Launching a Stack

Use Marketplace to launch stack resources from a stack listing.

When you create a stack, potentially many other resources are involved (for example, an instance, a cloud network, or a subnet), aside from the stacks and jobs resources. You must have the required access to all involved resources to create a stack. Those other resources can be in the same compartment  with the instance or in other compartments. You must have the required level of access to each of the compartments involved in order to launch the instance. This is also true when you attach a volume to an instance.
    1. Open the navigation menu  and select Marketplace. Under Marketplace, select All Applications.
    2. Click the listing that you're interested in.
    3. Review the Usage Instructions tab and ensure you understand what you will need to deploy and to access the instance after the stack finishes deployment.
    4. Under Version, click the package version of the stack that you want to install. By default, the menu displays the latest version.
    5. Under Compartment, click the name of the compartment where you want to launch the instance. (If you don't have permissions to launch the instance in the selected compartment, it will be launched in the root compartment instead.)
    6. Select the check box to accept the terms of use, and then click Launch Stack.
    7. On the Create Stack page, under Stack Information tab, provide the following information:
      • (Optional) Name: Enter a name for the stack. Avoid entering confidential information.
      • (Optional) Description: Provide a description of the stack. For example, you can specify the name of the application that will run on the instance after the stack is deployed.
      • Create in Compartment: Select the compartment where you want to create the stack. (Stacks are attached to a specific region. However, where necessary, the resources on a given stack can be deployed across multiple regions.)
      • Terraform version: Select the terraform version from the list.
      • Tags: If you have permissions to create a resource, then you also have permissions to apply free-form tags to that resource. To apply a defined tag, you must have permissions to use the tag namespace. For more information about tagging, see Resource Tags. If you're not sure whether to apply tags, skip this option or ask an administrator. You can apply tags later.
      • Click Next.
    8. On the Configure Variables tab, perform the following steps:
      1. Verify that the values for variables extracted from the Terraform configuration file are as you want them. If the required variables don't have a default value, add values. The mandatory variables often include the availability domain and compartment. Optionally, you can change default values, such as the display names automatically given to resources. For some stacks, you can customize additional variables by selecting the Additional Customization or the WLS Instance Advanced Configuration check box.
      2. Click Next.
    9. On the Review tab, verify the details and click Create.

      Marketplace does not display variables that have default values or variables that you didn't change.

    Resource Manager runs the plan job and the apply job to create stack resources accordingly. The information you need to connect to the instance created as part of the stack can appear in the Application Information tab or in the Usage Information or Related Documents sections of the listing.

  • This task is not available in the CLI.

  • Use the following operations to work with listings: