Configuring the OCI Native Ingress Controller

Find out how to configure and customize the OCI native ingress controller to load balance and route incoming traffic to service pods running on worker nodes in a Kubernetes cluster.

When you have installed the OCI native ingress controller (either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) and created the necessary Kubernetes ingress-related resources to use it, you can configure the OCI native ingress controller by:

Specifying Route Rules for the OCI Native Ingress Controller

To specify how the OCI load balancer created by the OCI native ingress controller (installed either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) routes incoming requests, you specify route rules in the Ingress manifest.

Route requests based on host

You can configure the OCI native ingress controller to route an incoming request based on the domain name in the request's Host header (the host to which the request was originally sent).

To route a request to a particular backend service and port based on the host, create a route rule in the Ingress manifest. If the host matches the route rule, the OCI native ingress controller routes the request to the associated backend service and port.

For example, you might define the following rule to route requests originally sent to to a backend service named ServiceA on port 80. All incoming traffic originally sent to is routed to ServiceA on port 80.

kind: Ingress
  - host: ""
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /
            serviceName: ServiceA
            servicePort: 80

Route requests to different backend services based on path

You can configure the OCI native ingress controller to route incoming requests to different backend services, based on elements in the path to which the requests were originally sent.

To route a request to a particular backend service and port based on the path, create a route rule in the Ingress manifest. If the path matches the route rule, the OCI native ingress controller routes the request to the associated backend service and port. You can specify multiple paths in the same rule, to route requests to different backends.

For example, you might define the following rule to route requests based on the path to which the request was originally sent:

  • If the path starts with /app1, the OCI native ingress controller routes the request to a backend service named ServiceA on port 80.
  • If the path starts with /app2, the OCI native ingress controller routes the request to a backend service named ServiceB on port 443.

Since the rule does not specify a host, the rule applies to all incoming traffic.

kind: Ingress
    - http:
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /app1
            serviceName: ServiceA
            servicePort: 80
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /app2
            serviceName: ServiceB
            servicePort: 443

Route requests based on host and path

You can configure the OCI native ingress controller to route an incoming request based on both the domain name in the request's Host header (the host to which the request was originally sent) and elements in the path to which the original request was sent.

To route a request to a particular backend service and port based on the host and path, create a route rule in the Ingress manifest. If the host and path match the route rule, the OCI native ingress controller routes the request to the associated backend service and port.

For example, you might define the following rule to route requests originally sent to to a backend service named foo on port 80:

kind: Ingress
  - host: ""
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /app1
            serviceName: foo
            servicePort: 80

Route requests to a default backend

You can configure the OCI native ingress controller to route incoming requests to a default backend. You might configure a default backend to handle requests that do not match any route rules.

For example, you might define the following defaultBackend to route requests that do not match other rules in the Ingress manifest to a backend service named ServiceC on port 8080.

Note that if you do not specify any other rules in an Ingress manifest, you must specify a defaultBackend.

kind: Ingress
    - http:
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /app1
            serviceName: ServiceA
            servicePort: 80
        - pathType: Prefix
          path: /app2
            serviceName: ServiceB
            servicePort: 443
      name: ServiceC
        number: 8080

Customizing OCI Native Ingress Controller Behavior Using Annotations

You can add annotations to the IngressClass or the Ingress resource manifests to customize the behavior of the OCI native ingress controller (installed either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on).

Customizing general behavior using annotations

You can add annotations to the IngressClass or the Ingress resource manifests to customize general behavior of the OCI native ingress controller.

Annotation Description Add annotation to this resource manifest Example OCID of an existing OCI load balancer to use, rather than creating a new one.

Note that if you do specify an existing load balancer, the OCI native ingress controller manages the load balancer and updates its properties as necessary to align with values in the IngressClassParameters, IngressClass, and Ingress resource manifests.

IngressClass ocid1.loadbalancer.oc1.iad.aaaaaaaan___u7a One or more defined tags to apply to the load balancer, in JSON format.

See Applying defined tags to the load balancer.

IngressClass '{"tag-namespace-1": {"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}, "tag-namespace-2": {"key1": "value1"}}' One or more free-form tags to apply to the load balancer, in JSON format.

