Oracle-defined Sources

Oracle Logging Analytics provides the following Oracle-defined sources that you can use.

Log Source Description Source Type Entity Types Source Identifier
OCI Data Integration Service Logs OCI Data Integration Service Logs File Data Integration Service Workspace ociDataIntegrationServiceLogs
OCI Cloud Guard Raw Logs OCI Cloud Guard Raw Logs File OCI Cloud Guard ociCloudGuardRawLogSource
OCI Cloud Guard Query Results Logs OCI Cloud Guard Query Results Logs File OCI Cloud Guard ociCloudGuardQueryResultsLogSource
OCI Audit Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Audit Logs File Host (Linux) omc_ociAuditLogSource
Logging Analytics Detection Rule Logs Derived Log Source for Logging Analytics Detection Rule Logs Derived Nil LoggingAnalyticsDetectionRuleLogs
OCI Network Firewall Traffic Logs OCI Network Firewall Traffic Logs File Network Firewall ociNetworkFirewallTrafficLogSource
OCI Network Firewall Threat Logs OCI Network Firewall Threat Logs File Network Firewall ociNetworkFirewallThreatLogSource
OCI Integration Activity Stream Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Integration (OIC) Activity Stream Logs File OIC Integration ociIntegrationActStreamLogSource
OCI WAF Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall Logs File OCI Web Application Firewall ociWAFLogSource
OCI VCN Flow Unified Schema Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VCN Flow Logs in Unified Schema Format File OCI VCN Virtual Network Interface Card ociVcnFlowUniFmtLogSource
OCI VCN Flow Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure VCN Flow Logs (Legacy) File Host (Linux) omc_ociVcnFlowLogSource
Oracle Operator Access Control Logs Logs of Operator Access Control Service for Autonomous Database Dedicated on ExaCC File Operator Access Control for Autonomous Database Dedicated on ExaCC ociOracleOperatorAccessControlLogSource
Fortinet Syslog Logs Fortinet log source that supports the syslog format Syslog Listener Host (Solaris) FortinetSyslogListenerSource
Oracle Unified DB Audit Log Source Stored in Database 12.1 Source to fetch audit logs using specified sql stored in database 12.1 Database Oracle Pluggable Database unifieddbauditlogfromdbsource121
Oracle Unified DB Audit Log Source Stored in Database 12.2 Source to fetch audit logs using specified sql stored in databases version above 12.1 (Includes 12.2, 19c, ATP and ADW) Database Oracle Database Instance unifieddbauditlogfromdbsource122
MySQL Slow Query Logs Stored in Database MySQL Slow Query Logs Stored in Database Database MySQL Database Instance MySQLSlowQueryDBLogSource
MySQL General Log Source Stored in Database Source to fetch general_log table rows using specified sql stored in database Database MySQL Database Instance MySQLGeneralLogfromDBSource
MySQL Error Logs Stored in Database MySQL Error Logs Stored in Database Database MySQL Database Instance MySQLErrorDBLogSource
MySQL Database Audit XML Logs MySQL Database Audit XML Logs File MySQL Database Instance MySQLAuditXMLLogSource
Oracle EBS Transaction Logs Collect E-Business Suite Transaction Logs from the database table fnd_log_messages Database Oracle Pluggable Database transactionlogsfororacleebs
Oracle DB Audit Log Source Stored in Database Source to fetch audit logs using specified sql stored in database Database Oracle Database Instance dbauditlogfromdbsource
Oracle Database Health Monitor Service Logs Oracle Database Health Monitor Service Logs. Verified on Oracle DB 19c. Database Oracle Database Instance, Autonomous Transaction Processing dbHealthMonitorServiceLogsSource
Oracle Database Dataguard Logs Oracle Database Dataguard Logs. Verified on Oracle DB 19c. Database Oracle Database Instance, Autonomous Transaction Processing dbDataguardLogsSource
Database XML Alert Logs Oracle 11.1.+ Database Alert logs in XML format File Oracle Database Instance DBAlertXMLLogSource
Database Trace Logs stored in Database Trace logs stored in V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS database table Database Autonomous Data Warehouse TraceLogsFromDBSource
Database Listener Alert Logs Oracle 11.1+ Database Listener Alert Log File File Oracle Database Listener TNSAlertLogSource
Database Audit XML Logs Oracle Database Audit XML Logs File Oracle Database Instance DBAuditXMLLogSource
Database Alert Logs Stored in Database Alert logs stored in database, retrieved using V$DIAG_ALERT_EXT view Database Autonomous Data Warehouse DBAlertLogsFromDBSource
AVDF Event in Oracle Database AVDF Event stored in Oracle Database Database Oracle Database Instance AVDFEventInOracleDBSource
AVDF Alert in Oracle Database AVDF Alert Stored in Oracle Database Database Oracle Database Instance omc_AVDFAlertInOracleDBSource
Automatic Storage Management Alert Logs Oracle Automatic Storage Management 11.1.+ DB Alert Logs File Automatic Storage Management Instance ASMDBAlertLogSource
Fortinet Log Event Logs Fortinet Log Event Logs File Host (Linux) FortinetSyslogFileSource
Linux Audit Logs Files that store os-level audit records File Host (Linux) AuditLogSource
Ingress Nginx Controller Logs Ingress Nginx Controller File Host (Linux) ociIngressNginxControllerLogSource
AWS EKS Authenticator Logs AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) Authenticator logs represent the control plane component that EKS uses for Kubernetes RBAC authentication using IAM File Kubernetes Cluster ociEksAuthenticatorLogSource
OCI Application Dependency Management Logs OCI Application Dependency Management (ADM) Logs File ADM Remediation Recipe ociAdmLogSource
