Class | Description |
AbsoluteTimeStartPolicy |
Start policy that defines the exact start time
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the AbsoluteTimeStartPolicy.Builder . |
AbsoluteTimeStartPolicy.Builder | |
ActivityProblemAggregation |
Provides the parameters and their corresponding count.
ActivityProblemAggregation.Builder | |
ActivityProblemAggregationCollection |
A collection of ProblemAggregation resources for problem analytics.
ActivityProblemAggregationCollection.Builder | |
AddCompartmentDetails |
Parameter for an existing compartment to be added to a security zone.
AddCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
AdhocQuery |
Details of a adhoc query.
AdhocQuery.Builder | |
AdhocQueryCollection |
Collection of AdhocQuery resources.
AdhocQueryCollection.Builder | |
AdhocQueryDetails |
Detailed information about the adhoc query.
AdhocQueryDetails.Builder | |
AdhocQueryRegionalDetails |
Instance level status for each region.
AdhocQueryRegionalDetails.Builder | |
AdhocQueryResource |
Details about the adhoc resources for which query needs to be run.
AdhocQueryResource.Builder | |
AdhocQueryResultCollection |
Aggregated results for an adhoc query request
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the AdhocQueryResultCollection.Builder . |
AdhocQueryResultCollection.Builder | |
AdhocQueryResultSummary |
Adhoc query result resource from running on a resource.
AdhocQueryResultSummary.Builder | |
AdhocQuerySummary |
Summary information for a adhoc query.
AdhocQuerySummary.Builder | |
AllTargetsSelected |
Parameter to use when all targets are selected.
AllTargetsSelected.Builder | |
AttachTargetDetectorRecipeDetails |
Identifier for an existing detector recipe to use to create a new detector recipe
(TargetDetectorRecipe resource) to be attached to a target.
AttachTargetDetectorRecipeDetails.Builder | |
AttachTargetResponderRecipeDetails |
Identifier for an existing detector recipe to use to create a new detector recipe
(TargetDetectorRecipe resource) to be attached to a target.
AttachTargetResponderRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CandidateResponderRule |
Information for a responder rule that can be used to remediate a problem triggered by specific
detector rule.
CandidateResponderRule.Builder | |
ChangeDataSourceCompartmentDetails |
The compartmentId for the compartment into which the data source is to be moved.
ChangeDataSourceCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeDetectorRecipeCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to use to move a detector recipe to a different compartment.
ChangeDetectorRecipeCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeManagedListCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to use to move a managed list to a different compartment.
ChangeManagedListCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeResponderRecipeCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to use to move a responder recipe to a different compartment.
ChangeResponderRecipeCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSavedQueryCompartmentDetails |
Changing compartment OCID for saved query.
ChangeSavedQueryCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to be used to move a security policy to a different compartment.
ChangeSecurityPolicyCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityRecipeCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to be used to move a security recipe to a different compartment.
ChangeSecurityRecipeCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeSecurityZoneCompartmentDetails |
Parameters to be used to move a security zone to a different compartment.
ChangeSecurityZoneCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
CompositeCondition |
Composite condition resource with nested condition.
CompositeCondition.Builder | |
Condition |
The base condition resource.
ConditionGroup |
Details for a condition configured on a target.
ConditionGroup.Builder | |
ConditionMetadataType |
The metadata definition of the requested condition type.
ConditionMetadataType.Builder | |
ConditionMetadataTypeCollection |
The collection of available condition types.
ConditionMetadataTypeCollection.Builder | |
ConditionMetadataTypeSummary |
Additional information on supported condition types.
ConditionMetadataTypeSummary.Builder | |
ConditionOperator |
Conditions related to the parameter data type.
ConditionOperator.Builder | |
Configuration |
Specifies several key settings for a Cloud Guard tenancy, identified by tenancy root compartment
Configuration.Builder | |
ConfigValue |
Details for a configuration value for a managed list.
ConfigValue.Builder | |
ContinuousQueryStartPolicy |
Start policy for continuous query
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Builder . |
CreateAdhocQueryDetails |
Details for creating adhoc query.
CreateAdhocQueryDetails.Builder | |
CreateDataMaskRuleDetails |
Parameters to us to create a new data mask rule.
CreateDataMaskRuleDetails.Builder | |
CreateDataSourceDetails |
Parameters for creating a data source (DataSource resource).
CreateDataSourceDetails.Builder | |
CreateDetectorRecipeDetails |
Parameters to use to create details for a detector recipe.
CreateDetectorRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CreateDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to use to create details in a detector rule in a detector recipe.
CreateDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
CreateDetectorRuleDetails |
Details of a detector rule to be created in a detector recipe.
CreateDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
CreateManagedListDetails |
Parameters to use to create details for a new managed list.
CreateManagedListDetails.Builder | |
CreateResponderRecipeDetails |
Parameters for creating a responder recipe.
CreateResponderRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CreateSavedQueryDetails |
Details of query to be saved
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the CreateSavedQueryDetails.Builder . |
CreateSavedQueryDetails.Builder | |
CreateSecurityPolicyDetails |
Parameters to be used to create a new security policy.
CreateSecurityPolicyDetails.Builder | |
CreateSecurityRecipeDetails |
Parameters to be used to create a security recipe.
CreateSecurityRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CreateSecurityZoneDetails |
Parameters to be used to create a new security zone.
CreateSecurityZoneDetails.Builder | |
CreateTargetDetails |
Parameters used to create a new target.
CreateTargetDetails.Builder | |
CreateTargetDetectorRecipeDetails |
Parameters to use to create a target detector recipe.
CreateTargetDetectorRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CreateTargetResponderRecipeDetails |
Parameters to be used to create a new target responder recipe (TargetDetectorRecipe resource).
CreateTargetResponderRecipeDetails.Builder | |
CreateWlpAgentDetails |
On-premise resource agent registration request resource.
CreateWlpAgentDetails.Builder | |
DataMaskRule |
A data mask rule specifies the conditions in which the value for a sensitive data field in the UI
is to be hidden or displayed when viewed by specified groups of users.
DataMaskRule.Builder | |
DataMaskRuleCollection |
Collection of data mask rules.
DataMaskRuleCollection.Builder | |
DataMaskRuleSummary |
Summary information for a data mask rule.
DataMaskRuleSummary.Builder | |
DataSource |
Detailed information for a data source (DataSource resource).
DataSource.Builder | |
DataSourceCollection |
The collection of data source summaries (DataSourceSummary resources).
DataSourceCollection.Builder | |
DataSourceDetails |
Details specific to the data source type.
DataSourceEventCollection |
The collection of events related to a data source.
DataSourceEventCollection.Builder | |
DataSourceEventInfo |
This resource can have multiple subtypes, depending on the dataSourceFeedProvider value.
DataSourceEventSummary |
Summary information about a data source event.
DataSourceEventSummary.Builder | |
DataSourceMappingInfo |
Details of the detector recipe and detector rule mapped to the data source.
DataSourceMappingInfo.Builder | |
DataSourceSummary |
Summary information for a specific data source.
DataSourceSummary.Builder | |
DataSourceSummaryDetails |
Summary information for a data source of a specified data source type.
Detector |
Information for a single detector category.
Detector.Builder | |
DetectorCollection |
The collection of detector summaries.
DetectorCollection.Builder | |
DetectorConfiguration |
Configuration details for a detector.
DetectorConfiguration.Builder | |
DetectorDetails |
Detailed information for a detector.
DetectorDetails.Builder | |
DetectorRecipe |
A detector recipe is a collection of rules that can be configured to trigger problems that appear
on the Cloud Guard Problems page.
DetectorRecipe.Builder | |
DetectorRecipeCollection |
The collection of summary information for detector recipes.
DetectorRecipeCollection.Builder | |
DetectorRecipeDetectorRule |
A DetectorRecipeDetectorRule resource defines a single recipe rule in the collection for a
DetectorRecipe resource.
DetectorRecipeDetectorRule.Builder | |
DetectorRecipeDetectorRuleCollection |
Collection of summary information for detector rules in a detector recipe.
DetectorRecipeDetectorRuleCollection.Builder | |
DetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary |
Summary information for a DetectorRecipeDetectorRule resoource.
DetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary.Builder | |
DetectorRecipeSummary |
Summary information for a detector recipe.
DetectorRecipeSummary.Builder | |
DetectorRule |
Information for a detector rule (DetectorRule object).
DetectorRule.Builder | |
DetectorRuleCollection |
Summary information for the collection of detector rules.
DetectorRuleCollection.Builder | |
DetectorRuleSummary |
Summary information for a detector rule.
DetectorRuleSummary.Builder | |
DetectorSummary |
Summary information for a detector.
DetectorSummary.Builder | |
EntitiesMapping |
Parameters for entities mapping to data source.
EntitiesMapping.Builder | |
EntityDetails |
Detailed information for the entities mapped to a data source.
EntityDetails.Builder | |
ExecuteResponderExecutionDetails |
The configuration details for a responder rule execution.
ExecuteResponderExecutionDetails.Builder | |
GeographicalLocation |
The geographical location of a problem in terms of latitude and longitude.
