Channel Basics

What Are Channels?

To expose your digital assistants and standalone skills to users, you configure channels in Digital Assistant. Channels carry the chat back and forth from users on various messaging platforms to the digital assistant and its various skills. There are also channels for user agent escalation and testing.

Channel Types

You can create and manage the following channel types from the Channels page, which you access by clicking Channels in the left menu. There’s a tab for each type.

Channel Type Uses
Agent Integrations
  • Configure the Oracle B2C Service or Oracle Fusion Service user. The skill communicates with the service through this user. Create an Agent Integration Channel provides configuration details for both the service and the agent components in the dialog flow.

  • Enable or disable the agent integration.

DA as Agent
  • Integrate a digital assistant with Oracle B2C Service or Oracle Fusion Service, where the digital assistant acts as an automated agent that is embedded in the service instance.

  • Configure the application channel through which an external application sends notifications to a skill so that it can trigger a conversation. Implementing Application-Initiated Conversations describes the process of configuring the skill to respond to notifications.

  • Enable or disable the application from sending this notification (and therefore prevent the skill-initiated conversation).

  • Enable or disable the chat on the Skill Tester for all skill developers.

  • Reset the chat sessions for all skill developers.

User Channel Routing

You can route each user-facing channel to a single version of a digital assistant or a skill.

Description of routing-menu.png follows

Only one version of a skill or digital assistant can run on a channel at any given time. When you create new version of the skill, you can stop the routing to the old version and then assign the routing to the updated version.

You can support running two versions of a skill or digital assistant concurrently by creating separate channels for each one. For example, beta testers could access the skill through one channel while customers continue to chat through a separate channel uninterrupted.

Route (or Reroute) a Channel

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Channels > Users.

  2. Select the Users tab, and select the channel.
  3. In the channel, next to the Route To field, select icon for the Route To ... dropdown and then select the digital assistant or skill that you want to route the channel to.

How Digital Assistant User Channel Routing Works

When you register a skill to a digital assistant, both the messages that it sends and receives are relayed through the digital assistant’s user channels. The digital assistant’s routing takes over, even if the skill already has other channels routed to it.

For example, say there two skills, each with their own web channel that have been registered to a digital assistant, which in turn routes to its own web channel and to a Facebook channel. When users send a message to the digital assistant through the digital assistant’s web channel, it determines the intent and sends the message to the appropriate skill. When the skill replies, its message is sent back to the user over the digital assistant’s web channel, not through the skill’s web channel. Likewise, when the digital assistant intercepts a message from a Facebook subscriber, the skill’s response to the user is sent back over the digital assistant’s Facebook channel instead of the skill’s own web channel.

Test Rendering for a Channel

To see how a conversation with a digital assistant or individual skill will render in a given user channel, you can use the tester.

  1. Open the digital assistant or skill that you want to test.

  2. At the bottom of the left navigation for the digital assistant or skill, click the icon for the tester.

  3. In the Channel dropdown, select the channel you plan to deploy the digital assistant or skill to.

  4. In the text field at the bottom of the tester, enter some test text.

As you test the channel, you can see how it would display in the channel. In addition, when there are limitations for that channel type that force the conversation to be rendered differently than it otherwise might be, those limitations are described in the Conversations tab.

Zero-Downtime Channel Updates

You can reroute your channel from one skill or digital assistant to another without causing any user downtime.

Here's how you set it up:

  • For a channel that is routed to a digital assistant, you:
    1. Create a new version of the digital assistant.
    2. In the new version of the digital assistant, make whatever changes are necessary, including adding new versions of existing skills.
    3. Reroute the channel to the new version of the digital assistant.
  • For a channel that is routed to an individual skill, you:
    1. Create a new version of the skill, make the desired updates, and publish the skill.
    2. Reroute the channel to the new version of the skill.

Here's what happens after the channel is rerouted:

  • If the user doesn't have an open session, they will get the new digital assistant or skill when they next access the channel.
  • If the user has an open session with the digital assistant or skill but is not in the middle of a flow in a skill, the session is refreshed with the updated digital assistant or skill.
  • If the user is in the middle of a flow in a skill when the channel is rerouted, the user will continue seeing the previous version of the skill or digital assistant. After they finish their flow (which happens when the return transition is called in the flow), the session will be updated with the updated digital assistant or skill.


If you update an existing digital assistant (instead of creating a new version of the digital assistant and then rerouting to that version), the zero downtime feature will not work. For example, if a new version of a skill has been added to the digital assistant and a user is in the middle of a session with the old version of the skill, the session will be interrupted and the skill will stop working.

Rich Text Formatting in Channels

You can use HTML tags to format skill messages, even for channels that have channel-specific markup or markdown. When the message is passed to the channel, the HTML tags you include are replaced with the appropriate markup or markdown for that particular channel. This enables you write messages in one place for multiple channels.