See Applying free-form tags to the load balancer.

IngressClass '{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}' "true" Whether to preserve the load balancer if the IngressClass is deleted.

If set to true, the load balancer is preserved. If not specified, false is the default and the load balancer is deleted if the IngressClass is deleted.

See Preserving the Load Balancer After IngressClass Deletion.

IngressClass "true" One or more OCIDs of network security groups (NSGs) to which to add the load balancer, in a comma-delimited list. If not specified, the load balancer is not added to any NSGs. IngressClass 'ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1.iad.agx___kby, ocid1.networksecuritygroup.oc1.iad.ahr___mlo' OCID of an existing web application firewall (WAF) policy. See Web Application Firewall Policies. IngressClass ocid1.webappfirewallpolicy.oc1.iad.ama___aqq Protocol to use for listener on the load balancer. One of HTTP2 or TCP.

(Note that if you specify HTTP2 as the protocol, a TLS-configured listener is required.)

Ingress "HTTP2" Whether backend service pods can receive TLS requests.

If set to false, TLS requests terminate at the load balancer listener, and requests between the backend set and the backends are exchanged in plain text.

Ingress "false"

Create a single listener port for all HTTP paths under this ingress, rather than creating a listener port for each service port. The routing policies are configured accordingly.

Ingress "100" Create a single listener port for all HTTPS paths under this ingress, rather than creating a listener port for each service port. The routing policies are configured accordingly. Ingress "500" Policy to be used by the load balancer backend set for traffic distribution. Ingress "ROUND_ROBIN"

Customizing health check behavior using annotations

You can add annotations to the Ingress resource manifest to customize the health checks performed by the load balancer created by the OCI native ingress controller. For more information about load balancer health checks, see Health Checks for Load Balancers.

Annotation Description Add annotation to this resource manifest Example Protocol to use for the load balancer backend set health checks. Ingress "HTTP" Port to use for the load balancer backend set health checks. Ingress "80" Path to use for the load balancer backend set health checks. Ingress "/test" Interval between the load balancer backend set health checks. Ingress "1000" Period of time after which the load balancer backend set health check is considered to have failed. Ingress "750" Number of retries after which the load balancer backend set health check is considered to have failed. Ingress "5" Status code the load balancer backend set must return in response to a health check to be considered healthy. Ingress "200" Regular expression for parsing the response body from the load balancer backend set. You can specify any regex value (such as * or / ), or an empty value. Ingress "*" Whether to send a health check to the load balancer backend without SSL (HTTP only). If not specified, false is the default. Ingress "true"

Setting Up a Pod Readiness Gate

Pod readiness gates are additional conditions included in a pod manifest to indicate that a pod is ready to receive traffic. Pod readiness gates enable you to implement complex custom readiness checks, and can help to achieve zero downtime during rolling deployments. For more information, see pod readiness details in the Kubernetes documentation.

When using the OCI native ingress controller (either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) with a cluster that has VCN-native pod networking as the network type, you can specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to inject a pod readiness gate into the pod spec of every pod created in a particular namespace. Note that you cannot use the OCI native ingress controller to inject pod readiness gates into pod specs if the cluster has Flannel overlay as the network type.

Specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to inject a pod readiness gate into the pod spec of every pod created in a particular namespace by entering:

kubectl label ns <namespace>

The OCI native ingress controller injects a condition into the pod spec of every pod created in the namespace. For example:

kind: Pod
      - conditionType:
You can verify the status of pod readiness gates by entering:
kubectl get pods -o wide -w
Example output:
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE   IP            NODE          NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
testecho-7cdcfff87f-b6xt4                        1/1     Running   0          35s   <none>           0/1
testecho-7cdcfff87f-b6xt4                        1/1     Running   0          72s   <none>           1/1

Setting up TCP Listeners

You can use the OCI native ingress controller (either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) to set up load balancer listeners as TCP listeners. Each TCP listener simply forwards TCP traffic received on a particular port to the backend service specified for that port in an Ingress resource manifest, without performing any transport layer 7 routing.

