Scenario: Creating Dimensions for a Monitoring Target

Learn how to create dimensions for a custom metric generated by a connector. Send log data from the Logging service to metrics (Monitoring service) using Connector Hub.

This scenario involves creating a connector  to generate a custom metric with dimensions referencing log data. Use this connector to move log data from Logging to Monitoring. After the data is moved, you can filter the new custom metrics using the dimensions created by the connector.

Required IAM Policy

If you're a member of the Administrators group, you already have the required access to complete this scenario. Otherwise, you need access to Monitoring.

The workflow for creating the connector includes a default policy when needed to provide permission for writing to the target service. If you're new to policies, see Getting Started with Policies and Common Policies.


This topic describes the goal of this scenario.

The goal of this scenario is to filter update events for Object Storage buckets. For example, find updates that changed buckets to public access. Finding public buckets can help prevent leakage of secrets. In addition to public access type, this scenario sets up filters for bucket name, compartment name, availability domain, versioning status, and a static value.

Setting Up This Scenario

This topic describes the tasks involved in setting up this scenario.

This scenario creates a metric from a log using the Connector Hub service. Setting up this scenario involves the following tasks:

  • Create a connector to move logs from Logging to a custom metric with dimensions in Monitoring.

    • Log data: Bucket - Update event from audit logs (_Audit log group)


      While this scenario uses the _Audit log group and the bucket update event, you can use the same approach with any log available in your tenancy.
    • Metric namespace: bucket_events

    • Metric name: update

    • Static value buckets-from-connector (dimension name: mytags)

    • Extracted value using path dimensions:


      Each new dimension value creates a new metric stream. To avoid generating too many unique metric streams, which could potentially result in throttling, we recommend excluding GUIDs or UUIDs (such as compartment OCIDs) from the dimensions.

      Path property (dimension name) Value
  • Filter the moved data with the dimensions (static and extracted values).

You can complete these tasks in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console, CLI, or API.

Using the Console

This topic describes how to use the Console to set up the scenario.

For help with troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Connectors and Troubleshooting Notifications.

Task 1: Create the connector

This topic describes how to use the Console to create a connector that moves data from a log to a custom metric with dimensions.

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Analytics & AI. Under Messaging, select Connector Hub.

  2. Choose the Compartment where you want to create the service connector.
  3. Select Create connector.
  4. On the Create connector page, move update events for Object Storage buckets to a custom metric with custom dimensions:

    • Type a Connector name such as "Bucket - Update." Avoid entering confidential information.
    • Select the Resource compartment where you want to store the new connector.
    • Under Configure connector, select your source and target services to move log data to a metric:
      • Source: Logging
      • Target: Monitoring
    • Under Configure source connection, select audit logs:
      • Compartment: The compartment containing the log data.
      • Log group: _Audit
      • Logs: (leave empty)
    • Under Log filter task, select the update event for Object Storage buckets:
      • Filter type: Event type
      • Service name: Object Storage
      • Event type: Object - Update
    • Skip Configure task.
    • Under Configure target connection, enter the custom metric namespace and custom metric name that you want to use for the filtered log data:
      • Select the Compartment where you want to store the metric data points corresponding to the bucket update event.
      • Enter a new Metric namespace: bucket_events.

        When typing a new metric namespace, press ENTER to submit it.
      • Enter a new Metric: update

      Next, create custom dimensions to tag the log data with the static value "buckets-from-connector" and to extract bucket name, compartment name, compartment OCID, availability domain, public access type, and versioning status.

    • Select Add dimensions.

      The Add dimensions panel appears.

    • Extract the bucket name from the log data (dimension name bucketName):
      1. Under Select path, browse the available log data for the bucketName path.

        The six latest rows of log data are retrieved from the log specified under Configure source.

        Example of fragment of log data, showing the bucketName path:

          "datetime": 1636594090595,
          "logContent": {
            "data": {
              "additionalDetails": {
                "bucketName": "bucket-20210722-1148",
      2. Select the check box for the path you want.


        If no log data is available, then you can manually enter a path value with a custom dimension name under Edit path. The path must start with logContent, using either dot (.) or index ([]) notation. Dot and index are the only supported JMESPath selectors. For example:
        • (dot notation)
        •[0].content (index notation)

        Example path for bucket update event, using dot notation:

        For more information about valid path notation, see JmesPathDimensionValue.

        The following image shows an example of a selected path (bucketName) and an unselected path (eTag):

        Selected and unselected paths

        Under Edit path, the following fields are automatically populated from your selected path. You can optionally edit the default Dimension name.

        Dimension name Value
    • Repeat extraction for each additional value you want to use as a dimension (filter): Under Select path, select the check box for the path corresponding to the Dimension name in the following table.

      The Value is automatically populated from your selected path. You can optionally edit the default Dimension name.

