Prepare for JDBC Thin Connections

Applications that use JDBC Thin connections include the software necessary to make an Oracle Net Services connection. It is not necessary to download and install Oracle Client software.

Some applications use the JDK installed on your computer while others use a JDK that is embedded in the application installation. If your application uses the JDK installed on your computer and that JDK is version 8, 8u161 or later, no additional preparation is required. If your computer does not have JDK version 8, 8u161 or later, already installed then install the latest JDK first. You can download the latest JDK from

If your application is using a JDK version 8, prior to 8u161, then the JCE Policy Files must be updated within your application.

See Connect with JDBC Thin Driver for the steps required to use JDBC Thin connections to connect to an Oracle Database server.

Set JVM Networking Properties

Autonomous Database uses DNS names that map to multiple IP addresses (multiple load balancers) for better availability and performance. Depending on your application, you may want to configure certain JVM networking properties.

For the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) address cache, any address resolution attempt caches the result whether it was successful or not, so that subsequent identical requests do not have to access the naming service. The address cache properties allow you to tune how the cache operates. In particular, the networkaddress.cache.ttl value specifies the number of seconds a successful name lookup is kept in the cache. A value of -1, the default value, indicates a “cache forever” policy, while a value of 0 (zero) means no caching.

If your Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is configured to cache DNS address lookups, your application may be using only one IP address to connect to your Autonomous Database, resulting in lower throughput. To prevent this you can change your JVM's networkaddress.cache.ttl value to 0, so that every connection request does a new DNS lookup. This ensures that different threads in your application are distributed over multiple load balancers.

To change the networkaddress.cache.ttl value for all applications, or in your application, do one of the following:

  • Configure the security policy to set the value for all applications:

    Set networkaddress.cache.ttl=0 in the file $JAVA_HOME/jre/lib/security/

  • Set the following property in your application code:"networkaddress.cache.ttl" , "0");