Troubleshooting Work Request Errors
Troubleshoot the work request errors.
Viewing DB System Work Request Errors
Use the Console to view the work request errors.
This task shows work request errors of a DB system.
This task shows work request errors of a DB system.
- Open the navigation menu, and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click DB Systems.
- Choose your compartment from the List scope.
- In the list of DB systems, click the name of the DB system for which you want to view the work request errors.
- On the DB system details page, under Resources, click Work requests.
- Click the name of the operation for which you see a
Status. - On the Work request details page, under Resources, click Error messages.
A list of work request errors of your DB system is displayed.
Viewing Backup Work Request Errors
Use the Console to view the backup work request errors.
This task shows work request errors of a backup.
This task shows work request errors of a backup.
- Open the navigation menu, and select Databases. Under HeatWave MySQL, click Backups.
- Choose your compartment from the List scope.
- In the list of backups, click the name of the backup for which you want to view the work request errors.
- On the Backup details page, under Resources, click Work requests.
- Click the name of the operation for which you see a
Status. - On the Work request details page, under Resources, click Error messages.
A list of work request errors of your backup is displayed.
Resolving OutOfHostCapacity Error
Resolve the OutOfHostCapacity
work request error, which you
get because of a resource shortage in your region, availability or fault domain.
Out of host capacity for shape <Shape_name> in fault domain <FD1> and availability domain <AD1>.
This task assumes that you get the
work request error while performing any of the following:
- Creating a new DB system
- Changing the shape of an existing DB system
- Enabling high availability of an existing DB system
- Restarting an existing inactive DB system
This error occurs because of any of the following reasons:
- There is a resource shortage in the availability domain.
- There is a resource shortage in the fault domain.
- Your instances require significant CPU and RAM resources, such as HeatWave clusters.
HeatWave Service does not reserve inactive or non-provisioned resources. If you stop a MySQL DB system or a HeatWave cluster, the compute resources associated with it are reallocated. To ensure availability of resources, it is recommended not to stop them.
HeatWave Service does not reserve inactive or non-provisioned resources. If you stop a MySQL DB system or a HeatWave cluster, the compute resources associated with it are reallocated. To ensure availability of resources, it is recommended not to stop them.
Do any of the following to resolve the issue:
- When creating a new standalone DB system:
- Launch the DB system in a different fault domain or let Oracle choose a fault domain for you.
- In regions with multiple availability domains, launch your DB system in a different availability domain.
- Launch the DB system in a different region.
- When creating a new high availability DB system, launch the DB system in a different region.
- When creating a new DB system or changing the shape of an existing DB system, use an ECPU shape or a different OCPU architecture such as E3 or E4. You can also try a smaller shape.
- Retry the operation periodically.
Work Request Error Codes
Use the work request error codes to troubleshoot the work request errors.
Table 22-6 Work Request Error Codes
Error Code | Description | Resolution |
ActiveIbrChannel |
You cannot perform a configuration update because there is an active inbound replication channel on the DB system. | Stop the active inbound replication channel and try attempting configuration update again. |
ActiveIbrChannelInPrimary |
You cannot perform a switchover because there is an active inbound replication channel on the primary instance of the DB system. | Stop the active inbound replication channel and try attempting switchover again. |
AutoProvisionRequestFailed |
The HeatWave node estimation could not be generated. | To get the node estimate, try the Auto Parallel Load interface from the preferred MySQL client in the dryrun mode. See Running Auto Parallel Load. |
ConfigureDbSystemModesFailureOutOfDiskSpace |
Cannot configure the Database Mode or Access Mode due to insufficient disk space. | Increase the data storage size, then retry again. See Increasing the Storage of a DB System. |
ConfigureDbSystemModesFailureRequiringUpgrade |
Cannot configure the Database Mode or Access Mode because the host image is too old. | Upgrade the DB system, then retry again. See DB System Upgrades. |
CreateReadReplicaCreateChannelLagTimeout |
You cannot create a read replica becuase there are many write operations being performed on the DB system. | Reduce the number of write transactions on the DB system and retry. |
CreateReadReplicaFailed |
The create read replica operation has failed. | Retry creating the read replica or contact Oracle Support. |
CreateReadReplicaOperationTimeout |
The create read replica operation has timed out. | Retry creating the read replica or contact Oracle Support. |
CreateReadReplicaStartChannelTimeout |