F5 Big IP Logs F5 Big IP log source that supports the syslog format. This source should be associated to the host where the OMC Agent will listen for syslog messages. Syslog Listener Host (Windows) BigIPLogSource
Tuxedo Application User Logs Tuxedo Application User Logs File Oracle Tuxedo Application Server tuxedoAppUserLogsLogSource
PeopleSoft Application Tuxedo User Logs PeopleSoft Application Tuxedo User Logs File PSFT Application Server Domain PSFTAppServerTuxLogSource
PeopleSoft Application Tuxedo Access Logs PeopleSoft Application Tuxedo Access Logs File PSFT Application Server Domain PSFTAppServerTuxAccessLogSource
Database Attention Logs Database Attention Logs File Oracle Database Instance DBAttentionLogSource
Database 19c Attention Logs Attention Logs for Oracle 19c Database File Automatic Storage Management Instance DBAttentionRegexLogSource
SUSE Syslog Logs Standard OS Syslog logs for SUSE. By default, it also includes cron logs. File Host (Linux) omc_SuseSyslogSource
SUSE Secure Logs SUSE security logs. By default it also includes logs from sudo, sshd, pamd. File Host (Linux) omc_SuseSecureLogSource
Kubernetes Controller Manager Logs Kubernetes Controller Manager Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sControllerManagerLogSource
Kubernetes Audit Logs Kubernetes Audit Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sAuditLogSource
Kubernetes API Server Logs Kubernetes API Server Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sAPIServerLogSource
Kubernetes StatefulSet Object Logs StatefulSet is the workload API object used to manage stateful applications. Manages the deployment and scaling of a set of Pods, and provides guarantees about the ordering and uniqueness of these Pods File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sStatefulobjLogSource
Kubernetes Scheduler Logs Kubernetes Scheduler Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sSchedulerLogSource
Kubernetes Event Object Logs Kubernetes events are objects that provide insight into what is happening inside a cluster, such as what decisions were made by scheduler or why some pods were evicted from the node, etc File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sEventObjLogSource
Cloud Controller Manager Logs Cloud Controller Manager Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociCloudControllerManagerLogSource
Kubernetes DaemonSet Object Logs Kubernetes DaemonSet Object Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sDaemonsetobjLogSource
OCI Data Flow Spark Diagnostic Logs Logs generated by the Apache Spark framework (driver and executors) File OCI Data Flow Application ociDataFlowSparkDiagLogs
OCI GoldenGate Process Logs GoldenGate Process Logs (Contains logs from Administration Service, Distribution Service, Performance Metrics Service, Receiver Service, Extract/Replicate Events, etc) File GoldenGate Deployment ociGoldenGateProcessLogSource
OCI GoldenGate Error Logs OCI GoldenGate Error Logs File GoldenGate Deployment ociGoldenGateErrorLogSource
OCI Service Connector Hub Logs OCI Service Connector Hub Run Logs File OCI Service Connector ociServiceConnectorHubLogSource
Oracle Unified Directory Errors Logs Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Errors Logs File Oracle Unified Directory oudErrorsLogSource
Oracle Unified Directory Admin Logs Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Admin Logs File Oracle Unified Directory oudAdminLogSource
Oracle Unified Directory Access Logs Oracle Unified Directory (OUD) Access Logs File Oracle Unified Directory oudAccessLogSource
Kubernetes ReplicaSet Object Logs A ReplicaSet's purpose is to maintain a stable set of replica Pods running at any given time. As such, it is often used to guarantee the availability of a specified number of identical Pods. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sReplicaSetObjLogSource
Kubernetes Job Object Logs A Job creates one or more Pods and will continue to retry execution of the Pods until a specified number of them successfully terminate. As pods successfully complete, the Job tracks the successful completions. When a specified number of successful completions is reached, the task (ie, Job) is complete File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sJobobjLogSource
Kubernetes Deployment Object Logs A Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and ReplicaSets. If a desired state in a Deployment is provided then the Deployment Controller changes the actual state to the desired state at a controlled rate. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sDeployementObjLogSource
Kubernetes CronJob Object Logs A CronJob creates Jobs on a repeating schedule. One CronJob object is like one line of a crontab (cron table) file. It runs a job periodically on a given schedule, written in Cron format File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sCronjobObjLogSource
OCI Web Application Accelerator Logs OCI Web Application Accelerator(WAA) Logs File OCI Load Balancer ociWaaLogSource
OCI Media Flow Service Logs OCI Media Flow Service Logs File Media Workflow ociMediaFlowLogSource
OKE Control Plane Logs OKE Control Plane Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociOkeControlPlaneLogSource
PeopleSoft Integration Gateway Message Logs PeopleSoft Integration Gateway Message Logs File PSFT PIA PeoplesoftIntegrationGatewayMsgLogSource
PeopleSoft Integration Gateway Error Logs PeopleSoft Integration Gateway Error Logs File PSFT PIA PeoplesoftIntegrationGatewayErrorLogSource
Database Audit Logs Oracle Database Audit Log File. File Oracle Database Instance DBAuditLogSource
Kubernetes etcd Logs Kubernetes etcd Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sEtcdLogSource
