About Trace and Span Attributes
The trace (root span) and span attributes in Trace Explorer are defined by tagging a span, which enable the effective monitoring of the various tiers of an application.
Attributes are key-value pairs attached to a span to provide additional information and context about the operation performed in the span. A trace has some trace only attributes as well as all the span attributes of the root span. In Trace Explorer, you can use attributes to query and filter traces and spans, and attributes are of two types: Dimensions, which are string attributes and Metrics, which are numeric attributes. A complete list of the out-of-the-box attributes, which are available in the Attributes panel in Trace Explorer, is provided in the following table. This table includes:
- Name: Name of the attribute.
- Description: Brief description of the attribute.
- Trace/Span: Availability of the attribute. A attribute can be available for traces, spans, or both.
- Source: Source of the attribute. The source of the attribute can be data sources such as APM Browser agent or APM Java agent, or Enrichment, which is set by the service based on the data received from the data source.
- Type: Type of attribute: Dimension or Metric.
Attribute | Description | Trace/Span | Source | Type |
AggregateCount |
The number of observations grouped together in a single
span. This could be resource-hits or errors, depending on
ApmrumType .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxCalls |
The number of AJAX calls observed. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxDownloadTime |
The time taken to download a response. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxErrors |
The number of AJAX errors observed. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxFirstByteTime |
The time taken to receive the first byte of an AJAX call response after the request is sent to the server. This is mainly impacted by network latency and server response time. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxInitTime |
The time taken to initialize an AJAX request inside the
browser, from the creation of fetch/xhr till the
request is sent.
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
AjaxResponseTime |
The time taken to process the AJAX call response, which
is the sum of AjaxInitTime ,
AjaxFirstByteTime , and
AjaxDownloadTime .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ApdexLevel |
The level of user satisfaction: Satisfied , Tolerating or Frustrated .
Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
ApdexScore |
The mapping of the level of user satisfaction to a
numeric representation that can be aggregated. The value is between
0 for Frustrated and 1 for
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ApmrumAttribute1 |
A custom attribute that can be configured to report any required value. The default value is populated with the first directory. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumAttribute2 |
A custom dimension populated with a user-defined value. In some frameworks like Oracle Application Development Framework, a default value is described in documentation. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumClickElementId |
The xpath representation of the element
clicked in relation to ApmRumType PageUpdate .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumClickElementName |
The text clicked in relation to ApmRumType
PageUpdate . Note that this field is populated only if the
trackScreenText boolean is configured.
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumContextType |
The context in which the span is created. For example: Page , Page Update and Custom Span .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumLanguage |
The language setting from the browser. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumPageUpdateType |
The Page Update type. For example: Partial Page Update , Full Page Update or Page Load .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumType |
The type of span. For example: Page Update , Page Load or Ajax .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmrumWindowId |
The ID of the active window generating the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ApmVersion |
The version of the Application Performance Monitoring agent. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
Appserver |
The flag to indicate if an application server has been
discovered. When the application server type is java-jmx or java-no-jmx,
then this dimension is set to false .
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
AppserverDisplayPort |
The port number of the application server. The default is the lowest HTTPS port, if available, or the lowest HTTP port. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
AppserverId |
The hash of significant application server resources, which indicates if there is resource change in the application server over time. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
AppserverName |
The name of the application server. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent and APM .NET agent | Dimension |
AppserverPorts |
The port numbers of the application server. Usually, there is only one port number for the Oracle WebLogic server and multiple for the Apache Tomcat server. In case of multiple port numbers, the values are comma separated. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
AppserverType |
The type of application server. For example: Weblogic or Tomcat .
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
AppserverVersion |
The version of the application server software. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
BrowserName |
The name of the web browser derived from the user agent. For example: Chrome .
Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
BrowserVersion |
The version of the browser. | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
ClassMethod |
The class name and method name where span observation occurred. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ClientIp |
The IP of the client that invoked the Servlet via HTTP. By default, the agent will check the If it's not available, it will invoke the The default behavior can be updated using ProbeConfig.acml file from the APM Java Agent. (See This information is used for the GeoMap. Depending on what Client IPs are captured, configuring the Geo IP Mapping can help provide more accurate results. |
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ClientIpThreatConfidence |
The overall confidence of the threat(s) from one threat indicator (IP address). |
Span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
ClientIpThreatType |
The threat type.
See Threat Indicator Database Threat Types from Threat Intelligence. |
Span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
Component |
The component that generated the span from the
standard, with values such as JDBC, SERVLET, and BROWSER.
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent, APM Java agent and APM .NET agent. | Dimension |
ConnectCount |
The number of connections established. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ConnectTime |
The average time taken to establish server connections. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ContextRoot |
The context root of the monitored web application. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbConnUrl |
The JDBC connection URL used to connect to the database. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbOracleConnectionId |
The unique Net Oracle connection ID generated by the Oracle JDBC driver for each JDBC connection to the Oracle database. This attribute is supported on Oracle JDBC clients 21 and newer. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbErrorSqlState |
The SQLState code returned by
SQLException.getSQLState in error
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbErrorVendorCode |
A number identifying the error that caused the
SQLException instance to be thrown.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
DbOracleSessionId |
The Oracle Session ID of the executed statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbOracleSqlId |
The Oracle SQL ID calculated from the executed SQL statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbOracleSqlId1 |
In batch statement executions, the Oracle SQL ID calculated from the first executed SQL statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbOracleSqlId2 |
In batch statement executions, the Oracle SQL ID calculated from the second executed SQL statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbStatement |
The normalized SQL text executed by the JDBC statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbStatement1 |
In batch statement executions, the normalized SQL text of the first executed JDBC statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbStatement2 |
In batch statement executions, the normalized SQL text of the second executed JDBC statement. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbStatementAdditionalFetchCount |
The number of round trips to the database to fetch additional result set rows not returned upon initial statement execution. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
DbStatementAdditionalFetchTime |
The time (in milliseconds) spent fetching additional result set rows from the database that were not returned upon initial statement execution. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
DbStatementExecTime |
The time (in milliseconds) spent on the initial statement execution and returning any initial rows. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
DbType |
The type of the database. Currently only 'sql' type databases are supported. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DbUser |
The underlying JDBC connection user. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DeploymentInfo |
The deployment information about the monitored web
application. This can be displayed in two formats, depending on whether
the deployment type is available:
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
DeviceType |
The type of device used by the user. For example, Personal Computer. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
DisplayName |
The display name of the application server. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent and APM .NET agent | Dimension |
DNSLookups |
The number of DNS lookups. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
DNSTime |
The average time taken to perform DNS lookups. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
The Oracle Execution Context ID. | Span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
EndTime |
The end time of the span. | Span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
Error |
The span property that marks a span as "failed" with
boolean value true , in case of an error. This indicates
that the application considered the operation represented by the span
failed. The default boolean value is false (no
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
ErrorCount |
The number of spans that are marked as failed (Error =
true ). It's possible that multiple spans in a
single trace are marked failed, in which case this number will be the
count of the failed spans.
Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
ErrorLocation |
The location or source of the error, if available. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ErrorMessage |
The description of the error. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
ErrorObject |
A human-readable description of the error. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
FrustratedPageViews |
The number of page views with a 'frustrating' performance. | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
GeoCity |
The city where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoContinentCode |
The continent where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoCoordLatitude |
The latitude where the browser agent originated.Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoCoordLongitude |
The longitude where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoCountry |
The country where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoCountryCode |
The ISO 3166-based country code where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoInternetServiceProvider |
The ISP where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
GeoRegionCode |
The ISO 3611-based region code where the browser agent originated. Foot 1 | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
HostAddress |
The IPv4 address resolved from the host name. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
Hostname |
The name of the host. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent and APM .NET agent | Dimension |
HostnameCanonical |
The canonical name (FQDN) of the host. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
HostNames |
The list of host names in the network interfaces of the host. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpClientType |
The type of HTTP client being monitored, for example, Apache HttpClient and HttpURLConnection. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpMethod |
The HTTP method used in the request, for example,
GET , POST , and
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpRequestContentSize |
The content length of the request if Content-Length was set as part of the request header.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpResponseContentSize |
The content length of the response if Content-Length was set as part of the response header.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpStatusCode |
The HTTP status code of the response, for example,
200 , 404 , or
500 .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpStatusDetails |
The description of the HTTP response status code. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpUrl |
The HTTP URL related to the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpUrlFragment |
The HTTP URL fragment related to the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpUrlHost |
The HTTP URL host name related to the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpUrlPath |
The HTTP URL path related to the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
HttpUrlQuery |
The HTTP URL query related to the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
Kind |
The field related to open tracing definition (https://opentracing.io/specification/conventions/)
span.kind0 . The Browser agent may report values
such as CLIENT or INTERNAL, and the Java agent and other tracers may
report values such as SERVER for servlets and CLIENT for HttpClient and
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciAvailabilityDomain |
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure availability domain the compute instance is running in. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciCompartmentId |
The OCID of the compartment in which the compute instance resides. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciComputeShape |
The shape of the compute instance. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciDisplayName |
The display name of the compute instance or Kubernetes node. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciFaultDomain |
The name of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure fault domain the compute instance is running in. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciInstanceId |
The OCID of the compute instance. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OciRegion |
The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure region that contains the availability domain the compute instance is running in. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OpcRequestIdRequest |
The opc-request-id header value set as part of the request sent to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OpcRequestIdResponse |
The opc-request-id header value set as part of the response sent from the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OperationName |
The name of the span. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
OsAvailableProcessors |
The number of processors available to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
OsFamily |
The Operating System family derived from the user agent. For example, Linux. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OsName |
The name of the Operating System. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
OsVersion |
The version of the Operating System. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
PageClicks |
The number of clicks on a page. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageDownloadTime |
The time from the browser sending a request for the page URL till the full content is received. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageFirstByteTime |
The time from the browser sending the request for the page URL till the first byte of response from the server is sent for the page URL. This is mainly impacted by server response time and network latency. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageInitTime |
The time from the browser receiving the navigation trigger till the request for the page URL is started, which includes connection setup time. This time is calculated for Page Loads and Page Updates. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageInteractiveTime |
The time taken for the page to become interactive. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageRenderTime |
The time from the browser receiving full HTML till the content is rendered. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageResponseTime |
The time taken from the beginning of navigation till the
loading of script is complete. This is the sum of
PageInitTime , PageFirstByteTime ,
PageDownloadTime , and
PageRenderTime .
