Creating a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device 1 Node

Create a Roving Edge Infrastructure device node in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

These instructions create the device node.


Roving Edge Infrastructure device node orders can only be shipped to specific countries depending on where the order is placed. Contact your Oracle account representative for more information. See Country Support for more information.

For information about Roving Edge models and shapes, see Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Specifications.

    1. Open the navigation menu and click Hybrid. Under Roving Edge Infrastructure, click Nodes. The Nodes page appears.

    2. Click Create Node. The Create Node dialog box appears. Complete the following fields under Basic information:

      • Name: Enter a name for the device node.

      • Create in compartment: Select the compartment in which the device node you create resides.
      • Shape: Select a shape based on the Roving Edge Device model that you're requesting.

      • Enclosure Type: Select one of the following options:

    3. Enter a Super user password and Confirm the super user password.

      The password is for the super user account on the node.

      Password requirements:

      • Length: 8 - 12 characters
      • Must include at least one: lowercase, numeric, and special character: ! # $ % & ( ) * + - . / : ; @ = < > [ ] ^ _ | ~ \ { {
    4. Enter an Unlock passphrase and Confirm unlock passphrase.

      The passphrase is used to decrypt data at rest on the node.

      passphrase requirements:

      • Length: 8 - 12 characters
      • Must include at least one: lowercase, numeric, and special character: ! # $ % & ( ) * + - . / : ; @ = < > [ ] ^ _ | ~ \ { {
    5. For Shipping Information. Choose one of the options:

      • Shipped by Oracle: Complete the following shipping information:

        • Point of contact

        • Care of

        • Recipient phone

        • Recipient email

        • Country

        • Address line 1

        • Address line 2 (optional)

        • City/Locality

        • State/Province/Region

        • Zip/Postal code

        • Country: Roving Edge Infrastructure device node orders can only be shipped to specific countries depending on where the order is placed. Contact your Oracle account representative for more information.

      • Pickup from Oracle

    6. (optional) Expand Certificate options: Click to display and complete the following certificate options:

      You have different options for certificate management:

      • (Optional) You can use the default self-signed certificates for the device. For this option, leave this section blank. You configure self-signed certificates after you receive the device (see Certificate Management). You can also configure the OCI Certificate service later.



      • (Optional) You can use your own certificate service to manage certificates. For this option, enter the certificate information you got when you created a certificate authority. If you don't have the certificate information, you can enter it later using Editing a Node for Compute, GPU, and Storage Devices, but before you provision the device.
      • Common Name: Enter a name for the certificate.

      • Issuer Certificate Authority in <compartment>: Select a certificate authority to be used for generating and renewing certificates for the device node. Click Change Compartment to select a certificate authority in another compartment.

      • Certificate Validity End Date: Enter the date and time on which the certificate is no longer valid.

      • Signature Algorithm: Select a signature algorithm from the list.

      • Key Algorithm: Select a key algorithm from the list.

      • Certificate Compartment: Select the compartment where the certificate resides.

    7. (optional) Show Tagging options: Click to display the Tagging option. If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace.


      If you are not sure about whether to apply tags, then skip this option (you can apply tags later) or ask your administrator.

      Complete the following:

      • Tag Namespace

      • Tag Key

      • Value

      Click +Another Tag to add another tag. Click X to remove the associated tag.

      See Overview of Tagging for descriptions of these fields.

    8. Click Create Node.

    The device node you created is added to the list of nodes.

    After creating the node, perform one of the following procedures submit a device node request. See Submitting a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Node Request.

  • Use the oci rover node create command and required parameters to create a Roving Edge Infrastructure device node in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure:

    oci rover node create --compartment-id compartment_ocid --display-name display-name --shape shape_name [OPTIONS]

    To determine your Roving Edge Infrastructure device compartment OCID, see Compartments.

    For shape_name, specify one of the following shape values based on the Roving Edge Ultra device model.

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

    After creating the node, perform one of the following procedures submit a device node request. See Submitting a Roving Edge Infrastructure Device Node Request.

  • Run the CreateRoverNode operation to create a Roving Edge Infrastructure device node in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.