Importing Users

Import users using a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Before you begin:
Before you can import users, first create a CSV file that is properly formatted for the import process. To create and prepare a file for import, follow these steps.
  1. Download these sample files as a starting point.

  2. Extract the compressed file and then open the Users.csv file.

  3. Optional. To familiarize yourself with the import process, consider importing just the demo data. You can then delete the unwanted demo data before you begin importing live data.
  4. Review and then delete any demo data in the Users.csv file.

  5. Create an import file using the Users.csv file. The Users.csv file is a simple text file in a tabular format (rows and columns). The first row in the file defines the columns (fields) in your table.


    • The maximum number of rows in the user import file must not exceed 100,000 and the import file size must not exceed 52 MB.

    • At a minimum, the file must have these exact column headings and the fields in these columns must be unique.
      • User ID

      • Last Name

      • First Name

      • Work Email

      • Primary Email

      • Primary Email Type

    • For each account, you create a new row (line) and enter data into each column (field). Each row equals one record.

    • The telephone numbers of the users that you want to import must meet the requirements of the RFC 3966 specification.

    • When importing users, the attribute Recovery cannot be specified as one of valid values for Primary Email Type. The valid values for Primary Email Type are home, work, or other.

    • If you want users to use their federated accounts to sign in, then you must set the Federated column to TRUE for those users. When the federated flag is set to TRUE, IAM no longer manages the federated user's password. This prevents IAM from forcing a password change for these imported user accounts.

    • If you don't want users to be notified that accounts were created for them, then you must set the ByPass Notification column to TRUE for those users. The ByPass Notification option determines whether an email notification is sent after creating or updating a user.

    • To create a CSV file, you can use a standard spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets, or you can use a text editor, such as Notepad or TextPad.

  6. Save your file in UTF-8 format. Saving the file in UTF-8 format ensures that non-English characters display properly.
    1. Open the CSV file with a text editor, such as Notepad.
    2. Save the file with UTF-8 for encoding.

    If you don't save the file in a CSV format with UTF-8 encoding, the import fails.
To import users, follow these steps.
  1. Open the navigation menu  and select Identity & Security. Under Identity, select Domains. Select the name of the identity domain that you want to work in. You might need to change the compartment to find the domain that you want. Then, select Users.
  2. From the More actions menu, select Import users.
  3. In the Import users window, drag and drop the file or select Select one to browse for the file.
  4. Select Import.
    If a user account is missing a required value, such as the user's first name, last name, or username, then that account won't be imported and the next user account in the CSV file is evaluated.
  5. After the job completes, review the job results.
    • If the job can be processed immediately, then a dialog box appears with the Job ID and a link for your import job. Select the link and review the details on the Jobs page.
    • If the job cannot be processed immediately, then a message appears with a Schedule ID in it. Copy that Schedule ID, and use it to search for the job on the Jobs page. The job appears when processing completes.

    A job ID is assigned to each file that's imported or exported, for auditing purposes.
  6. If needed, go to the Jobs page, locate, and open the job that you want to view.
    A table displays the first names, last names, email addresses, user names, and statuses of the users that you imported.

    If a user account can be imported, then a Creation Succeeded or Update Succeeded link appears for the status, depending on whether you imported a new account or modification to an existing account. To see granular details about the account, select the link.

    If a user account can't be imported, then a Creation Failed or Update Failed link appears for the status. To see information about why the account or modification can't be imported, select the link.

  7. Review the details on the Jobs page.
See Export Job Errors to download a CSV file of any errors to your local machine.