptionBudgetMinAvailable

Minimum number or percentage of Istio controller pods available.

Optional null



profile profile Istio installation profile Required "oke-default" "oke-default"

OCI Native Ingress Controller add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the OCI native ingress controller cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Commonly used configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
oci-native-ingress-controller.ContainerResources native-ingress-controller container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.

nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the add-on deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Other configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
authSecretName authSecretName The name of the Kubernetes secret to use for user authentication when authType is set to user. Optional "" oci-config
authType authType The authentication type that the OCI native ingress controller uses while making requests, as one of:
  • instance specifies instance principal (managed nodes only)
  • user specifies user principal (managed and virtual nodes)
  • workload specifies workload identity (managed and virtual nodes)
Optional instance workload
compartmentId compartmentId The OCID of the compartment in which the OCI native ingress controller is to create the OCI load balancer and certificate. Required "" ocid1.compartment.oc1..aaaaaaaa______ddq
controllerClass controllerClass The name of the controller specified in your ingressClass that is to be managed by the oci-native-ingress-controller. Optional
leaseLockName leaseLockName The name of the lease to use for leader election. Optional oci-native-ingress-controller oci-native-ingress-controller
leaseLockNamespace leaseLockNamespace The namespace of the lease. Optional native-ingress-controller-system native-ingress-controller-system
loadBalancerSubnetId loadBalancerSubnetId The OCID of the load balancer's subnet. Required "" ocid1.subnet.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaa______dba
logVerbosity logVerbosity The number for the verbosity of logging. Optional 4 2
metricsBackend metricsBackend The name of the metrics backend. Optional prometheus prometheus
metricsPort metricsPort The metrics port. Optional 2223 2223

Kubernetes Metrics Server add-on configuration arguments

When you enable the Kubernetes Metrics Server cluster add-on, you can pass the following key/value pairs as arguments:

Commonly used configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
affinity affinity

A group of affinity scheduling rules.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
nodeSelectors node selectors

You can use node selectors and node labels to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node, the pod's node selector must have the same key/value as the node's label.

Set nodeSelectors to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's node selector, and the worker node's label.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"foo":"bar", "foo2": "bar2"}

The pod will only run on nodes that have the foo=bar or foo2=bar2 label.

numOfReplicas numOfReplicas The number of replicas of the add-on deployment. Required 1

Creates one replica of the add-on deployment per cluster.


Creates two replicas of the add-on deployment per cluster.

rollingUpdate rollingUpdate

Controls the desired behavior of rolling update by maxSurge and maxUnavailable.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null
tolerations tolerations

You can use taints and tolerations to control the worker nodes on which pods run.

For a pod to run on a node that has a taint, the pod must have a corresponding toleration.

Set tolerations to a key/value pair that matches both the pod's toleration, and the worker node's taint.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null [{"key":"tolerationKeyFoo", "value":"tolerationValBar", "effect":"noSchedule", "operator":"exists"}]

Only pods that have this toleration can run on worker nodes that have the tolerationKeyFoo=tolerationValBar:noSchedule taint.

topologySpreadConstraints topologySpreadConstraints

How to spread matching pods among the given topology.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null null

Other configuration arguments

Key (API and CLI) Key's Display Name (Console) Description Required/Optional Default Value Example Value
metrics-server.ContainerResources metrics-server container resources

You can specify the resource quantities that the add-on containers request, and set resource usage limits that the add-on containers cannot exceed.

JSON format in plain text or Base64 encoded.

Optional null {"limits": {"cpu": "500m", "memory": "200Mi" }, "requests": {"cpu": "100m", "memory": "100Mi"}}

Create add-on containers that request 100 milllicores of CPU, and 100 mebibytes of memory. Limit add-on containers to 500 milllicores of CPU, and 200 mebibytes of memory.