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
PageViews |
The number of page views. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ProcessId |
The process ID of the application server. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
ProcessName |
The process name of the application server. | Trace and span attribute | APM .NET agent | Dimension |
RedirectTime |
The average time spent in handling HTTP redirects. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ReportPeriod |
The time the span information was received by the service collector. It can be used as normalized end time in cases when the monitored component's clocks are not synchronized. | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
RequestPayload |
The request payload body captured as part of the request. The request payload may be filtered out to display only useful information using a combination of xpath, jsonpath or regex. For more details, check ProbeConfig.acml file.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ResponsePayload |
The response payload body captured as part of the response. The response payload may be filtered out to display only useful information using a combination of xpath, jsonpath or regex. For more details, check ProbeConfig.acml file.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
SatisfiedPageViews |
The number of page views with a 'satisfying' performance. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ScriptErrors |
The number of JavaScript errors observed. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
ServletContainerSpecification |
The version of the Servlet specification that the application represented by this ServletContext is based on.
Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ServletSpecification |
The version of the Servlet API that this servlet container supports. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ServiceInstanceId |
The observer ID of the agent. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ServiceName |
The name you've assigned to the service. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
SessionId |
The unique identifier of the session or browser. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
SpanCount |
The number of spans that have been processed by the system for the trace. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
SpanDuration |
The duration of the span. | Span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
SpanErrorCount |
A numeric representation of the Boolean Error attribute, which can be 1 or 0 .
Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
SpanID |
The unique identifier for each span. | Span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
SSLTime |
The average time taken to establish secure server
connections (as part of ConnectTime ).
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
StartTime |
The start time of the span. | Span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Metric |
Subcomponent |
The subcomponent that generated the span. | Span Attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ThreadAllocatedMemory |
The approximation of the total amount of memory in bytes allocated in heap memory for the associated Servlet span. This information is obtained from the ThreadMXBean and captured by default.
The default behavior can be disabled using ProbeConfig.acml file from the APM Java Agent. (See |
Span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ThreadCpuTime |
The total CPU time for the associated Servlet span in milliseconds. This information is obtained from the ThreadMXBean and captured by default.
The default behavior can be disabled using ProbeConfig.acml file from the APM Java Agent. (See |
Span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ThreadId |
The ID of the thread where the span started. | Span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
ThreadIdEnd |
The ID of the thread where the span ended. | Span attribute | APM Java agent | Metric |
ThreadName |
The name of the thread where the span started. | Span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ThreadNameEnd |
The name of the thread where the span ended. | Span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
ToleratingPageViews |
The number of page views with a 'tolerable' performance. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Metric |
TraceDuration |
The duration of time between the start of the earliest span and the end of the most recent span in milliseconds. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceErrorCode |
The error code of the trace. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
TraceErrorType |
The type of trace error. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
TraceFirstSpanStartTime |
The start time of the first span in the trace. This is recorded in local agent time in UTC. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceId |
The ID of the trace. | Trace and span attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
TraceLatestSpanEndTime |
The sum of the latest recorded start time and the duration of a span in the trace. This is recorded in local agent time in UTC. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceLatestSpanStartTime |
The start time of the span in relation to the latest span end time. This can be used to find out the critical path in performance. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceRootSpanDuration |
The recorded duration of the root-span of the trace. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceRootSpanEndTime |
The sum of the recorded start time and the duration of the root-span in the trace. This is recorded in local agent time in UTC. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceRootSpanErrorCount |
The SpanErrorCount of the root span,
which is always the same as the SpanErrorCount in a
trace query.
Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceRootSpanStartTime |
The recorded start time of the root-span of the trace. This is recorded in local agent time in UTC. | Trace attribute | Enrichment | Metric |
TraceStatus |
The status of the trace, which can be one of the
Trace attribute | Enrichment | Dimension |
UserName |
The user name of the end user using the system, or an identifier that uniquely identifies the user.
For information about username capture and configuration options, see Modify or Disable Default Probe Settings. |
Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent and APM Java agent | Dimension |
VmName |
The name of the virtual machine. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
VmVendor |
The vendor of the virtual machine. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
VmVersion |
The version of the virtual machine. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
WebApplicationName |
The name of the web application as specified in instrumentation. If no value is specified for this dimension, then "Default WebApp" is assigned. | Trace and span attribute | APM Browser agent | Dimension |
WorkingDirectory |
The working directory of the application server. | Trace and span attribute | APM Java agent | Dimension |
Footnote Legend
Footnote 1: Thegeo-
dimension values are
added based on the APM Browser agent provided client-ip, which is either contained
in an X-Forwarded-For (XFF) HTTP header or is just an attribute of the network
connection to the collector.