If a tag doesn't have a direct equivalent in a channel, the closest equivalent is used. For example, if the message has <h1>Title 1</h1> and <h2>Title 2</h2> tags, those are converted to *Title 1* and *Title 2* when sent to a Slack channel.

If there isn't a rough equivalent for the tag in the channel, the tags are merely stripped from the message when sent to the channel.

Style HTML Tags and Attributes
bold <strong>; <b>
italics <em>; <i>
headings <h1>; <h2>; <h3>
unordered lists (including nesting) <ul>; <li>
ordered lists (including nesting) <ol>; <li>
preformatted text <pre>
blockquote <blockquote>
newline <newline>
hyperlink <a href="">

Note: If your link includes an ampersand (&), be sure to encode it using &amp; to make sure that the tags are parsed properly.

image link <img>
table <table>; <th>; <tr>; <td>
font size font-size (e.g. <p style="font-size:large;">Large Font</p>)
font color color (e.g. <p style="color:red;">Red Font</p>)
video <video controls="" src="link_to_video_source_file">

Note: This tag only works if you link directly to the video file, such as an .mp4. It doesn't work for YouTube links.

Session Expiration

For each channel that you configure, you use the Session Expiration field to set the timeout for inactive user sessions. For most channel types, the default value is one day (1440 minutes). When the session has expired, the conversation is terminated and a message is sent to notify the user of that fact.

In addition, any variables that have been set in a skill's dialog flow will be destroyed, unless the variable was declared as a user-scoped variable. See User-Scoped Variables in YAML Dialog Flows.

Change the Session Expiration Prompt

When a session expires, the user is prompted with a message that is set in the Expired Session Error Prompt property for the digital assistant or skill that the channel is routed to. By default, this message is "Your session has expired. Please start again."

To change this message for a digital assistant:

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Digital Assistants, and open the digital assistant.

  2. In the left navigation for the digital assistant, click icon for Settings and select the Configurations tab.

  3. Scroll down to the Other Parameters section of the page and update the Expired Session Error Prompt property.

To change this message for a standalone skill:

  1. Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Skills, and open the skill.

  2. In the left navigation for the skill, click icon for Settings and select the Configuration tab.

  3. Update the Expired Session Error Prompt property.

Reset User Channel Sessions

If needed, you can break off the current conversations in a user channel by clicking its Reset Sessions button.


This button is primarily intended for cases when you are developing the skill or digital assistant. If you use it for a channel that is in production, you will disrupt all user conversations that are in progress.

To access the Reset Sessions button:

  • Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Channels, and select the user channel.

Enable or Disable Channels

From time to time, you may need to disable a channel to perform maintenance or updates to the configuration and then re-enable the channel.

To do so, you can use the these switches:

  • Channel Enabled
  • Interaction Enabled (for agent integrations)
  • Application Enabled (for applications)

Disabling the System channel, which supports the skill tester, alerts developers that the channel is unavailable.

To access these options:

  • Click icon to open the side menu to open the side menu, select Development > Channels, and select the channel.

Channel-Specific Extensions

In addition to the generic elements that you can use in your dialog flows to render across multiple channels, you can also take advantage of features that are specific to a channel type. You can do so through the Common Response component's channelCustomProperties metadata element, which takes the following form:

            - channel: "CHANNEL_NAME" // can be facebook, slack, cortana, twilio, androidsdk, iossdk, websdk, test

You can apply channelCustomProperties in the component's metadata at the level of globalActions, responseItems, and elements of responseItems, depending on the given property.

Here is an example of custom properties defined at the response item level and the card level:

  - type: "cards"
    cardLayout: "vertical"
      - title: "${}"
        description: "${pizzas.description}"
        imageUrl: "${pizzas.image}"
        url: "${pizzas.moreInfo}"
        iteratorVariable: "pizzas"
          - channel: "facebook"
              webview_height_ratio: "compact"
              fallback_url: ""
      - channel: "facebook"
          top_element_style: "large"

The channelCustomProperties element takes an array, where each entry specifies the properties of a specific channel. Some custom properties are only applicable to a specific Common Response component element, or even a specific response item type, as in the above example where top_element_style only applies to response items of type cards.

You can also use Freemarker expressions to specify the value of a channel custom property.

Here is an example where a date picker is only shown on Slack when prompted for the expense date item while resolving the composite bag entity expense:

  - type: "text"
    text: "${system.entityToResolve.value.prompt}"
      - channel: "slack"
          showDatePicker: "${'Date'}"

The available properties vary by channel. See the following topics for the list of custom properties available for each channel:

Comparison of Channel Capabilities

Here's a non-exhaustive comparison of channels and the features that they support.

