Add More VM Build Executors or Build Executor Templates

If you want to add more VMs to reduce the wait time for your organization's members or create custom VM templates, or use advanced features for VMs (such as use your own VCN or use a different VM shape), you should configure VB Studio to connect to your own OCI account.

  1. Set up your OCI account and get the required input values.

    See Set Up the OCI Account and Get the Required OCI Input Values.

  2. In the left navigator, click Organization Organization.
  3. Click Connect OCI Account.
  4. Enter the required details and click Validate.
  5. After successful validation, click Save.

The executor template and the free VM build executor of your built-in free account migrate to the OCI account.

To create custom executor templates, see Create and Manage Build Executor Templates. Remember to add Node.js 20 (or a higher version) to the VM template. Node.js 20 is the minimum version required for packaging visual applications.

To add more VM executors:

  1. Click the VM Build Executors tab.
  2. Click + Create VM.
  3. In the Add VM Build Executor dialog box, in Quantity, specify the number of VM executors you want to allocate.

    To minimize build execution delays, set the number of VM executors to the number of jobs that you expect to run in parallel using that template. If the OCI Compute VM quota is available, that number ofVM executors will be added to the Virtual Machines tab.

    If you're not sure about the number of VM executors you'll need, start with one VM executor and then add more as required. Note that the more VM executors you have running at a specific time, the higher the cost of OCPUs. To minimize the higher cost, use the Sleep Timeout setting on the VM Build Executors page to automatically shut down inactive VM executors. You can always return to the VM Build Executors tab to remove or add VM executors, based on your actual usage.

  4. In Build Executor Template, select System Default OL7 for Visual Builder or an executor template with Node.js 20 (or higher) software.
  5. In Region, Shape, and VCN Selection specify the OCI VM's region, shape, and Virtual Cloud Network (VCN).
    • A region is a localized geographic area where the data centers are located. Remember, a VM executor is a VM on OCI Compute. Choose the region where your VB Studio account is or the one that's closest to you geographically.
    • A shape is a template that determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the created instance. Choose a shape of your preference.
    • A VCN is a software-defined network that you set up in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure data centers in a particular region. By default, builds run in your VB Studio's compartment. To run builds in your own VCN, select Custom and specify its details.

    To learn more about regions and shapes, see Regions and Availability Domains and VM Shapes. To find more about VCNs, see VCNs and Subnets.

  6. Click Add.