You set the annotation to specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to create a TCP listener for each unique port that is included in routing rules in an Ingress resource manifest.

To specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to create TCP listeners:

  1. Define a new ingress resource in a .yaml file. See Create Ingress resource.
  2. In the metadata: section, add an annotations: element and set the annotation to TCP, in the format:
    kind: Ingress
      name: <i-name>
      annotations: TCP

    where name: <i-name> is your choice of name for the ingress resource.

    For example:

    kind: Ingress
      name: ingress-pass-through
      annotations: TCP
  3. In the rules: section of the Ingress resource manifest, add a rule for each listener that is to receive TCP traffic:
    • (recommended) Set paths.pathType to ImplementationSpecific.
    • Set to the name of the backend service.
    • Set paths.backend.service.port.number to the port on which to listen for TCP traffic, and to which to forward the TCP traffic.

    For example, if you want a TCP listener listening on port 8080 to forward TCP traffic to my-first-svc:8080, and a TCP listener listening on port 8081 to forward TCP traffic to my-second-svc:8081, you might set up an Ingress resource manifest as follows:

    kind: Ingress
      name: ingress-pass-through
      annotations: TCP
        - http:
              - pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                    name: my-first-svc
                      number: 8080
        - http:
              - pathType: ImplementationSpecific
                    name: my-second-svc
                      number: 8081 
  4. Create the resource by entering kubectl create -f <filename>.yaml

Adding Support for HTTPS/TLS Requests

You can use the OCI native ingress controller (either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) to support secure HTTPS communication. Using the OCI native ingress controller, you can set up OCI load balancer listeners and backend sets to handle traffic encrypted using TLS (formerly SSL).

When using the OCI native ingress controller to support HTTPS communication, you have two options:

When handling HTTPS traffic, the OCI load balancer created by the OCI native ingress controller implements end-to-end TLS by default. The load balancer uses certificates to accept a TLS encrypted request from a client, and then uses routing rules to forward the request to the appropriate backend set. The backend set creates a new TLS connection with backends running on the cluster (using the CA bundle as the trust authority for the new connection).

Note the following:

  • If you delete an IngressClass resource, the OCI native ingress controller deletes the load balancer it created, or deletes the existing load balancer specified by the annotation (unless you have set "true"). However, note that the ingress controller does not delete resources created in the OCI Certificates service. You are responsible for deleting any such Certificates service resources. In particular, if you specified a Kubernetes secret in the Ingress resource manifest, note that you are responsible for deleting any Certificates service resources that the OCI native ingress controller has created for you.
  • Certificates obtained from the OCI Certificates service of type Imported cannot be automatically rotated. If you want certificates rotated automatically, manually obtain a certificate in the OCI Certificates service yourself by specifying that you want the certificate to be issued by a Certificates service internal CA (the certificates are of type Issued by internal CA). You can configure certificates of type Issued by internal CA to be automatically rotated.
  • If you specify a Kubernetes secret in the Ingress resource manifest, the certificates the OCI native ingress controller obtains from the Certificates service are of type Imported and therefore are not rotated automatically. However, you can manually renew the certificate obtained from the Certificates service by changing the details of the current server certificate specified in the existing Kubernetes secret. When you change the server certificate details, the OCI native ingress controller updates corresponding details of the certificate obtained from the Certificates service.

    Note that changing subject information in the current server certificate (Common Name, Organization Name, Subject Alternative Names) is not supported by the Certificates service. If you do want to change subject information, delete the original Kubernetes secret and create a new secret with the same name. The OCI native ingress controller obtains a new certificate of type Imported and a new CA bundle from the Certificates service and associates them with the listener and the backend set (replacing the previous certificate and CA bundle).

  • A listener can only be associated with one certificate. Therefore, do not create multiple ingress resources that each have rules specifying the same backend service/port combination, but where the ingress resources use different certificates.
  • By default, the OCI load balancer created by the OCI native ingress controller implements end-to-end TLS. The load balancer terminates the TLS request on the listener, and a new TLS connection is established between the backend set and backends. However, if the backends are not running an HTTPS server and you therefore want the connection between the backend set and the backends to be in plain text, set the annotation to "false". When the annotation is set to "false", the load balancer can accept encrypted traffic from a client but traffic between the load balancer and the backends is not encrypted.