Kubernetes DNS Autoscaler Logs Log Source For Kubernetes DNS Autoscaler Logs. An Autoscaler Pod runs a client that polls the Kubernetes API server for the number of nodes and cores in the cluster. A desired replica count is calculated and applied to the DNS backends based on the current schedulable nodes and cores and the given scaling parameters. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sDNSAutoscalerLogSource
Kubernetes CSI Node Driver Logs The CSI node-driver-registrar is a sidecar container that fetches driver information (using NodeGetInfo ) from a CSI endpoint and registers it with the kubelet on that node using the kubelet plugin registration mechanism. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sCsiNodeDriverLogSource
Kubernetes CSI Controller Logs The CSI controller is responsible for managing the lifecycle of volumes. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sCsiControllerLogSource
Kubernetes Core DNS Logs CoreDNS is a flexible, extensible DNS server that can serve as the Kubernetes cluster DNS File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sCoreDNSLogSource
Kubernetes AWS Node Logs AWS node manages the network connectivity between the Amazon EKS nodes and AWS services. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sAwsNodeLogSource
Kubernetes Autoscaler Logs Kubernetes Autoscaler Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sAutoscalerLogSource
Kubernetes Proxy Logs Log Source For Kubernetes Proxy Logs. Kube Proxy is responsible for load balancing the services File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sProxyLogSource
Kubernetes Kubelet Logs Kubelet is responsible for running containers on the node. Kubelet Logs are collected through syslog. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sKubeletLogSource
Kubernetes Flannel Logs flannel is a virtual networking layer designed specifically for containers. Each host in a flannel cluster runs an agent called flanneld. It assigns each host a subnet, which acts as the IP address pool for containers running on the host. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sFlannelLogSource
OKE Proxymux Client Logs Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) Proxymux Client Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociOkeProxymuxClientLogSource
Symantec DLP System Events Symantec DLP system event data stored in an Oracle database Database Oracle Database Instance omc_SymantecDBDLPSystemEvents
Symantec Endpoint Protection Syslog Listener Logs Symantec Endpoint Protection log source which supports the syslog listener format. Syslog Listener Host (Windows) SymantecEndpointProtectionSyslogListenerLogs
Symantec DLP Syslog Listener Logs Symantec DLP log source which supports the syslog listener format. Syslog Listener Host (AIX) SymantecDLPSyslogListenerLogs
Symantec Endpoint Protection System Syslog Logs Standard system syslog files for Symantec Endpoint Protection. Syslog Listener Host (Linux) omc_SymantecEPPSystemSyslogSource
Windows Security Events Collects events from the Windows Event Subsystem for the Security Channel as log entries Windows Event System Host (Windows) MsftWinEventSecurityLogSource
Linux Cron Logs Log files that store history and operational logs related to cron daemon activities. Cron is used to schedule commands to run. File Host (Linux) LinuxCronLogSource
Solaris SMF Daemon Logs Logs for Solaris Service Management Facility (SMF) File Host (Solaris) SolarisSMFDaemonLogSource
Linux Syslog Logs Standard OS Syslog log files for Oracle Linux, Ubuntu File Host (Linux) LinuxSyslogSource
Unix HTTP Server SSL Access Logs SSL Access log files for Web Server that is installed as part of Unix installation. File Host (Linux) WebServerSSLAccessLogSource
Ksplice Logs Ksplice log files for Linux File Host (Linux) KspliceLogSource
IPTraf Monitor Logs IPTraf Monitor Log File Host (Linux) IpTrafLogSource
Linux Secure Logs Standard Security Trace log files for Oracle Linux, Ubuntu File Host (Linux) LinuxSecureLogSource
Solaris Cron Logs Standard OS Cron log files for Solaris File Host (Solaris) SolarisCronSource
Unix HTTP Server Error Logs Error log files for Web Server that is installed as part of Unix installation. File Host (Linux) WebServerErrorLogSource
Unix HTTP Server Access Logs Access log files for Web Server that is installed as part of Unix installation. File Host (Linux) WebServerAccessLogSource
Solaris Audit Logs Standard OS Audit log files for Solaris File Host (Solaris) SolarisAuditSource
Solaris ILOM Configuration Logs Log files that store configuration activity for Solaris ILOMS File Host (Solaris) SolarisILOMConfigLogSource
Solaris Install Logs Logs for Solaris installation operations File Host (Solaris) SolarisInstallLogSource
Oracle Cloud Security Access Broker Logs Standard Oracle Cloud Security Access Broker Logs. File Host (Solaris) CasbSource
Linux YUM Logs Logs for operational functions of YUM (Yellowdog Updater Modified package manager) File Host (Linux) LinuxYUMLogSource
SUDO Logs Log files that capture SUDO activity, running a command as another user File Host (Linux) SudoLogSource
Unix HTTP SSL Request Logs SSL Request log files for Web Server that is installed as part of Unix installation. File Host (Linux) WebServerSSLRequestLogSource
Squid Proxy Syslog Listener Source Squid Proxy Syslog Listener Source Syslog Listener Host (Windows) omc_squidProxySyslogSource
Squid Proxy Access Logs Files that store Squid Proxy Access Logs File Host (Linux) SquidLogSource
Bluecoat Proxy W3C Logs Files that store Bluecoat Proxy W3C Logs File Host (HP-UX) BluecoatW3cLogSource
Bluecoat Proxy Squid Logs Files that store Bluecoat Proxy Squid Logs File Host (HP-UX) BluecoatSquidLogSource
