Moving a VLAN Between Compartments

Move a VLAN associated with an SDDC in VMware Solution from one compartment to another.

    1. Open the navigation menu , select Networking, and then select Virtual cloud networks.
    2. Click the name of the VCN that contains the VLAN that you want to move. If you don't see the VCN listed, ensure that the correct compartment is selected.
    3. Under Resources, click VLANs.
    4. Click the name of the VLAN to view details about it.
    5. Click Move resource.
    6. Choose the destination compartment from the list.
    7. Click Move resource.
  • Use the vlan change-compartment command and required parameters to move the VLAN to another compartment:

    oci ocvs vlan change-compartment --compartment-id destination_compartment_OCID --vlan-id vlan_id [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ChangeVlanCompartment operation to move a VLAN to different compartment.