Option 1: OCI Native Ingress Controller obtains certificate from the Certificates service using a Kubernetes secret

To configure the OCI native ingress controller to obtain a certificate from the OCI Certificates service:

  1. Obtain a TLS public and private key pair, and a certificate.

    In production environments, you obtain a TLS certificate from your chosen Certificate Authority by submitting a certificate signing request. During the certificate request process, a public key and corresponding private key are generated.

    In development and test environments, you can create a self-signed certificate and generate a private key yourself using a tool such as OpenSSL. For example (using OpenSSL 3.0 or later):

    1. Generate a public and private key pair by entering the following commands:

      openssl genrsa -out rootCA.key 4096
      openssl req -x509 -addext basicConstraints=critical,CA:TRUE -new -nodes -key rootCA.key -sha256 -days 1024 -out rootCA.crt -subj /CN=RootCA
    2. Generate a certificate by entering the following commands:

      openssl genrsa -out server.key 4096
      openssl req -new -sha256 -key server.key -subj /C=US/ST=CA/O=MyOrg,Inc./ -out server.csr
      openssl x509 -req -in server.csr -CA rootCA.crt -CAkey rootCA.key -CAcreateserial -out server.crt -days 500 -sha256

    In this example:

    • rootCA.key contains the key pair for the root CA.
    • rootCA.crt contains the root CA certificate.
    • server.key contains the key pair for generating the server certificate.
    • server.csr contains the certificate signing request for the server certificate.
    • server.crt contains the generated server certificate.
  2. Create a Kubernetes secret resource in either of the following ways:
    • Using the kubectl create secret generic command, by entering:

      kubectl create secret generic <k8s-secret-name> --from-file=ca.crt=<path-and-filename>.crt --from-file=tls.crt=<path-and-filename>.crt --from-file=tls.key=<path-and-filename>.key


      • <k8s-secret-name> is your choice of name for the Kubernetes secret
      • --from-file=ca.crt=<path-and-filename>.crt specifies the path to the file containing the root CA certificate. For example, --from-file=ca.crt=rootCA.crt
      • --from-file=tls.crt=<path-and-filename>.crt specifies the path to the file containing the generated server certificate. For example, --from-file=tls.crt=server.crt
      • --from-file=tls.key=<path-and-filename>.key specifies the path to the file containing the generated private key. For example, --from-file=tls.key=server.key

      For example:

      kubectl create secret generic example-tls-secret --from-file=ca.crt=rootCA.crt --from-file=tls.crt=server.crt --from-file=tls.key=server.key
    • Using a Secret resource manifest file:
      1. Define the Kubernetes secret in a .yaml file, in the format:

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: <k8s-secret-name>
          ca.crt: <base64-encoded-certificate-chain>
          tls.crt: <base64-encoded-server-certificate>
          tls.key: <base64-encoded-private-key>


        • name: <k8s-secret-name> is your choice of name for the Kubernetes secret resource.
        • ca.crt: <base64-encoded-certificate-chain> is the contents of the file (or files) containing intermediate certificates that form a certificate chain from the leaf certificate back to the Certificate Authority. Note that you can omit ca.cert, provided you include the entire certificate chain as the value of tls.cert (in which case, start the certificate chain with the contents of the file containing the generated server certificate, followed by the remaining certificates).
        • tls.crt: <base64-encoded-server-certificate> is the contents of the file containing the generated server certificate.
        • tls.key: <base64-encoded-private-key> is the contents of the file containing the generated private key.

        For example:

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Secret
          name: example-tls-secret
          ca.crt : MIIFGERTegcDFRTuSDGfghREdE______Jre
          tls.crt: MIIC2DCCAcCgAwIBAgIBATANBg______kqh
          tls.key: MIIEpgIBAAKCAQEA7yn3bRHQ5F______HMQ
      2. Create the secret resource by entering kubectl create -f <filename>.yaml

  3. Add the Kubernetes secret to an Ingress resource manifest:
    1. Define a new ingress resource in a .yaml file. See Create Ingress resource.
    2. In the spec: section of the manifest, add a tls: element that specifies both the host that is to receive HTTPS traffic and the name of the Kubernetes secret, in the format:
      kind: Ingress
        - hosts:
            - <host-name>
          secretName: <k8s-secret-name>

      For example:

      kind: Ingress
        - hosts:
          secretName: example-tls-secret
    3. In the rules: section of the manifest, add a rule for the host that is to receive HTTPS traffic, and specify 443 as the port on which to listen for HTTPS traffic.