Linux Mail Delivery Logs Log files for Linux Mail daemon delivered messages File Host (Linux) LinuxMailLogSource
NVD CVE API Logs Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures fetched through National Vulnerability Database CVE API REST API Host (Linux) nvdCveApiLogSource
Solaris Syslog Logs Standard OS Syslog log files for Solaris File Host (Solaris) SolarisSyslogSource
Solaris SU Logs Logs that capture SU (switch user) activity File Host (Solaris) SolarisSUlogSource
ArcSight Common Event Format Source ArcSight Common Event Format Source File Host (Linux) ArcSightCEF
ArcSight CEF Syslog Source ArcSight Common Event Format Syslog Source Syslog Listener Host (AIX) ArcSightSyslogSource
AIX Syslog Logs Syslog log files for AIX File Host (AIX) AixSyslogSource
AIX SU Logs Logs that capture SU (switch user) activity File Host (AIX) AixSUlogSource
AIX HACMP Cluster Logs HACMP Cluster log files for AIX File Host (AIX) AixClusterlogSource
AIX Dynamic System Optimizer Logs Dynamic System Optimizer log files for AIX File Host (AIX) AixAsologSource
AIX Cron Logs Cron log files for AIX File Host (AIX) AixCronlogSource
AIX Audit Logs Files that store AIX audit records File Host (AIX) AixAuditLogSource
Kubernetes Service Object Logs Service is a method for exposing a network application that is running as one or more Pods in a cluster. File Kubernetes Service ociK8sServiceObjLogSource
OCI Load Balancer Error Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer Error Logs File OCI Load Balancer ociLoadBalancerErrorLogSource
OCI Application Performance Monitoring Dropped Logs OCI Application Performance Monitoring Dropped Logs File APM Domain ociAPMLogSource
Microsoft DNS Logs Log files that capture Microsoft DNS activity File Microsoft DNS Server MsftDNSLogSource
Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim Object Logs A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is similar to a Pod. Pods consume node resources and PVCs consume PV resources. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sPersistentVolClaimObjLogSource
Kubernetes Persistent Volume Object Logs A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator or dynamically provisioned using Storage Classes. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sPersistentVolObjLogSource
Kubernetes EndpointSlice Object Logs In Kubernetes, an EndpointSlice contains references to a set of network endpoints. File Kubernetes Endpoint Slice ociK8sEndpointSliceObjLogSource
Kubernetes Endpoint Logs These logs are derived from Kubernetes EndpointSlice Object logs. File Kubernetes Endpoint Slice ociK8sEndpointLogSource
OCI Load Balancer Access Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Load Balancer Access Logs File OCI Load Balancer ociLoadBalancerAccessLogSource
Oracle Management Agent Logs Logs generated by the Oracle Management Agent File Management Agent OrclMgmtAgentLogSource
OCI Analytics Cloud (OAC) Diagnostic Logs OCI Analytics Cloud (OAC) Diagnostic Logs File OCI Analytics Cloud Instance ociAnalyticsCloudDiagnosticLogSource
OCI Analytics Cloud (OAC) Audit Logs OCI Analytics Cloud (OAC) Audit Logs File OCI Analytics Cloud Instance ociAnalyticsCloudAuditLogSource
Siebel Component Logs All Siebel Component Logs File Siebel Component OrclSiebelComponentSource
FMW OHS Admin Access Logs (V12) FMW OHS Admin Access Logs (V12) File Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsV12AdminLogSource
FMW OHS Access Logs (V12) FMW OHS Access Logs (V12) File Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsV12AccessLogSource
FMW OHS Error Logs FMW OHS Error Logs File Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsErrorLogSource
Database Alert Logs Oracle 11.1.+ Database Alert logs File Oracle Database Instance DBAlertLogSource
OCI Cloud Guard Problems Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Cloud Guard Format from /ProblemSummary REST API endpoint. File OCI Cloud Guard ociCloudGuardRestAPILogSource
OCI Unified Schema Logs Logs coming in OCI Unified Schema format File Host (Linux) ociUnifiedSchemaLogSource
Oracle Access Manager Audit Logs Oracle Access Manager Audit Logs File Oracle Access Management Server FmwOamAuditLogSource
Identity and Access Management Audit Database Source to fetch identity and access management (OAM) audit table rows from the database Database Oracle Database Instance IdentityandAccessMgtauditDatabase
OCI API Gateway Execution Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Gateway Execution Logs File OCI API Gateway ociApiGwExecLogSource
Microsoft IIS Log Source for IIS format logs Microsoft IIS Log Files with IIS format File Microsoft Internet Information Services Web Site MsftIisLogSource
IDCS Audit API Logs Identity Cloud Service Audit log that are collected by REST API outside of Log Analytics File Oracle Identity Cloud Service omc_idcsAuditSource
OCI API Gateway Access Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Gateway Access Logs File OCI API Gateway ociApiGwAccessLogSource
HAProxy Logs HAProxy Logs collected through syslog listener Syslog Listener Host (Linux) ociHAProxyLogSource
Kubernetes Container Generic Logs This source handles all Kubernetes container logs without a specific handling. This is a catch all source for container logs till a specific handling is added. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sContGenLogsSource
OCI DevOps Build Logs Logs providing information on various OCI DevOps builds for all the pipelines inside a project File OCI DevOps Build Run ociDevOpsBuildLogSource
Kubernetes Container Status Logs The Container status information is extracted out of the Kubernetes Pod status object. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sContainerStatusLogSource
