Creating a DB System
Use the Console, a command-line interface, or the REST API to create a HeatWave DB system.
- Using the Console
- Using the CLI With JSON Payload
- Using the CLI Without JSON Payload
- Using the REST API, run the CreateDbSystem operation.
Using the Console
Use the Console to create a DB system.
The DB system is created.
If you encounter
If you encounter
work request error while creating a DB system, see Resolving OutOfHostCapacity Error.
Related Topics
Using the CLI With JSON Payload
Use the command-line interface to create a DB system with a JSON payload and import data from an Object Storage bucket.
This task requires the following:
- A compartment Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID).
- A policy that permits you to create DB system in the compartment or tenancy.
- A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
- A properly configured VCN. See Creating a Virtual Cloud Network.
- A Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR) URL of the bucket or bucket prefix. See Using Pre-Authenticated Requests.
Related Topics
Using the CLI Without JSON Payload
Use the command-line interface to create a DB system without a JSON payload and import data from an Object Storage bucket.
This task requires the following:
- A compartment Oracle Cloud Identifier (OCID).
- A policy that permits you to create DB systems in the compartment or tenancy.
- A properly configured CLI installation and the requisite SSH keys. See Command Line Interface.
- A properly configured VCN. See Creating a Virtual Cloud Network.
- A Pre-Authenticated Request (PAR) URL of the bucket or bucket prefix. See Using Pre-Authenticated Requests.
The command creates a DB system with backup and imports data from Object Storage using a pre-authenticated request (PAR) URL and you get a response similar to the following, which summarizes the request and creates your DB system:
"data": {
"availability-domain": "nnnn:<region>-AD-3",
"backup-policy": {
"copy-policies" : [
"backup-copy-retention-in-days" : 7,
"copy-to-region" : "<region>"
"is-enabled": true,
"pitr-policy": {
"is-enabled": true
"retention-in-days": 7,
"window-start-time": "00:10",
"channels": [],
"compartment-id": "ocid1.compartment.oc1...<alphaNumericString>",
"configuration-id": "ocid1.mysqlconfiguration.oc1...<alphaNumericString>",
"current-placement": {
"availability-domain": null,
"fault-domain": null
"data-storage-size-in-gbs": 63,
"defined-tags": {
"Oracle-Tags": {
"CreatedBy": "<userEmail>",
"CreatedOn": "2021-06-04T10:02:32.140Z"
"description": "This is my DBSystem",
"display-name": "MyDBSystem",
"endpoints": [],
"fault-domain": null,
"freeform-tags": {},
"heat-wave-cluster": null,
"hostname-label": null,
"id": "ocid1.mysqldbsystem.oc1.iad.<alphaNumericString>",
"ip-address": null,
"is-heat-wave-cluster-attached": false,
"is-highly-available": false,
"lifecycle-details": null,
"lifecycle-state": "CREATING",
"maintenance": {
"window-start-time": "TUESDAY 06:46"
"mysql-version": null,
"point-in-time-recovery-details": null
"port": null,
"port-x": null,
"shape-name": "MySQL.VM.Standard.E3.1.8GB",
"source": {
"source-type": "IMPORTURL"
"subnet-id": "ocid1.subnet.oc1.iad.<alphaNumericString>",
"time-created": "2021-06-04T10:02:37.186000+00:00",
"time-updated": "2021-06-04T10:02:37.186000+00:00"
"etag": "<alphaNumericString>",
"opc-work-request-id": "ocid1.mysqlworkrequest.oc1.iad.<alphaNumericString>"
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