The create read replica operation has timed out while starting the replication channel. | Retry creating the read replica or contact Oracle Support. |
DbSystemBackupCopyLimitExceeded |
You cannot create a copy of the DB system backup across regions because of an internal service limit. | Try again later or contact Oracle Support. |
DisableHaNoInstanceMatchingAdFd |
You cannot disable the high availability DB system because there is no valid instance present on the preferred availability or fault domain. | Switchover to another availability or fault domain or contact Oracle Support. |
DisableHaUnhealthyHaDbSystem |
You cannot disable the high availability DB system
because the DB system is unhealthy and can lead to data loss. Few
examples of unhealthy DB system are as follows:
Retry disabling the high availability system later or contact Oracle Support. |
DisableHaUnhealthyInstanceToKeep |
You cannot disable the high availability DB system because either the preferred primary instance becomes unhealthy or a failover occurred when you were attempting to disable the DB system. | Retry disabling the high availability system later or contact Oracle Support. |
DisableReadEndpointFailed |
Disable read endpoint operation did not complete successfully. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
EnableHaFailureRequiringUpgrade |
You cannot enable high availability because the host image is too old. | Upgrade the DB system, then retry again. See DB System Upgrades. |
EnableHaWithTooMuchLoad |
You cannot enable high availability because the DB system is handling too many transactions. | Retry enabling high availability later or contact Oracle Support. |
EnableReadEndpointFailed |
Enable read endpoint operation did not complete successfully. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
GtidSetExecutionFailed |
The received transaction GTID set could not be processed. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
HaRequirementNotMet |
The shape of the DB system does not meet the high availability requirements. | Use a shape that support high availability. See Supported Shapes. |
HeatWaveBusy |
The MySQL server and the HeatWave cluster are busy with other operations such as answering queries, table loads, and updates. | Try again later when the system is not busy with such operations. |
HeatWaveClusterNotReadyForLakehouse |
HeatWave cluster is not ready to enable HeatWave Lakehouse. | Restart the HeatWave cluster and retry. See Starting, Stopping, or Restarting a HeatWave Cluster. |
HeatWaveClusterUpdateFailed |
HeatWave cluster update has failed due to some unknown reasons. | Restart the HeatWave cluster, and then reload the data into HeatWave cluster. |
HeatWaveDatalakeIncompatibleWithOBR |
You cannot enable HeatWave Lakehouse when outbound replication is configured. | If you want to enable HeatWave Lakehouse, disable outbound replication. See Outbound Replication. |
HeatWaveDatalakeDeactivationFailedBinLogRotationProblem |
The HeatWave Lakehouse deactivation failed because rotating binary logs was not successfully completed. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
HeatWaveDatalakeDeactivationFailedBinLogPurgingFailed |
The HeatWave Lakehouse deactivation failed because purging binary logs was not successfully completed. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
HostnameAlreadyUsed |
The hostname is already being used in the subnet. | Provide a unique hostname within the subnet. If it is not unique, the DB system fails to provision. |
ImportExpiredPar |
The PAR URL you have provided has expired. | Create a new PAR URL. See Importing Using the Data Import Feature. |
ImportIncompatibleDump |
The dump is incompatible with HeatWave Service. | Generate the dump again. See Exporting a MySQL Instance. |
ImportInvalidCharString |
The dump contains an invalid character string. | Generate the dump again. See Exporting a MySQL Instance. |
ImportInvalidSqlSyntax |
The MySQL Shell dump contains an invalid SQL syntax. | Export data from a supported MySQL Server source to an Object Storage bucket again. See Exporting Data to Object Storage Using MySQL Shell. |
ImportNolistAccess |
You are not authorized to access objects, or either the bucket does not exist or you are not authorized to access it. | Confirm the IAM policy to access the bucket and objects. See IAM Policies. |
ImportNotSupportedPasswordPolicy |
The MySQL Shell dump is not compatible with HeatWave Service. | Find all the compatibility issues between MySQL Shell dump and HeatWave Service and resolve them. See Compatibility Checks. |
ImportNoSuperPrivilege |
Certain privileges of HeatWave Service are restricted. You cannot create users granting them these restricted privileges. This results in compatibility issues between MySQL Shell dump andHeatWave Service. | Find all the compatibility issues between MySQL Shell dump and HeatWave Service and resolve them. See Compatibility Checks. |
ImportObjectAccessFailed |
The MySQL Shell dump contains files for which you do not have access permissions. | Re-create a valid dump. See Exporting a MySQL Instance. |
ImportParFailed |
Your attempt to import data from a MySQL Shell dump in an Object Storage bucket using PAR Source URL has failed. | Import the data again. See Importing Using the Data Import Feature. |
ImportUnknownError |