      For example:

      kind: Ingress
        name: acme-tls-secret-ingress
        - hosts:
          secretName: example-tls-secret
        - host: ""
            - pathType: Prefix
              path: "/TLSPath"
                  name: tls-test
                    number: 443
    4. Create the resource by entering kubectl create -f <filename>.yaml

When you create the ingress resource, the OCI native ingress controller uses the Kubernetes secret to obtain a certificate of type Imported, and a CA bundle (Certificate Authority bundle), from the OCI Certificates service. The OCI native ingress controller associates the certificate with the listener, and the CA bundle with the backend set.

When the listener listening on port 443 receives an HTTPS request to the specified host, the listener uses the certificate for TLS termination. The listener then uses the routing rule to forward the request to the backend set. The backend set creates a new TLS connection with the backends running on the cluster (using the CA bundle as the trust authority for the new connection).

Option 2: You obtain certificate from the Certificates service

To configure the OCI native ingress controller to use a certificate that you have obtained from the OCI Certificates service:

  1. Create a certificate in the OCI Certificates service in one of the following ways:
    • by importing a certificate issued by a third-party CA (the certificate will be of type Imported)
    • by issuing the certificate internally from a Certificates service CA (the certificate will be of type Issued by internal CA)

    Do not create a certificate to manage externally (of type Issued by internal CA, managed externally). For more information, see Creating a Certificate.

  2. Make a note of the certificate's OCID.
  3. Add the certificate's OCID to an Ingress resource manifest:
    1. Define a new ingress resource in a .yaml file. See Create Ingress resource.
    2. In the metadata: section, add an annotations: element that specifies the OCID of the certificate you created in the OCI Certificates service, in the format:
      kind: Ingress
        name: <i-name>


      • name: <i-name> is your choice of name for the ingress resource.
      • <certificate-ocid> is the OCID of the certificate you created in the OCI Certificates service

      For example:

      kind: Ingress
        name: acme-tls-certificate-ingress
    3. In the rules: section of the Ingress resource manifest, add a rule for the host that is to receive HTTPS traffic, and specify 443 as the port on which to listen for HTTPS traffic.

      For example:

      kind: Ingress
        name: acme-tls-certificate-ingress
        - host: ""
            - pathType: Prefix
              path: "/TLSPath"
                  name: tls-test
                    number: 443
    4. Create the resource by entering kubectl create -f <filename>.yaml

What happens when you create the ingress resource depends on how you created the certificate in the OCI Certificates service:

  • If you created the certificate by importing a certificate issued by a third-party CA, the certificate is of type Imported. The OCI native ingress controller associates the certificate with the listener, creates a CA bundle from the certificate chain, and associates the CA bundle with the backend set. Note that you cannot configure certificates of type Imported to be automatically rotated.
  • If you created the certificate by issuing the certificate internally from a Certificates service CA, the certificate is of type Issued by internal CA. The OCI native ingress controller associates the certificate with the listener, obtains the OCID of the CA, and associates that OCID with the backend set. Note that you can configure certificates of type Issued by internal CA to be automatically rotated.

When the listener listening on port 443 receives an HTTPS request to the specified host, the listener uses the certificate for TLS termination. The listener then uses the routing rule to forward the request to the backend set. The backend set creates a new TLS connection with the backends running on the cluster (using the CA bundle, or the CA identified by its OCID, as the trust authority for the new connection).

Aggregating HTTP/HTTPS Listener Ports

When using the OCI native ingress controller (either as a standalone program or as a cluster add-on) you can aggregate all HTTP traffic into a single listener port, and similarly you can aggregate all HTTPS traffic into a single port.

