Listing Quotas for a File System

List quotas for individual users and groups to see limits, usage, and violators.


If quotas are disabled, the usage reported when listing quota rules is zero (0). In this case, a value of 0 doesn't mean that the user, group, or file system has no usage, it means that the usage is undefined. Reported quota usage is only correct when enforcement is enabled. For more information, see Enabling or Disabling Quotas for a File System.
When you use the CLI or API to list quotas, the response includes an ID that you can use when updating or deleting individual quotas.
    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Storage. Under File Storage, select File Systems.
    2. In the List scope section, under Compartment, select a compartment.
    3. Select the name of the file system for which you want to list quotas.
    4. On the file system's details page, under Resources, select User and group quota rules.
    5. Under Filters, select the type of quota rule that you want to list. Individual group quota rules are displayed by default. To help identify users and groups exceeding their quota, you can specify whether to display only the violators for a particular rule.
      • Individual group quota rule
      • Individual group quota rule violators only
      • Individual user quota rule
      • Individual user quota rule violators only
      • File System quota rule
      • File System quota rule violators only
      • Default group quota rule
      • Default group quota rule violators only
      • Default user quota rule
      • Default user quota rule violators only

      The file system's details page also lists overall file system, default quotas, and whether quotas are enabled or disabled.
  • Use the oci fs file-system list-quota-rules command and required parameters to list quotas:

    oci fs file-system list-quota-rules --file-system-id <file_system_OCID> --principal-type <principal_type> [OPTIONS]

    Use the optional --are-violators-only parameter to display only the users or groups that violate the quota rules of the file system.

    Use the optional --principal-id parameter to display only the quotas associated with a specific user or group.

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the ListQuotaRules operation to list quotas.


    Use the optional areViolatorsOnly parameter to display only the users or groups that violate the quota rules of the file system.

    Use the optional principalId parameter to display only the quotas associated with a specific user or group.

    For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.