Kubernetes Pod Object Logs Pods are the smallest deployable units of computing that you can create and manage in Kubernetes. These logs represent the Pod status information that is collected periodically File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sPodObjLogSource
Kubernetes Object Logs Generic source for handling Kubernetes Object Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sObjectLogSource
Kubernetes Node Object Logs Kubernetes Node Object Logs File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sNodeObjLogSource
Kubernetes Namespace Object Logs Namespaces provides a mechanism for isolating groups of resources within a single cluster. File Kubernetes Cluster ociK8sNamespaceObjLogSource
OCI DevOps Deployment Logs Logs providing information on various OCI DevOps deployments for all the pipelines inside a project File OCI DevOps Deployment ociDevOpsLogSource
OCI Object Storage Access Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object Storage Service Access Logs File OCI Object Storage Bucket ociObjectStorageAccessLogSource
OCI Site-to-Site VPN Logs OCI Site-to-Site VPN logs contain all status-related information of the IPSec tunnels associated with the site-to-site type of IPSec connections. This includes bringing of tunnels up or down, and accompanying negotiation information. Each IPSec connection has two IPSec tunnels created, thus the Site-to-Site VPN logs will contain status on both tunnels File IPSec Tunnel ociSite2SiteVPNLogSource
NGINX Access Logs NGINX Load Balancer Access Logs File Nginx NGINXAccessLogSource
Cisco ASA Logs Standard Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance log files File Host (Linux) CiscoAsaSource
Cisco Syslog Listener Source Cisco Direct Syslog Listener Source Syslog Listener Host (Windows) CiscoSyslogSource
Palo Alto Syslog Logs Palo Alto log source which supports the syslog listener format Syslog Listener Host (AIX) PaloAltoSyslogListenerSource
Oracle GoldenGate Service Manager Logs Defines how to process Service Manager logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Service Manager omc_ogg_service_manager_log_source
Oracle GoldenGate Admin Server Logs Defines how to process Admin Server logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Admin Server omc_ogg_admin_server_log_source
Oracle GoldenGate Receiver Server Logs Defines how to process Receiver Server logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Receiver Server omc_ogg_receiver_server_log_source
Oracle GoldenGate Performance Metric Server Logs Defines how to process Performance Metric Server logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Performance Metric Server omc_ogg_pm_server_log_source
Apache Tomcat Access Logs Apache Tomcat Access Logs File Tomcat ApacheTomcatAccessLogSource
Apache HTTP Server Access Logs Access log files for Apache Web Server File Apache HTTP Server ApacheWebServerAccessLogSource
Microsoft IIS Log Source for W3C format logs Microsoft IIS Log Files with W3C format File Microsoft Internet Information Services Web Site MsftW3cLogSource
Microsoft Exchange Outlook Web Access Probe Logs Microsoft Exchange Log Source that supports Microsoft Exchange's Outlook Web Access log format File Microsoft Exchange MSExchangeOWAProbeLogSource
FMW OHS Access Logs (V11) FMW OHS Access Logs (V11) File Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsAccessLogSource
OCI Email Delivery Logs OCI Email Delivery Logs File OCI Email Delivery ociEmailDeliveryLogSource
McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator events stored in database Database Microsoft SQL Server Database Instance McAfeeePolicyOrchestrator
McAfee Data Loss Prevention Endpoint McAfee Data Loss Prevention Endpoint data stored in database Database Microsoft SQL Server Database Instance McAfeeDat aLossPreventionEndpoint
Juniper SRX Syslog Logs Juniper SRX Log Source that uses the default syslog format. This source should be associated to the host where the OMC Agent will listen for syslog messages. Syslog Listener Host (AIX) JuniperSRXSysLogSource
IPTable Logs IPTable log files for Linux File Host (Linux) omc_iptableLogSource
QRadar LEEF Syslog Listener Source QRadar LEEF Direct Syslog Listener Source Syslog Listener Host (AIX) QradarSyslogSource
Check Point Firewall LEA Syslog Logs Check Point Firewall log source that supports the LEA syslog format. Syslog Listener Host (Linux) CheckPointFirewallSyslogListenerSource
AVDFAlert Linux Syslog Standard AVDFAlert OS Syslog log files for Linux File Host (Linux) AVDFAlertLinuxSyslogSource
McAfee VirusScan Enterprise Logs Source that supports McAfee VSE local log files File Host (Linux) McAfeeVSELogSource
OCI Function Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Function Service Logs File OCI Function ociFunctionLogsSource
OCI Events Logs Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events Logs File OCI Events Service Rule ociEventsLogSource
Apache HTTP SSL Request Logs SSL Request log files for Apache Web Server File Apache HTTP Server ApacheWebServerSSLRequestLogSource
Apache HTTP Server SSL Access Logs SSL Access log files for Apache Web Server File Apache HTTP Server ApacheWebServerSSLAccessLogSource
Apache HTTP Server Error Logs Error log files for Apache Web Server File Apache HTTP Server ApacheWebServerErrorLogSource
EBS Concurrent Manager Logs EBS Concurrent Manager Logs File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EbsConcurrentManagerSource
Windows System Events Collects events from the Windows Event Subsystem for the System Channel as log entries Windows Event System Host (Windows) MsftWinEventSystemLogSource