GeographicalLocation.Builder | |
ImpactedResourceCollection |
Collection of impacted resource summaries.
ImpactedResourceCollection.Builder | |
ImpactedResourceSummary |
Summary of information on a resource that’s been impacted by a detected problem.
ImpactedResourceSummary.Builder | |
InsightTypeLoggingQueryDetails |
Additional details for Insight type queries on a data source.
InsightTypeLoggingQueryDetails.Builder | |
InstanceSecurityServiceConfiguration |
Instance Security service configuration.
InstanceSecurityServiceConfiguration.Builder | |
LoggingEventInfo |
Information for a logging event for a data source.
LoggingEventInfo.Builder | |
LoggingQueryDataSourceDetails |
Information for a logging query for a data source.
LoggingQueryDataSourceDetails.Builder | |
LoggingQueryDataSourceSummaryDetails |
Summary information for a logging query for a data source.
LoggingQueryDataSourceSummaryDetails.Builder | |
LoggingQueryDetails |
Details for a logging query for a data source.
ManagedList |
A managed list is a reusable list of parameters that makes it easier to set the scope for
detector and responder rules.
ManagedList.Builder | |
ManagedListCollection |
Collection of managed list summaries.
ManagedListCollection.Builder | |
ManagedListSummary |
Summary information for a managed list.
ManagedListSummary.Builder | |
ManagedListTypeCollection |
Collection of managed list type summaries.
ManagedListTypeCollection.Builder | |
ManagedListTypeSummary |
A managed list type summary (ManagedListTypeSummary object) contains summary information for a
managed list type (ManagedListType object).
ManagedListTypeSummary.Builder | |
NoDelayStartPolicy |
Continuous query start policy that starts the query immediately
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the NoDelayStartPolicy.Builder . |
NoDelayStartPolicy.Builder | |
OperatorSummary |
Summary information on available operators.
OperatorSummary.Builder | |
PackageDetail |
details of package causing vulnerabilities
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the PackageDetail.Builder . |
PackageDetail.Builder | |
PolicyCollection |
Collection of policy statements required by Cloud Guard.
PolicyCollection.Builder | |
PolicySummary |
A policy summary (PolicySummary object) contains a list of all current global policy statements
(policy attributes).
PolicySummary.Builder | |
PoliticalLocation |
The geographical location of a problem in terms of political units.
PoliticalLocation.Builder | |
Problem |
Problems are at the core of Cloud Guard’s functionality.
Problem.Builder | |
ProblemAggregation |
Provides aggregated information on counts of problems by specified parameters.
ProblemAggregation.Builder | |
ProblemAggregationCollection |
A collection of problem aggregation data for problem analytics.
ProblemAggregationCollection.Builder | |
ProblemCollection |
Collection of summary information for problems.
ProblemCollection.Builder | |
ProblemEndpointCollection |
Collection of problem endpoint summaries.
ProblemEndpointCollection.Builder | |
ProblemEndpointSummary |
Summary information for endpoints associated with a problem (Problem object).
ProblemEndpointSummary.Builder | |
ProblemEntityCollection |
The collection of problem entities detail related to a data source.
ProblemEntityCollection.Builder | |
ProblemEntitySummary |
Summary information about problem entities for a data source for a problem.
ProblemEntitySummary.Builder | |
ProblemHistoryCollection |
Collection of problem history summary information.
ProblemHistoryCollection.Builder | |
ProblemHistorySummary |
Problem history definition.
ProblemHistorySummary.Builder | |
ProblemSummary |
Summary information for a problem.
ProblemSummary.Builder | |
ProblemTrendAggregation |
Provides aggregated information on trends for counts of problems by specified parameters.
ProblemTrendAggregation.Builder | |
ProblemTrendAggregationCollection |
Collection of problem trend aggregations
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ProblemTrendAggregationCollection.Builder . |
ProblemTrendAggregationCollection.Builder | |
PropertyTuple |
key and value pair for configuration values
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the PropertyTuple.Builder . |
PropertyTuple.Builder | |
RecommendationSummary |
Recommendation definition.
RecommendationSummary.Builder | |
RecommendationSummaryCollection |
Collection of RecommendationSummary resources.
RecommendationSummaryCollection.Builder | |
RegionStatusDetail |
Status of replication of a data source query in a region
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the RegionStatusDetail.Builder . |
RegionStatusDetail.Builder | |
RemoveCompartmentDetails |
Detailed information on a compartment to be removed from a security zone.
RemoveCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
RequestSummarizedTrendResourceRiskScoresDetails |
Details for requesting summarized trend risk scores.