The import failed because of an unexpected error. | Import the data again. See Overview of Exporting and Importing. |
ImportUnsupportedDumpVersion |
The MySQL dump is created from an unsupported version of MySQL Shell. | Create MySQL dump from a supported version of MySQL Shell. See Requirements and Restrictions and Exporting a MySQL Instance. |
InsufficientMemory |
There is an insufficient memory on HeatWave cluster nodes. | Do one of the following:
InternalServiceError |
There is a failure because of a known issue. | Contact Oracle Support. |
InternalError |
There is an unexpected error. | Contact Oracle Support. |
InvalidParameter |
There is a validation issue in the parameter. | View the details of the error in the Work Request Details page. See Viewing DB System Work Request Errors. |
InvalidReplicationFilterFormat |
You have used an invalid replication filter format. | Use a valid replication filter format and try again. See Channel Filter Rules. |
IpAddressConflict |
The selected IP address is already allocated. | Change the subnet of the DB system. See Creating a DB System. |
LimitExceeded |
You have exceeded the service limits. | Request a service limit increase. See Requesting a Service Limit Increase. |
MissingFeatureError |
You cannot perform the current operation because some required feature is missing. | View the details of the error in the Work Request Details page. See Viewing DB System Work Request Errors. |
NoAvailableIpAddress |
There are no free IP addresses in the selected subnet. | Change the subnet of the DB system. See Creating a DB System. |
NonRetryableException |
You can not clone from the backup as the source backup volume is greater than the requested volume. | Clone the backup to a volume greater than the source backup volume. |
OutOfHostCapacity |
The availability or fault domain has a resource shortage, which results in failures in launching a new DB system, changing the shape of an existing DB system, enabling high availability of an existing DB system, or restarting an existing inactive DB system. | See Resolving OutOfHostCapacity Error. |
PitrOutOfDiskSpace |
The point-in-time recovery operation failed due to shortage of disk space. | Increase the data storage size and retry. See Increasing the Storage of a DB System. |
PitrRecoveryFailed |
The point-in-time recovery operation has failed. | Try again later or contact Oracle Support. |
PreviousResizeCleanupStillInProgress |
A cleanup of a previous cluster resize is still pending. | Try again later or contact Oracle Support. |
PrivateEndpointNotAuthorizedOrNotFound |
You are not authorized to create a private endpoint, which is required for creating a read replica load balancer. | Add the mandatory permissions for the read replica load balancer. See Mandatory Permissions . |
ReplicationApplierErrorDuringEnableHa |
High availability cannot be enabled because of a replication applier error. | Check the replication error message and fix the error, then retry enabling high availability, or contact Oracle Support. |
RestoreOutOfDiskSpace |
Restore from backup operation has failed due to lack of disk space. | Increase the data storage size and try again. See Increasing the Storage of a DB System. |
SubnetNotFoundOrAuthorized |
The subnet cannot be found or you are not authorized to access the subnet. | Do one of the following:
SwitchoverError |
You cannot perform a switchover at this time. | Try attempting switchover again. |
TryAgainLater |
There is an unexpected error. | Retry the operation or contact Oracle Support. |
UnknownConfigurationVariable |
You have an unknown system variable in the configuration. | Confirm the system variables. See System Variables. |
UnsupportedHeatWaveOperation |
The specified parameters in the HeatWave cluster operation is currently not supported. | Contact Oracle Support. |
UnsupportedPrimaryKeyHandlingPolicy |
The current MySQL version of the DB System does not support the value
TablesWithoutPrimaryKeyHandling .
Upgrade the MySQL version. See DB System Upgrades. |
UpdateConfigSucceededButAwaitReplicaChannelFailed |
The read replica update configuration operation has succeeded but the read replica may not be replicating correctly. | If the read replica is not working as expected, delete it, and create a new read replica, or contact Oracle Support. |
UpdateShapeSucceededButAwaitReplicaChannelFailed |
The read replica update shape operation has succeeded but the read replica may not be replicating correctly. | If the read replica is not working as expected, delete it, and create a new read replica, or contact Oracle Support. |
UpdateVersionSucceededButAwaitReplicaChannelFailed |
The read replica update version operation has succeeded but the read replica may not be replicating correctly. | If the read replica is not working as expected, delete it, and create a new read replica, or contact Oracle Support. |
UpgradeDbSystemFailedBecauseOfDetachedReplicaWithLowerVersion |
The DB system cannot be upgraded because it contains a read replica with a MySQL version lower than the requested upgrade version of the DB system. | Upgrade the read replica to the same version or a higher version than the DB system, or contact Oracle Support. |
VnicAttachmentFailed |
There was an error in attaching the DB system endpoint to the subnet. | Try again or contact Oracle Support. |