Deploy the APM Dotnet Agent

On successfully provisioning the APM Dotnet agent, you can deploy the APM Dotnet agent in Windows or Linux.

Deploy the APM Dotnet Agent in Windows

On successfully provisioning the APM Dotnet agent, you can deploy the APM Dotnet agent in Windows.

To deploy the APM Dotnet agent on any application, you need to add a set of environment variables before starting the application.

  1. Prepare PowerShell.

    Before deploying APM Dotnet agent on Windows, you need to prepare PowerShell.


    PowerShell version 5.1 or higher is supported.

    If you have PowerShell version 4.0, you need to update it to 5.1 to proceed.

    1. Open Windows PowerShell as Administrator.
    2. Navigate to the destination directory where the APM agent was provisioned.
    3. Run the following command in PowerShell console:
      Import-Module ./OpenTelemetry.DotNet.Auto.psm1
  2. Prepare environmental variables on PowerShell.
    Review the following environmental variables that are needed for deploying APM Dotnet agent:
    $env:OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS="Authorization=dataKey <private-data-key>"
    • <data-upload-endpoint>: DataUploadEndpoint URL that is generated when the APM domain is created. For information, see Obtain Data Upload Endpoint and Data Keys.
    • <private-data-key>: The agent installation key used by APM Dotnet agents (private dataKey) which is generated when the APM domain is created. For information, see Obtain Data Upload Endpoint and Data Keys.
    • <service-name>: The name of the service being monitored. This enables you to filter by service and view traces in the Trace Explorer user interface.

    You can add more environment variables if needed. For example, if you need to configure browser agent injection or abridged trace. The environment variable name should use the prefix $env: and the environment variable value should be quoted by double quotes "".

    Best Practice: Run clear-history after deploying the APM .NET agent. This cleans up sensitive data such as private data key from the PowerShell history.

  3. Optional - Register .NET Framework DLLs in GAC.

    This step is only required by .NET framework applications. If you do not have .NET framework application, skip this step.

    To register .NET framework DLLs in GAC, do the following:
  4. Deploy the APM Dotnet agent.

    Deploy the APM Dotnet agent on the following applications:

Deploy on IIS Server

Run the following command on the PowerShell console:

Deploy on Windows Service

Run the following command on the PowerShell console:
Register-OpenTelemetryForWindowsService -WindowsServiceName <WindowsServiceName>

Deploy on Console Application

Here's information on how to deploy the APM Dotnet agent on Console Application.

  1. Prepare the environment variables to deploy the APM Dotnet agent.

    Review the following environment variables that are needed for deploying APM Dotnet agent for console application:

    set COR_PROFILER={918728DD-259F-4A6A-AC2B-B85E1B658318}
    set COR_PROFILER_PATH_64=<destination>\win-x64\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Native.dll
    set COR_PROFILER_PATH_32=<destination>\win-x86\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Native.dll
    set CORECLR_PROFILER={918728DD-259F-4A6A-AC2B-B85E1B658318}
    set CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_64=<destination>\win-x64\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Native.dll
    set CORECLR_PROFILER_PATH_32=<destination>\win-x86\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.Native.dll
    set DOTNET_ADDITIONAL_DEPS=<destination>\AdditionalDeps
    set DOTNET_SHARED_STORE=<destination>\store
    set DOTNET_STARTUP_HOOKS=<destination>\net\OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.StartupHook.dll
    set ASPNETCORE_HOSTINGSTARTUPASSEMBLIES=OpenTelemetry.AutoInstrumentation.AspNetCoreBootstrapper
    set OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_HOME=<destination>
    set OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=<service-name>
    set OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_EXCLUDE_PROCESSES=dotnet.exe,dotnet
    set OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=<data-upload-endpoint>/20200101/opentelemetry
    set OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS=Authorization=dataKey <private-data-key>

    The following must be replaced with the correct values:

    Placeholder Description
    <destination> The destination directory in which the APM Dotnet Agent is provisioned.

    For example: C:\tracer-home

    <service-name> The name of the service being monitored.

    This enables you to filter by service and view traces in the Trace Explorer user interface.

    For example: apm_service

    <data-upload-endpoint> The dataUploadEndpoint URL that is generated when the APM domain is created.

    For example:

    <private-data-key> The agent installation key used by the APM Dotnet agent (private dataKey), which is generated when the APM domain is created.

    For example: IMWJ5UN2C


    For information about the data upload endpoint and private data keys, see Obtain Data Upload Endpoint and Data Keys.

  2. Run the Console Application.
    1. Open a command prompt.

    2. Set the environment variables from step 1 in the command prompt.

    3. In the same command prompt, run your console application.

Deploy the APM Dotnet Agent in Linux

On successfully provisioning the APM Dotnet agent, you can deploy the APM Dotnet agent in Linux.

To deploy the APM Dotnet agent on any application, you need to add a set of environment variables before starting the application.

  1. Prepare Environmental Variables

    To deploy the APM Dotnet agent on any application, you need to set and export variables.

    Review and set the following environmental variables that are needed for deploying APM Dotnet agent:
    export OTEL_DOTNET_AUTO_HOME=<destination>
    export OTEL_SERVICE_NAME=<service-name>
    export OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER=none
    export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_ENDPOINT=<data-upload-endpoint>/20200101/opentelemetry
    export OTEL_EXPORTER_OTLP_HEADERS=Authorization=dataKey <private-data-key>

    The following must be replaced with the correct values:

    Placeholder Description
    <destination> The destination directory in which the APM Dotnet Agent is provisioned.
    <service-name> The name of the service being monitored.

    This enables you to filter by service and view traces in the Trace Explorer user interface.

    For example: apm_service

    <data-upload-endpoint> The dataUploadEndpoint URL that is generated when the APM domain is created.

    For example:

    For information, see Obtain Data Upload Endpoint and Data Keys.

    <private-data-key> The agent installation key used by the APM Dotnet agent (private dataKey) which is generated when the APM domain is created.

    For example: IMWJ5UN

    For information, see Obtain Data Upload Endpoint and Data Keys.

  2. Configure additional environment variables by running the following script:
  3. Run the application.
    1. Open a shell session.
    2. Set environmental variables from step 1 and step 2 in the shell session.
    3. In the same session, run your application.