RequestSummarizedTrendResourceRiskScoresDetails.Builder | |
Resource |
Details of cloud guard resource
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the Resource.Builder . |
Resource.Builder | |
ResourceAdditionalDetails |
Optional details of a resource
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourceAdditionalDetails.Builder . |
ResourceAdditionalDetails.Builder | |
ResourceCollection |
List of CloudGuardResourceSummary.
ResourceCollection.Builder | |
ResourceLock |
Resource locks are used to prevent certain APIs from being called for the resource.
ResourceLock.Builder | |
ResourcePortCollection |
List of CloudGuardResourcePortSummary.
ResourcePortCollection.Builder | |
ResourcePortSummary |
Summary of open ports in the resourceView
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourcePortSummary.Builder . |
ResourcePortSummary.Builder | |
ResourceProfile |
Resource profile details.
ResourceProfile.Builder | |
ResourceProfileCollection |
Collection of resource profile summaries.
ResourceProfileCollection.Builder | |
ResourceProfileEndpointCollection |
Collection of resource profile endpoint summaries.
ResourceProfileEndpointCollection.Builder | |
ResourceProfileEndpointSummary |
Summary information for resource profile endpoints.
ResourceProfileEndpointSummary.Builder | |
ResourceProfileImpactedResourceCollection |
Collection of resource profile impacted resource summaries
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourceProfileImpactedResourceCollection.Builder . |
ResourceProfileImpactedResourceCollection.Builder | |
ResourceProfileImpactedResourceSummary |
Summary information on impacted resource in resource profile.
ResourceProfileImpactedResourceSummary.Builder | |
ResourceProfileRiskScoreAggregationSummary |
Summary of resource profile risk score aggregations.
ResourceProfileRiskScoreAggregationSummary.Builder | |
ResourceProfileRiskScoreAggregationSummaryCollection |
Collection of resource profile risk score aggregation summaries.
ResourceProfileRiskScoreAggregationSummaryCollection.Builder | |
ResourceProfileSummary |
Summary information for a resource profile.
ResourceProfileSummary.Builder | |
ResourceRiskScoreAggregation |
Risk score of a resource.
ResourceRiskScoreAggregation.Builder | |
ResourceRiskScoreAggregationCollection |
Collection of risk score aggregations.
ResourceRiskScoreAggregationCollection.Builder | |
ResourceSummary |
Summary of CG Resource
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourceSummary.Builder . |
ResourceSummary.Builder | |
ResourceTypeCollection |
Collection of supported resource types.
ResourceTypeCollection.Builder | |
ResourceTypeSummary |
A summary of detailed information on a resource type.
ResourceTypeSummary.Builder | |
ResourceVulnerability |
CG vulnerability object
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourceVulnerability.Builder . |
ResourceVulnerability.Builder | |
ResourceVulnerabilityCollection |
List of CloudGuardResourceVulnerabilitySummary.
ResourceVulnerabilityCollection.Builder | |
ResourceVulnerabilitySummary |
Summary of CG vulnerability in the resourceView
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResourceVulnerabilitySummary.Builder . |
ResourceVulnerabilitySummary.Builder | |
ResponderActivityCollection |
Provides a summary of responder activities and their corresponding count values.
ResponderActivityCollection.Builder | |
ResponderActivitySummary |
Responder activity summary definition.
ResponderActivitySummary.Builder | |
ResponderConfiguration |
Details for a configuration to be applied to a responder.
ResponderConfiguration.Builder | |
ResponderExecution |
Attributes for a responder execution (ResponderExecution resource).
ResponderExecution.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionAggregation |
Provides the dimensions and their corresponding count value.
ResponderExecutionAggregation.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionAggregationCollection |
Collection of ResponderExecutionAggregation resources.
ResponderExecutionAggregationCollection.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionCollection |
Collection of aggregated responder execution information, including their corresponding count
ResponderExecutionCollection.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionSummary |
A summary of detailed information on responder execution.
ResponderExecutionSummary.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionTrendAggregation |
Provides the timestamps and their corresponding number of remediations.
ResponderExecutionTrendAggregation.Builder | |
ResponderExecutionTrendAggregationCollection |
Collection of ResponderExecutionTrendAggregation resources.
ResponderExecutionTrendAggregationCollection.Builder | |
ResponderRecipe |
A ResponderRecipe resource contains a specific instance of one of the supported detector types
(for example, activity, configuration, or threat).
ResponderRecipe.Builder | |
ResponderRecipeCollection |
Collection of responder recipe summary information.
ResponderRecipeCollection.Builder | |
ResponderRecipeResponderRule |
A ResponderRecipeRule resource contains a specific instance of a single responder rule.
