View Storage Server Connector Details

You can view the details of the connectors added to the storage servers in the Exadata Infrastructure, check connection, edit connection details, and monitor associated work requests.

The information about the connector added to a storage server is displayed on the corresponding External connector details page.

To go to the External connector details page from the Exadata infrastructure details page:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Database Management, click Diagnostics & Management and then click Exadata Infrastructure.
  3. On the left pane, select the Compartment in which your Exadata Infrastructure resources reside.
  4. Click the display name of the Exadata Infrastructure whose connectors you want to view.

    The Exadata infrastructure details page is displayed.

  5. Click More actions and then click View connectors.
  6. In the View connectors panel, click the display name of the connector.

    The External connector details page is displayed.


You can also go to the External connector details page from the Storage server details page. For information, see Monitor a Single Storage Server.

On the External connector details page, you can:

  • Click Check connection to run diagnostics on the storage server connection.
  • Click Edit and then click one of the following options:
    • Click Connection credentials to update the credentials specified to connect to the storage server.
    • Click REST endpoint to view and update the storage server REST endpoint URL.

    Editing the connector credentials or REST endpoint URL impacts the status of the connector and storage server. If the new information is correct and the connection is working fine, then the status of the connector and storage server is Active. If the updated information is incorrect or the storage server is not reachable, then the connection test fails and the status of the connector is Failed and the status of the storage server is Inactive.

    For information on connection credentials and the REST endpoint URL, see Add Connections to Storage Servers.

  • Click Add tags to add tags to the connector. For information, see Working with Resource Tags.
  • Click Delete to delete the connector and stop data collection from the storage server. You can use this option if there's a connection issue to the storage server that cannot be resolved immediately, for example, if the storage administrator password has expired and you're unable to reset the password. Note that if you delete the connector, then the status of the storage server changes to Inactive, and a new working connection must be added for the status to change back to Active. You can add a new connection after deleting a previous connection on the Storage server details page. For information, see Monitor a Single Storage Server.
  • View External connector information, which includes details such as the OCID of the connector, the status of the connection and when it was last updated. In the External connector information section, you can click the compartment link to go to the Compartment details page.
  • Click the Tags tab to add, view, edit, or remove tags. For information, see Working with Resource Tags.
  • Click Work requests on the left pane under Resources to monitor the work requests pertaining to the connector.