By default, the OCI native ingress controller creates an OCI load balancer listener for each backend service port defined in an Ingress manifest. The OCI native ingress controller also creates a routing policy for each listener port. However, you can use the annotation and/or the annotation to create a single listener and routing policy for all HTTP requests, and/or a single listener and routing policy for all HTTPS requests.

For example, you might define an ingress with rules for four backend services, each service listening on a different port, as follows:

kind: Ingress
  name: sample-ingress
    - hosts:
        - ""
        - ""
      secretName: secret_name
    - host: ""
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/testecho1"
                name: testecho1
                  number: 80
    - host: ""
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/testecho2"
                name: testecho2
                  number: 81
    - host: ""
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/testecho3"
                name: testecho3
                  number: 443
    - host: ""
          - pathType: Prefix
            path: "/testecho4"
                name: testecho4
                  number: 444 

In this example, the Ingress manifest defines four services:

  • testecho1, listening on port 80 for HTTP traffic
  • testecho2, listening on port 81 for HTTP traffic
  • testecho3, listening on port 443 for HTTPS traffic
  • testecho4, listening on port 444 for HTTPS traffic

By default, the OCI native ingress controller creates:

  • Four listeners in the load balancer (two listeners listening on ports 80 and 81 for HTTP traffic, and two listeners listening on ports 443 and 444 for HTTPS traffic).
  • Four routing policies (one for each listener port).

To simplify administration, you might decide to have a single listener listening for HTTP traffic, and a single listener listening for HTTPS traffic, by setting annotations as follows: "100" "500"

With the annotations set as shown, the OCI native ingress controller creates:

  • a single listener listening for HTTP traffic on port 100, and a single routing policy for port 100 with paths for backends on ports testecho1:80 and testecho2:81
  • a single listener listening for HTTPS traffic on port 500, and a single routing policy for port 500 with paths for backends on ports testecho3:443 and testecho4:444

Note the following:

  • You can set the and annotations independently of each other, so you do not have to set both annotations.

  • If the Ingress resource manifest includes the annotation, the OCI native ingress controller considers all hosts to be configured for TLS. In this case, the OCI native ingress controller:

    • ignores the annotation (if present in the Ingress resource manifest)
    • applies the annotation (if present in the Ingress resource manifest) to create a single listener for all traffic
  • Regardless of the and annotations, the OCI native ingress controller only creates HTTP and/or HTTPS listeners (and corresponding routing policies) if required for backend services that are defined in the Ingress resource manifest. For example:
    • If you include the annotation in an Ingress resource manifest that does not define an HTTP backend, then the OCI native ingress controller does not create an HTTP listener.
    • If you include the annotation in an Ingress resource manifest that does not define an HTTPS backend, then the OCI native ingress controller does not create an HTTPS listener.
    • If you include both and annotations in an Ingress resource manifest that only defines HTTP backends, then the OCI native ingress controller ignores the annotation and does not create an HTTPS listener.
    • If you include both and annotations in an Ingress resource manifest that only defines HTTPS backends, then the OCI native ingress controller ignores the annotation and does not create an HTTP listener.

Preserving the Load Balancer After IngressClass Deletion

You can specify that you want the OCI native ingress controller to preserve the load balancer for an IngressClass resource if you delete the IngressClass itself.

You use the annotation in the IngressClass manifest to specify whether the load balancer is deleted. Set the annotation to true to preserve the load balancer if you delete the IngressClass. Set the annotation to false (or do not include the annotation in the manifest) to delete the load balancer if you delete the IngressClass. For example:

kind: IngressClass
  name: <ic-name>
  annotations: "true"

If you delete an IngressClass resource and use the annotation to preserve the load balancer, the OCI native ingress controller retains the load balancer itself, but clears associations with other supporting resources (such as network security groups, tags, a web application firewall). The OCI native ingress controller also deletes the default_ingress BackendSet backend set that it created.

However, note that the OCI native ingress controller does not delete OCI load balancer resources (listeners, backend sets) that it created for Ingress resources that currently reference the deleted IngressClass. Therefore, before you delete an IngressClass resource, first delete any Ingress resource that references the IngressClass in its manifest. If you do not delete such Ingress resources first, the OCI resources created for them will continue to exist in the load balancer.