Windows Application Events Collects events from the Windows Event Subsystem for the Application channel as log entries Windows Event System Host (Windows) MsftWinEventApplicationLogSource
Windows Setup Events Collects events from the Windows Event Subsystem for the Setup Channel as log entries Windows Event System Host (Windows) MsftWinEventSetupLogSource
Palo Alto Syslog CEF Logs Palo Alto log source which supports the syslog CEF listener format Syslog Listener Host (AIX) PaloAltoSyslogCEFListenerSource
Linux Exadata Cell Management Server Trace Logs Exadata Cell Management Server trace log files for Linux File Host (Linux) LinuxExadataMSTracelogSource
Linux Exadata Cell Management Server Logs Exadata Cell Management Server log files for Linux File Host (Linux) LinuxExadataMSlogSource
Linux Exadata Cell Alert Logs Exadata Cell Alert log files for Linux File Host (Linux) LinuxExadataCellAlertlogSource
Fusion Apps Diagnostic Logs Fusion Apps Diagnostic Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) WebLogic Server FaAppsServerDiagLogSource
FMW WLS Server Diagnostic Logs FMW WLS Server Diagnostic Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) WebLogic Server FmwWlsServerDiagLogSource
FMW OID Monitor Logs FMW OID Monitor Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidMonitorLogSource
FMW OID Directory Server Logs FMW OID Directory Server Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidLdapsLogSource
FMW OID Directory Replication Server Logs FMW OID Directory Replication Server Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidRepldLogSource
FMW OID Directory Dispatcher Server Logs FMW OID Directory Dispatcher Server Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidDispdLogSource
FMW OID Directory Control Logs FMW OID Directory Control Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidControlLogSource
FMW OHS Server Logs (V12) FMW OHS Server Logs (V12) Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsV12ServerLogSource
FMW OHS Diagnostic Logs (V11) FMW OHS Diagnostic Logs (V11) Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsDiagLogSource
FMW BI Publisher Logs FMW BI Publisher Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) WebLogic Server FmwBiBipublisherLogSource
FMW BI JBIPS Logs FMW BI JBIPS Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) WebLogic Server FmwBiJbipsLogSource
Oracle VM Manager Diagnostic Logs Oracle VM Manager Diagnostic Logs Oracle Diagnostic Log (ODL) Oracle VM Manager OVMManagerDiagLogSource
Apache Tomcat Manager Logs Format for the Apache Tomcat Manager Logs File Tomcat ApacheTomcatManagerLogSource
Apache Tomcat Host Logs Apache Tomcat Host Logs File Tomcat ApacheTomcatHostLogSource
Apache Tomcat Error Logs Apache Tomcat Error Logs File Tomcat ApacheTomcatErrorLogSource
Apache Tomcat Catalina Logs Apache Tomcat Catalina Logs File Tomcat ApacheTomcatCatalinaLogSource
Apache Spark Logs Apache Spark Logs File Apache Spark ApacheSparkLogSource
Apache Kafka Logs Apache Kafka Log Source that supports the Kafka default log format File Apache Kafka ApacheKafkaStandardLogSource
Apache Zookeeper Logs Apache Zookeeper log source File Apache ZooKeeper ApacheZookeeperLogSource
Apache Hive Logs Collects the Apache Hive default logs File Apache Hive ApacheHiveLogSource
Apache Hadoop Standard Logs Apache Hadoop Standard Logs File Hadoop Resource Manager ApacheHadoopLogSource
Apache Cassandra DB System Logs Apache Cassandra DB System Logs File CassandraDB ApacheCassandraSystemLogSource
Apache Cassandra DB Garbage Collection Logs Apache Cassandra DB Garbage Collection Logs File CassandraDB ApacheCassandraGCLogSource
MySQL General Query Logs MySQL General Query Logs File MySQL Database Instance MySQLGeneralQueryLogSource
Database Trace Logs Oracle 11.1+ Database Trace Log File File Oracle Database Instance DBTraceLogSource
Database Listener Trace Logs Oracle 11.1+ Database Listener Trace Log File File Oracle Database Listener TNSTraceLogSource
Database Incident Dump Files Oracle 11.1+ Database Incident Dump File File Oracle Database Instance DBIncidentDumpSource
Clusterware Ready Services Daemon Logs Oracle 11.1+ Clusterware Ready Services Daemon component log for RAC DB Instance File Oracle Cluster Node CRSDLogSource
Clusterware Ready Services Alert Logs Oracle Clusterware 11.1+ Database Alert Logs File Oracle Cluster Node CRSAlertLogSource
Clusterware Disk Monitor Logs Oracle Clusterware Disk Monitor Logs File Oracle Cluster Node CRSDiskmonLogSource
Automatic Storage Management Trace Logs Oracle Automatic Storage Management 11.1+ DB Trace Log File File Automatic Storage Management Instance ASMDBTraceLogSource
MySQL Error Logs MySQL Error Logs File MySQL Database Instance MySQLErrorLogSource
MySQL Slow Query Logs MySQL Slow Query Logs File MySQL Database Instance MySQLSlowQueryLogSource
Oracle VM Manager Logs Oracle VM Manager Logs File Oracle VM Manager OVMManagerLogSource
Oracle VM Manager STDOUT Logs Oracle VM Manager STDOUT Logs File Oracle VM Manager OVMManagerOutSource
Oracle VM Manager Access Logs Oracle VM Manager Access Logs File Oracle VM Manager OVMManagerAccessLogSource
Node.js Log4js Logs Source that supports Node.js Log4js default log format File Node.js NodejsLog4jsLogSource
CyberArk Syslog Common Event Format Logs CyberArk log source that supports the syslog Comment Event Format Syslog Listener Host (AIX) omc_cyberArkSyslogCefListenerSource
TrendMicro Syslog Common Event Format Logs TrendMicro log source that supports the syslog Comment Event Format Syslog Listener Host (Windows) TrendMicroSyslogCefListenerSource