      Dimension name Value
    • Tag the log data with the static value "buckets-from-connector" (dimension name "mytags"): Under Static values, enter the following:
      • Dimension name: mytags
      • Value: buckets-from-connector
  5. Select Save changes.

    The Add dimensions panel is closed. The focus changes to the Create connector page.

  6. If you are prompted to create a policy (required for access to create or update a connector), select Create.
  7. Select Create.

    The new connector immediately begins moving log data to your custom metric update with your specified dimensions.

    Next, filter the moved data using the dimensions.

Task 2: Filter the moved data

This topic describes how to use the Console to filter data moved from a log to a custom metric with dimensions.

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Observability & Management. Under Monitoring, select Metrics Explorer.

  2. On the Metrics Explorer page, fill in the fields for a new query.
    • Compartment: The compartment containing the metric.
    • Metric namespacebucket_events
    • Metric nameupdate
    • Interval1m

    • StatisticCount

    • Metric dimensions: Add the following dimensions.
      Dimension name Dimension value
      mytags buckets-from-connector
      bucketName bucket-20210722-1148
      compartmentName development
      availabilityDomain PHX-AD-3
      publicAccessType ObjectRead
      versioning Enabled
  3. Select Update Chart.

    The chart shows metric data filtered by dimension.

    Congratulations! You are now filtering log data that the connector moved to a metric.

Using the CLI

This topic describes how to use the CLI to create the connector and filter the moved data.

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.

  1. Define the log source for the connector: Save a file named source.json.

    Example source.json file
      "kind": "logging",
      "logSources": [
          "compartmentId": "<compartment_OCID>",
            "logGroupId": "_Audit",
            "logId": null
  2. Define the target (metric and dimensions) for the connector: Save a file named target.json.

    Example target.json file
      "kind": "monitoring",
      "compartmentId": "<compartment_OCID>",
      "metricNamespace": "bucket_events",
      "metric": "update",
      "dimensions": [
        {"name": "mytags", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "static", "value": "buckets-from-connector"}},
        {"name": "bucketName", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
        {"name": "compartmentName", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
        {"name": "availabilityDomain", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
        {"name": "publicAccessType", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
        {"name": "versioning", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}}
  3. Create a connector: Open a command prompt and run the oci sch service-connector create command:

    Example command for creating a connector
    oci sch service-connector create
     --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>
     --display-name "Bucket - Update"
     --source file://source.json
     --target file://target.json
  4. Query the metric data using the custom dimensions: Open a command prompt and run the oci monitoring metric-data summarize-metrics-data command:

    Example command for querying metric data using custom dimensions
    oci monitoring metric-data summarize-metrics-data
     --compartment-id <compartment_OCID>
     --namespace bucket_events
     --query-text update[1m]{mytags = "buckets-from-connector", bucketName = "bucket-20210722-1148", coompartmentName = "development", availabilityDomain = "PHX-AD-3", publicAccessType = "ObjectRead", versioning = "Enabled"}.count()

For help with troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Connectors and Troubleshooting Notifications.

Using the API

This topic describes how to use the API to create the connector and filter the moved data.

For information about using the API and signing requests, see REST API documentation and Security Credentials. For information about SDKs, see SDKs and the CLI.

Use the following operations:

  1. CreateServiceConnector: Create a connector.

    Example CreateServiceConnector request
    POST /20200909/serviceConnectors
    <authorization and other headers>
      "compartmentId": "<compartment_OCID>",
      "displayName": "Bucket - Update",
      "source": {
        "kind": "logging",
        "logSources": [
            "compartmentId": "<compartment_OCID>",
            "logGroupId": "_Audit",
            "logId": null
      "target": {
        "compartmentId": "<compartment_OCID>",
        "dimensions": [
          {"name": "mytags", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "static", "value": "buckets-from-connector"}},
          {"name": "bucketName", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
          {"name": "compartmentName", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
          {"name": "availabilityDomain", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
          {"name": "publicAccessType", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}},
          {"name": "versioning", "dimensionValue": {"kind": "jmesPath", "path": ""}}
        "kind": "monitoring",
        "metric": "update",
        "metricNamespace": "bucket_events"
  2. SummarizeMetricsData: Query the metric data by dimensions.

    Example SummarizeMetricsData request
    POST /20180401/metrics/actions/summarizeMetricsData?compartmentId=<compartment_OCID>
    <authorization and other headers>
      "namespace": "bucket_events",
      "query": "update[1m]{mytags = "buckets-from-connector", bucketName = "bucket-20210722-1148", coompartmentName = "development", availabilityDomain = "PHX-AD-3", publicAccessType = "ObjectRead", versioning = "Enabled"}.count()"

For help with troubleshooting, see Troubleshooting Connectors and Troubleshooting Notifications.