OS Management Metrics

You can monitor the health, capacity, and performance of your managed instances by using metrics, alarms, and notifications.

You must first create a policy that allows instances to emit metrics. For more information, see Setting Up IAM Policies for OS Management.

This topic describes the metrics emitted by the OS Management service in the oci_osms metric namespace.

Resources: managed instances

Overview of Metrics for an Instance and Related Resources

The OS Management service metrics help you measure the number of active and inactive managed instances, managed instances with available security updates, and managed instances with available updates.


  • IAM policies: To monitor resources, you must be given the required type of access in a policy written by an administrator, whether you're using the Console or the REST API with an SDK, CLI, or other tool. The policy must give you access to the monitoring services and the resources being monitored. If you try to perform an action and get a message that you don't have permission or are unauthorized, confirm with your administrator the type of access you've been granted and which compartment. For more information on user authorizations for monitoring, see the Authentication and Authorization section for the related service: Monitoring or Notifications.

    For more information about the policy statement required to access metrics emitted by OS Management, see Required IAM Policies.

  • The metrics listed on this page are automatically available for any managed instance you create. You do not need to enable monitoring on the resource to get these metrics.

Available Metrics: oci_osms

OS Management service metrics include the following dimensions:

The OCID for the tenancy.
Metric Metric Name Display Unit Interval Description Dimensions
ActiveManagedInstances Active Managed Instances Mean 1 hour Number of active managed instances. resourceId
InactiveManagedInstances Inactive Managed Instances Mean 1 hour Number of inactive managed instances. resourceId
UnsecuredManagedInstances Unsecured Managed Instances Mean 1 hour Number of managed instances with available security updates. resourceId
UpdatableManagedInstances Updatable Managed Instance Mean 1 hour Number of managed instances with available updates. resourceId

Using the Console

To view metrics and alarms
  1. Open the navigation menu and select Compute. Under OS Management, select Metrics and Alarms.

    The Metrics and Alarms section displays charts available OS Management Metrics. For more information, see Available Metrics: oci_osms.

  2. Under the Start Time and End Time date fields, click the calendar icon to select a date range from which to view metrics and alarms.

    By default, the Start Time and End Time fields display a 24-hour interval beginning with the date and time in which Metrics and Alarms is selected.

  3. Each chart provides the following filtering options:
    • Interval: Specifies the interval at which the metric is collected.

    • Statistic: Specifies the statistical unit for which to display the metric.

    • Options: Provides additional Monitoring service options. For more information, see Viewing Default Charts.

  4. Click Reset Charts to restore the charts to the default options.