Ipswitch WS_FTP Server Logs Ipswitch WS_FTP Server Logs File Ipswitch WS_FTP Server WSFTPLogSource
PostgreSQL Logs PostgreSQL Log Source for the standard PostgreSQL Log Format File PostgreSQL Database PostgreSQLLogSource
MongoDB Logs MongoDB Log Source for the standard Mongo logging format File MongoDB MongoDBLogSource
EBS Internal Concurrent Manager Logs EBS Internal Concurrent Manager Logs File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EbsInternalConcurrentManagerSource
EBS Conflict Resolution Manager Logs EBS Conflict Resolution Manager Logs File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EbsConflictResolutionMgrSource
EBS Concurrent Request Logs This Source does not consider Request logs as written once and collects the logs as soon as the logs are available. All the logs are linked together by requestID and other properties extracted from the header. File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EbsConcurrentReqLogSource
EBS Workflow Notification Mailer Logs EBS Workflow Notification Mailer Logs File EBS Workflow Notification Mailer EBSWFNotificationMailerLogSource
EBS Transaction Manager Logs EBS Concurrent Processing Transaction Manager Logs File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EbsTransactionMgrSource
EBS Output Post Processor Logs EBS Output Post Processor Logs File EBS Concurrent Processing Node EBSOPPLogSource
NetApp Syslog Logs Supports the NetApp syslog format. This source should be associated to the host where the OMC Agent will listen for syslog messages. Syslog Listener Host (Solaris) NetAppLogSource
SAP VMC Available Logs SAP VMC Available Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPVMCAvailableLogSource
SAP Java Server Default Trace Logs Source to fetch SAP Java Server Default Trace Logs File SAPNW Application Server JAVA Server Process SapJavaDefaultServerSource
SAP Application Transport Logs SAP Application Transport Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPTransportLogSource
SAP Java Server Applications Logs Source to fetch SAP Java Server Applications Logs File SAPNW Application Server JAVA Server Process SapJavaServerAppVSource
NGINX Error Logs NGINX Load Balancer Error Logs File Nginx NGINXErrorLogSource
SAP Dev RD Logs SAP Dev RD Gateway Trace Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPDevRDLogSource
SAP Dev Message Server Logs SAP Dev Message Server Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPDevMSLogSource
SAP Dev ICM Security Logs SAP Dev ICM Security Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPDevICMLogSource
SAP Dev Dispatcher Logs SAP Dev Dispatcher Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPDevDispLogSource
SAP Application Startup Logs SAP Application Startup Logs File SAPNW Application Server Instance SAPStartupLogSource
F5 Big IP ASM WAF Syslog CEF Logs F5 Big IP ASM Web Application Firewall log source which supports the syslog listener Common Event Format Syslog Listener Host (AIX) omc_F5BigIPAsmWafCEFSyslogListenerSource
Citrix NetScaler Logs Citrix NetScaler Log Source that supports the Syslog Format. This source should be associated to the host where the OMC Agent will listen for syslog messages. Syslog Listener Host (Solaris) NetscalerLogSource
PeopleSoft Analytics Engine Server Logs PeopleSoft Analytics Engine Server Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PeoplesoftAnalyticEngineServerLogSource
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Distribution Agent Logs PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Distribution Agent Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PSFTProcessSchedulerDistAgentLogSource
PeopleSoft Master Scheduler Server Logs PeopleSoft Master Scheduler Server Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PeoplesoftMasterSchedulerServerLogSource
PeopleSoft Application Analytics Engine Server Logs PeopleSoft Application Analytics Engine Server Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PeoplesoftAppAnalyticEngineServerLogSource
PeopleSoft Application server domain Monitor Server (MONITORSRV) Process Logs PeopleSoft Application server domain Monitor Server (MONITORSRV) Process Logs File PSFT Application Server Domain PSFTAppServerDomainMonitorSRVLogSource
PeopleSoft Application server domain Application Server (APPSRV) Process Logs PeopleSoft Application server domain Application Server (APPSRV) Process Logs File PSFT Application Server Domain PSFTAppServerDomainAPPSRVLogSource
PeopleSoft WLS Server Logs WLS Server Logs File PSFT PIA PiaWlsServerLogSource
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler App Engine Server Logs PeopleSoft Process Scheduler App Engine Server Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PSFTProcessSchedulerAppEngineLogSource
PeopleSoft WLS Servlet Logs WLS Servlet Logs File PSFT PIA PiaWlsServletLogSource
PeopleSoft WLS Server STDOUT Logs WLS Server STDOUT Logs File PSFT PIA PiaWlsServerOutSource
PeopleSoft Application server domain Watch Server (WATCHSRV) Process Logs PeopleSoft Application server domain Watch Server (WATCHSRV) Process Logs File PSFT Application Server Domain PSFTAppServerDomainWatchSRVLogSource
PeopleSoft WLS Server Access Logs PeopleSoft WLS Server Access Logs File PSFT PIA PSFTWlsServerAccessLogSourc
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Master Scheduler Logs PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Master Scheduler Logs File PSFT Process Scheduler Domain PSFTProcessSchedulerMasterSchedulerLogSource
JBOSS EAP Log Source JBOSS Enterprise Application Platform server log files. File JBoss Server JBossEAP64Source
IBM Websphere Application Server (Classic) Logs IBM Websphere Application Server (Classic) Logs In Basic Or Advanced Format File IBM Websphere Server WebsphereSystemOutLogSource
