Adding IP Address Ranges to a VCN

You can add an IPv4 CIDR block or IPv6 prefix to a Virtual Cloud Network (VCN), with some limitations.

  • The IPv4 CIDR block or IPv6 prefix you add must not overlap with any other address range in the VCN or in a peered VCN.
  • The new IPv4 CIDR block or IPv6 prefix must not include an IP address used in an existing route rule.
  • While the VCN is being updated, you can't create or update the VCN's subnets, VLANs, local peering gateways (LPGs), or route tables.
  • After you add an IPv6 prefix to a VCN, you can't edit the IPv6 prefix.
    1. Open the navigation menu, click Networking, and then click Virtual cloud networks.
    2. Click the name of the VCN that you want to update. You might need to change the compartment to find the VCN that you want.
    3. Under Resources, click CIDR Blocks/Prefixes.
    4. Click Add CIDR Block/IPv6 Prefix.
    5. Enter the value of the CIDR block or IPv6 prefix that you want to add to the VCN.
      With IPv6, you can select an Oracle-allocated IPv6 prefix, select a BYOIPv6 prefix that you already imported, or specify a ULA prefix. For BYOIPv6, you can also subdivide the prefix here, if you're only assigning a portion of the imported IPv6 prefix to this VCN.
    6. Click Add CIDR Blocks/Prefixes.
    The VCN's state changes to UPDATING. Completing this operation can take a few minutes. You can view work requests to monitor the status of the update.
  • Use the network vcn add-vcn-cidr command and required parameters to add an IPv4 CIDR block to a VCN:

    oci network vcn add-vcn-cidr --cidr-block cidr-block --vcn-id ocid [OPTIONS]

    Use the network vcn add-ipv6-vcn-cidr command and required parameters to add an IPv6 prefix to a VCN:

    oci add-ipv6-vcn-cidr --vcn-id ocid [OPTIONS]

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the AddVcnCidr operation to add an IPv4 CIDR block to a VCN.

    Run the AddIpv6VcnCidr operation to add an IPv6 prefix to a VCN.