Capability Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Text Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Images Yes Yes Yes Yes for sending. No for receiving Partial Yes
Files Yes Partial for sending. Yes for receiving Yes Yes for sending. No for receiving Partial Yes
Emojis Yes Partial for sending. Yes for receiving Yes Yes for sending. No for receiving Partial Yes
Location Yes, but deprecated No No No No Yes
Links Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Postbacks Yes Yes Yes No Partial Yes
Location Requests Yes No No No No Yes
Extensions No No No No No No
Custom Properties Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes
Carousel Yes Partial Yes Yes Partial Yes
List Yes Yes Yes Yes Partial Yes
Tables and Forms No Yes Yes (autosubmit is not supported) No No Yes

To render an emoji from your dialog flow, start with its Unicode representation, replace + with 000, and prefix the code with \. For example, for U+1F600, you would enter \U0001F600 in your dialog flow. See for a list of the Unicode codes for each emoji.

Comparison of Channel Message Constraints

Here's a comparison of constraints on messages and action buttons, by channel.

Text Message Constraints

Text Message Constraint Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams and Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Maximum length of text message 640 characters. If the length exceeds 640, the text is split over multiple messages. 3000 characters. If the length exceeds 3000, the text is split over multiple messages. No limit. 1600 characters. If the length exceeds 1600, the text is split over multiple messages. No limit.
Maximum length of text action label 20 characters 30 characters 1 line (about 50 characters) N/A 128 characters
Types of text actions allowed Postback, Call, URL Postback, URL Postback, Call, URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. Postback, URL, Location Request, Call (if the device has calling capabilities), and Share (if the platform supports it)
Maximum number of text actions If there are more text actions, the message is converted to multiple horizontal cards, with the same text used as the title on each card, and each card containing up to 3 actions. No limit. No limit. N/A If there are more text actions, the message is converted to multiple horizontal cards, with the same text used as the title on each card, and each card containing up to 6 actions.

Horizontal Card Messages

Horizontal Card Message Constraint Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams and Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Supported? Yes No. Card is layout is converted to vertical. Yes No, but near equivalent functionality is achieved by converting some action types to text. Yes
Maximum length of title 80 characters 3000 characters 2 lines (about 80 characters) N/A 30 characters
Maximum length of description 80 characters 3000 characters 25,000 characters N/A 128 characters
Maximum length of card action label 20 characters 30 characters 1 line (about 50 characters) N/A 25 characters
Maximum number of cards 10 N/A 10 N/A 10
Maximum number of card actions 3. If the number of card actions exceeds 3, the card is duplicated to render remaining card actions. N/A 6. If the number of card actions exceeds 6, the card is duplicated to render remaining card actions. N/A 3. If the number of card actions exceeds 3, the card is duplicated to render remaining card actions.
Minimum number of card actions 0 N/A 0 N/A 1
Maximum number of card list actions 0 N/A 6 N/A --
At least one description, image or action required? Yes N/A No N/A No
Types of card actions allowed Postback, Call, URL, Share Postback, URL Postback, Call,URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. Postback, URL
Types of card list actions allowed N/A Postback, URL Postback, Call,URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. Postback, URL

Vertical Card Messages

Vertical Card Message Constraint Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams and Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Supported? No Yes Yes No, but near equivalent functionality is achieved by converting some action types to text. Yes.

For 19.4.1, this is not supported.
Maximum length of title N/A 3000 characters 2 lines (about 80 characters) N/A 30 characters
Maximum length of description N/A 3000 characters 25,000 characters N/A 128 characters
Maximum length of card action label N/A 30 characters 1 line (about 50 characters) N/A 25 characters
Maximum number of cards N/A 100 10 N/A N/A
Maximum number of card actions N/A -- 3 N/A N/A
Minimum number of card actions 0 0 0 N/A N/A
Maximum number of card list actions 1 -- 6 N/A N/A
At least one description, image or action required? Yes N/A No N/A No
Types of card actions allowed Postback, Call, URL, Share Postback, URL Postback, Call, URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. N/A
Types of card list actions allowed Postback, Call, URL Postback, URL Postback, Call,URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. N/A

Attachment Messages

Attachment Message Constraint Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams and Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Supported? Yes Yes Yes Yes, if MMS is enabled Yes
Maximum number of attachment actions 0 -- -- N/A --
Types of actions allowed N/A Postback,URL Postback, Call, URL. Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. Postback,URL

Action Buttons

Action Button Constraint Facebook Messenger Slack Microsoft Teams and Cortana Twilio Web , iOS, and Android
Supported? Yes Yes Yes No, but near equivalent functionality is achieved by converting some action types to text. Yes
Maximum length of global action label 20 characters 30 characters 1 line (about 50 characters) N/A 128 characters
Maximum number of global actions 11 -- 6 N/A --
Types of global actions allowed Postback, Location Postback,URL Postback, Call, URL Postback, Call, URL. These action types are converted to text. For postback actions, the label serves as a keyword that can be used to trigger the postback. Postback, Location