IBM Websphere Application Server (Classic) System Error IBM Websphere Application Server (Classic) System Error File IBM Websphere Server WebsphereSystemErrorLogSource
IBM DB2 Audit Logs IBM DB2 Audit Log File. File IBM DB2 Database DB2AuditLogSource
IBM QRadar Log Event Extended Format Logs IBM QRadar Log Event Extended Format Logs File Host (Linux) QRadarLEEF
IBM DB2 Diagnostic Logs IBM DB2 Diagnostic Logs File IBM DB2 Database IBMDB2DiagnosticLogSource
Oracle GoldenGate Manager Report Classic Logs Defines how to process Manager Report Files for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Manager omc_ogg_manager_report_log_source
Oracle GoldenGate GGS Error Logs Defines how to process GGS Error logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Deployment omc_ogg_ggs_error_log_source
Siebel Server Logs Siebel Server Logs File Siebel Server OrclSiebelSrvrSource
Oracle GoldenGate Extract/Replicat Event Logs Defines how to process Extract/Replicat Event logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Deployment omc_ogg_er_event_log_source
Oracle GoldenGate Distribution Server Logs Defines how to process Distribution Server logs for Oracle GoldenGate File GoldenGate Distribution Server omc_ogg_distribution_server_log_source
Siebel Gateway Name Server Logs Siebel Gateway Name Server Logs File Siebel Gateway Server OrclSiebelGatewayServerSourceNew
Siebel Gateway Name Server Audit Logs Siebel Gateway Name Server Audit Logs File Siebel Gateway Server OrclSiebelGatewayAuditSourceNew
Microsoft Active Directory Netsetup Logs Microsoft Active Directory Netsetup Logs File Microsoft Active Directory MsftADNetsetupLogSource
Microsoft Active Directory Installation Wizard Logs Microsoft Active Directory Installation Wizard Logs File Microsoft Active Directory MsftADDcpromoLogSource
Microsoft Active Directory Distributed File System Replication Logs Microsoft Active Directory Distributed File System Replication Logs File Microsoft Active Directory MsftADDfsrLogSource
Microsoft .Net Log4Net Logs Source that supports Log4Net's default log format File Microsoft .NET Server MicrosoftDotNetLog4NetLogSource
Microsoft SQL Server Error Log Source Microsoft SQL Server Error Log Files File Microsoft SQL Server Database Instance MsftSQLServerErrorLogSource
Microsoft IIS Log Source for NCSA format logs Microsoft IIS Log Files with NCSA format File Microsoft Internet Information Services Web Site MsftNcsaLogSource
Microsoft IIS Log Source for FTP format logs Microsoft IIS Log Files with FTP format File Microsoft Internet Information Services MsftFtpLogSource
Microsoft Exchange Diagnostics Service Logs Microsoft Exchange Log Source that supports Microsoft Exchange's Diagnostics Service log format File Microsoft Exchange MSExchangeDiagnosticsServiceLogSource
Microsoft Exchange Database Availability Logs Microsoft Exchange Log Source that supports Microsoft Exchange's Database Availability log format File Microsoft Exchange MSExchangeDatabaseAvailabilityLogSource
Microsoft Exchange Authentication Admin Logs Microsoft Exchange Log Source that supports Microsoft Exchange's Authentication Admin log format File Microsoft Exchange MSExchangeAuthAdminLogSource
Microsoft Exchange Active Monitoring Trace Logs Microsoft Exchange Log Source that supports Microsoft Exchange's Active Monitoring Trace log format File Microsoft Exchange MSExchangeActiveMonitoringTraceLogSource
Microsoft SQL Server Agent Error Log Microsoft SQL Server Agent Error Log Files File Microsoft SQL Server Database Instance MsftSQLServerAgentLogSource
Microsoft DHCP (IPv6) Logs Microsoft DHCP (IPv6) Log Source that supports the DHCPv6 CSV format File Host (Windows) MicrosoftDHCPv6LogSource
Microsoft DHCP (IPv4) Logs Microsoft DHCP Log Source that supports the DHCP CSV format File Host (Windows) MicrosoftDHCPv4LogSource
Microsoft Active Directory NtFrsApi Logs Microsoft Active Directory NtFrsApi Logs File Microsoft Active Directory MsftADNtFrsApiLogSource
Microsoft SharePoint Logs SharePoint Log Source that supports ULS logging format File Microsoft SharePoint MicrosoftSharePointLogSource
FMW OID OPMN Logs OPMN Logs File Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidOpmnLogSource
OC4J JVM Server logs Server logs File OC4J omc_OC4JLogSource
FMW OID Audit Logs FMW Oracle Internet Directory Audit Logs File Oracle Internet Directory FmwOidAuditLogSource
Java Hotspot Dump Logs Source that will parse Java Hotspot Dump files. To use this source for continuous monitoring, please add one or more file patterns defining where the logs are located. File Host (AIX) orclJavaHotSpotDumpSource
OC4J Web Site Access Logs Site Access Logs File OC4J omc_OC4JWebAccessLogSource
FMW WLS Server STDOUT Logs STDOUT Logs File WebLogic Server FmwWlsServerOutSource
OIC Flow Logs Oracle Integration Cloud Flow Logs File OCI Integration Instance ICSFlowLogSource
OIC Diagnostic Logs Oracle Integration Cloud Diagnostic Logs File OCI Integration Instance ICSDiagnosticLogSource
OIC Audit Logs Oracle Integration Cloud Audit Logs File OCI Integration Instance ICSAuditLogSource
FMW WLS Server Access Logs FMW WLS Server Access Logs File WebLogic Server FmwWlsServerAccessLogSource
FMW OAM Embedded LDAP Access Logs FMW OAM Embedded LDAP Access Logs File Oracle Access Management Server FmwOamEmbeddedLdapAccessLogSource
FMW WLS Server Logs FMW WLS Server Logs File WebLogic Server FmwWlsServerLogSource
FMW OHS OPMN Logs (V11) FMW OHS OPMN Logs (V11) File Oracle HTTP Server FmwOhsOpmnLogSource
FMW WLS Node Manager Log FMW WLS Node Manager Log File WebLogic Domain FmwWlsNodeManagerLogSource