Editing a Repository
Find out how to edit a repository in Container Registry.
Having created a repository in Container Registry, you can edit its properties. For example, you might want to change access to a repository from private access to public access.
Your permissions control the repositories in Container Registry that you can edit (see Policies to Control Repository Access). You can edit repositories you've created, and repositories that the groups to which you belong have been granted access by identity policies. If you belong to the Administrators group, you can edit any repository in the tenancy.
To edit a repository in Container Registry using the Console:
- Open the navigation menu and select Developer Services. Under Containers & Artifacts, select Container Registry.
- Select the region that contains the repository.
Select the compartment that contains the repository.
The Repositories and images field lists the repositories in the selected region and compartment to which you have access.
- From the list, select the repository that you want to edit.
Details of the selected repository are shown in tabular form.
- Make your edits. For example:
- Click Change to Public or Change to Private to change access to the repository.
- Click Add scanner or Remove scanner to enable image scanning by adding an image scanner to the repository, or to disable image scanning (see Scanning Images for Vulnerabilities).
- Click Move compartment to move the repository from one compartment to another (see Moving a Repository Between Compartments).
- On the Tags tab, click Add tags to apply additional free-form tags and defined tags to the repository, or click the edit button beside an existing tag to modify or remove that tag. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information, see Applying Free-form Tags and Defined Tags to Repositories, Images, and Image Signatures.
Use the oci artifacts container repository update command and required parameters to edit repository properties:
oci artifacts container repository update --repository-id <repository-ocid> [OPTIONS]
For example:
oci artifacts container repository update --repository-id ocid1.containerrepo.oc1.us-phoenix-1.0.ansh81vru1zp.aaaaaaaaswec83o... --is-public yes
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Run the UpdateContainerRepository operation to edit a repository.