Monitor Exadata Infrastructure Fleet

You can monitor the fleet of Exadata Infrastructure resources discovered in Database Management on the Exadata fleet summary page.

Database Management provides a unified view of the discovered Exadata Infrastructure resources in a compartment and enables you to monitor the health, performance, and configuration of the storage servers in these resources.


Database Management currently only supports the monitoring of the on-premises Exadata Storage Infrastructure or the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure. The term “Exadata Infrastructure” in Database Management documentation only refers to Exadata Storage Infrastructure.

Before you go to the Exadata fleet summary page to monitor the Exadata Infrastructure fleet, you must complete the tasks given in Get Started. Note that to view Exadata Infrastructure metrics and alarms, you must have additional Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Monitoring service permissions. For information, see Additional Permissions Required to Monitor Exadata Infrastructure.

To go to the Exadata fleet summary page and monitor your Exadata Infrastructure fleet:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Diagnostics & Management and then click Exadata Infrastructure on the left pane.

    The Exadata fleet summary page is displayed.

  3. On the left pane, select the Compartment in which your Exadata Infrastructure resources reside.
  4. Optionally, select an option in the Lifecycle state filter on the left pane to filter the Exadata Infrastructure resources displayed on the Exadata fleet summary page by lifecycle state.
  5. Use the following drop-down lists in the upper-right corner of the page to compare the performance and configuration metrics of the Exadata Infrastructure fleet between two time periods:
    • Time period: Select a time period. The options are Last 60 min (default option), Last 24 hours, and Last 7 days.
    • Comparison: Depending on the selected time period, select a Comparison option to compare metrics between the selected time period and the comparison time period. By default, Same 60 min yesterday is selected in this drop-down list, and the Exadata Storage Server resource usage tile on the Exadata fleet summary page displays the change percentage that denotes the comparison of the metrics between the current hour and the same hour yesterday.
The Exadata Infrastructure resources in the compartment are displayed on the Exadata fleet summary page.

If the Exadata Database machine is configured with multiple VM clusters and the DB systems for each cluster are discovered, the associated Exadata Infrastructure still shows up as one entry on the Exadata fleet summary page.

The following tiles on the Exadata fleet summary page display important resource usage and other information for the selected time period:

  • Inventory: Displays an overview of the Exadata Infrastructure resources in the compartment, categorized by rack size.
  • Exadata Storage Server resource usage: Displays a summary of the total CPU, Storage allocated, Memory, and IOPS usage for all storage servers, and a change percentage that denotes the comparison of usage between the selected time period and the comparison time period. Note that the resource usage percentage is only displayed if there's a change in usage, that is, when the change percentage is not 0.
  • Alarms: Displays the total number of open storage server alarms in the compartment, and the number of alarms by severity. Click the number of alarms to access the Alarms panel and review the list of open alarms. For more information, see Monitor Alarms for Storage Servers.

Below the tiles, the list of Exadata Infrastructure resources is displayed and provides the following information:

  • Name: Name of the Exadata Infrastructure.
  • Database Systems: Number of DB systems associated with the Exadata Infrastructure.
  • State: Lifecycle state of the Exadata Infrastructure.
  • Rack size: Rack size of the Exadata Infrastructure.
  • CPU utilization (%): Percentage of CPU utilized by the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure. You can hover the mouse on the chart to view additional details such as the CPU used and CPU unused.
  • Storage allocation (TB): Storage allocated to the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure. You can hover the mouse on the chart to view additional details such as the Storage allocated and Storage unallocated.
  • Memory usage (GB): Memory used by the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure. You can hover the mouse on the chart to view additional details such as the Memory used and Memory unused.
  • I/O usage (IO/sec): Number of I/O operations performed by the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure. You can hover the mouse on the chart to view additional details such as the I/O used and I/O unused.