Applying Tags to the Load Balancer

You can specify that you want the OCI native ingress controller to apply defined tags and free-form tags to a load balancer it creates (for an IngressClass resource) or manages (if specified by the annotation). Tagging enables you to group disparate resources across compartments, and also enables you to annotate resources with your own metadata. For more information about tags, see Tagging Kubernetes Cluster-Related Resources.

Applying defined tags to the load balancer

Defined tags are set up and managed by a tag administrator. A defined tag consists of a tag namespace, a key, and a value. The tag namespace and tag key definition must be set up in a tenancy before you can apply a defined tag to a resource.

To specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to apply defined tags to the load balancer, use the annotation in the IngressClass manifest, in the following format:

kind: IngressClass
  name: <ic-name>
  annotations: '{"<tag-namespace>": {"<tag-key>": "<tag-value>"}}'


  • <tag-namespace> is the tag namespace to which the tag belongs.
  • <tag-key> is the name of a defined tag to apply to the load balancer.
  • <tag-value> is either a value for the tag from a pre-defined list of values, or a new value, or blank (depending on how the defined tag has been set up).

The value of the annotation is a JSON string, enabling you to specify multiple tag namespaces, tag keys, and tag values in JSON format.

For example:

kind: IngressClass
  name: my-ingress-class
  annotations: '{"Operations": {"CostCenter": "42", "Department": "001"}, "Sales": {"Region": "US"}}'

Changing one of the tags in the annotation of the IngressClass manifest causes the OCI native ingress controller to reapply to the load balancer all of the defined tags specified by the annotation. However, if a defined tag contains a tag variable, the OCI native ingress controller only reapplies the defined tag to the load balancer if the tag is not already present.

Note that to enable the OCI native ingress controller to apply defined tags to a load balancer, a suitable IAM policy must exist to enable the OCI native ingress controller to use the appropriate tag namespace. For more information, see:

Applying free-form tags to the load balancer

Free-form tags are not managed by a tag administrator. A free-form tag consists of a key and a value. Unlike defined tags, free-form tags do not belong to a tag namespace.

To specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to apply free-form tags to the load balancer, use the annotation in the IngressClass manifest, in the following format:

kind: IngressClass
  name: <ic-name>
  annotations: '{"<tag-key>": "<tag-value>"}'


  • <tag-key> is a name for the free-form tag to apply to the load balancer.
  • <tag-value> is a value for the free-form tag to apply to the load balancer.

The value of the annotation is a JSON string, enabling you to specify multiple tag keys and tag values in JSON format.

For example:

kind: IngressClass
  name: my-ingress-class
  annotations: '{"Project": "Red", "Version": "Alpha"}'

Changing one of the tags in the annotation of the IngressClass manifest causes the OCI native ingress controller to reapply to the load balancer all of the free-form tags specified by the annotation.

Applying tag defaults to the load balancer

Tag defaults are set up for a specific compartment. Tag defaults are compartment-specific. Tag defaults specify defined tags that are applied automatically to all resources created in a specific compartment at the time of creation.

When using the OCI native ingress controller version 1.4.0 (or later), tag defaults are automatically applied to load balancers that the OCI native ingress controller creates. Subsequently, the OCI native ingress controller retains a tag default applied to a load balancer unless one of the following conditions is met:

  • You manually remove a tag default that has been automatically applied to a load balancer.
  • You specify a tag default as a defined tag, using the annotation (in which case, the OCI native ingress controller treats the tag default as any other defined tag).

Note that tag defaults with user-applied values are not supported. If a tag default with a user-applied value has been set up for a compartment in which the OCI native ingress controller is to create or manage a load balancer, you must use the annotation to specify the tag default as a defined tag.

For load balancers created using an OCI native ingress controller version earlier than version 1.4.0, or when using the annotation to specify that the OCI native ingress controller is to manage an existing load balancer, note that tag defaults are not supported. In both cases, to apply or retain a tag default, use the annotation to specify the tag default as a defined tag instead.