Updating an Individual Quota on a File System

Update an existing individual user or group quota to change its limit or rename the rule.

To update default quotas that apply to all users and groups, see Setting Default Quotas for a File System.


Only one quota rule can be updated at a time. Bulk edits of individual user or group quotas aren't supported.
    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Storage. Under File Storage, select File Systems.
    2. In the List scope section, under Compartment, select a compartment.
    3. Select the name of the file system for which you want to delete quotas.
    4. On the file system's details page, under Resources, select User and group quota rules.
    5. In the User and group quota rules table, open the Actions menu (Actions Menu) for the quota and select Edit.
    6. In the Edit quota rule panel, provide a new Quota limit in GB and select Save changes.
  • Use the oci fs file-system update-quota-rule command and required parameters to update a quota:

    oci fs file-system update-quota-rule --file-system-id <file_system_OCID> --quota-rule-id <rule_ID> --is-hard-quota <boolean> --principal-type <principal_type> --quota-limit-in-gigabytes <quota_limit_in_gigabytes>

    Use oci fs file-system list-quota-rules to get the --quota-rule-id value. For more information, see Listing Quotas for a File System.

    For a complete list of parameters and values for CLI commands, see the CLI Command Reference.

  • Run the UpdateQuotaRule operation to update a quota.

    Use ListQuotaRules to get the required quotaRuleId value. For more information, see Listing Quotas for a File System.

    For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.