Deleting a Security Zone

Delete a security zone for a compartment.

When you delete a security zone, the following changes occur:

  • Oracle Cloud Infrastructure doesn't enforce security zone policies on resources in the compartment.
  • Cloud Guard doesn't detect policy violations on resources in the compartment.

These changes also affect any subcompartments unless a subcompartment is in a separate security zone.

To ensure the integrity of the data, some policies restrict the movement of certain resources from a compartment in a security zone to a compartment that isn't in a security zone.

When you delete a zone, the Cloud Guard configuration is modified as well. The specific changes in Cloud Guard depend on the existing targets and security zones in the compartment hierarchy. See Cloud Guard Changes when a Security Zone is Deleted.

    1. On the Security Zones list page, find the security zone that you want to work with. If you need help finding the list page or the security zone, see Listing a Security Zone.
    2. From the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the security zone, select Delete.
    3. When prompted for confirmation, select Delete.
  • Use the oci cloud-guard security-zone delete command and required parameters to delete a security zone:

    oci cloud-guard security-zone delete --security-zone-id <securiy_zone_ocid> [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.

  • Run the DeleteSecurityZone operation to delete a security zone.