ResponderRecipeResponderRule.Builder | |
ResponderRecipeResponderRuleCollection |
The collection of responder rule summaries for a responder recipe.
ResponderRecipeResponderRuleCollection.Builder | |
ResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary |
Summary information for a responder rule
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary.Builder . |
ResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary.Builder | |
ResponderRecipeSummary |
Summary information for a responder recipe.
ResponderRecipeSummary.Builder | |
ResponderRule |
A ResponderRule resource contains the default settings for a single responder rule that Cloud
Guard provides.
ResponderRule.Builder | |
ResponderRuleCollection |
Collection of responder rule summaries.
ResponderRuleCollection.Builder | |
ResponderRuleDetails |
Detailed information for a responder rule
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the ResponderRuleDetails.Builder . |
ResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
ResponderRuleExecutionDetails |
Details of responder rule execution for a problem.
ResponderRuleExecutionDetails.Builder | |
ResponderRuleSummary |
Summary information for a responder rule.
ResponderRuleSummary.Builder | |
RiskScoreAggregation |
Provides the dimensions and their corresponding risk score.
RiskScoreAggregation.Builder | |
RiskScoreAggregationCollection |
Collection of RiskScoreAggregation resources.
RiskScoreAggregationCollection.Builder | |
RuleSummary |
Summary information for a rule.
RuleSummary.Builder | |
SavedQuery |
Details of a saved query.
SavedQuery.Builder | |
SavedQueryCollection |
Collection of SavedQuery resources.
SavedQueryCollection.Builder | |
SavedQuerySummary |
Summary information for a SavedQuerySavedQuery resource.
SavedQuerySummary.Builder | |
ScheduledQueryDataSourceObjDetails |
The information about new schedule Query of type DataSource.
ScheduledQueryDataSourceObjDetails.Builder | |
ScheduledQueryDataSourceSummaryObjDetails |
The information about new Scheduled Query of type DataSourceSummary.
ScheduledQueryDataSourceSummaryObjDetails.Builder | |
ScheduledQueryScopeDetail |
Details about the scheduled resources for which query needs to be run.
ScheduledQueryScopeDetail.Builder | |
SecurityPolicy |
A security policy (SecurityPolicy resource) defines security requirements for resources in a
security zone.
SecurityPolicy.Builder | |
SecurityPolicyCollection |
Results of a security policy search.
SecurityPolicyCollection.Builder | |
SecurityPolicySummary |
Summary information for a Security Zones policy.
SecurityPolicySummary.Builder | |
SecurityRecipe |
A security zone recipe (SecurityRecipe resource) is a collection of security zone policies
(SecurityPolicy resources).
SecurityRecipe.Builder | |
SecurityRecipeCollection |
Collection of Security Zones recipes (SecurityRecipeSummary resources), resulting from a security
zone recipe search.
SecurityRecipeCollection.Builder | |
SecurityRecipeSummary |
Summary information for a Security Zones recipe.
SecurityRecipeSummary.Builder | |
SecurityScoreAggregation |
Provides the dimensions and their corresponding count value.
SecurityScoreAggregation.Builder | |
SecurityScoreAggregationCollection |
Collection of security score aggregation information.
SecurityScoreAggregationCollection.Builder | |
SecurityScoreTrendAggregation |
Provides the dimensions and their corresponding time and security score.
SecurityScoreTrendAggregation.Builder | |
SecurityScoreTrendAggregationCollection |
Collection of security trend aggregation information.
SecurityScoreTrendAggregationCollection.Builder | |
SecurityZone |
A security zone is associated with a security zone recipe and enforces all security zone policies
in the recipe.
SecurityZone.Builder | |
SecurityZoneCollection |
A collection of security zones.
SecurityZoneCollection.Builder | |
SecurityZoneSummary |
Summary information for a security zone.
SecurityZoneSummary.Builder | |
SecurityZoneTargetDetails |
Target details for a security zone target.
SecurityZoneTargetDetails.Builder | |
ServiceConfiguration |
Configurations that are specific to a service.
ServiceTypeSummary |
Summary information for a service type.
ServiceTypeSummary.Builder | |
Sighting |
Sighting details.
Sighting.Builder | |
SightingCollection |
Collection of sighting summaries.
SightingCollection.Builder | |
SightingEndpointCollection |
Collection of sighting endpoint summaries.
SightingEndpointCollection.Builder | |
SightingEndpointSummary |
A summary of sighting endpoints.
SightingEndpointSummary.Builder | |
SightingImpactedResourceCollection |
Collection of sighting impacted resource summaries.
SightingImpactedResourceCollection.Builder | |
SightingImpactedResourceSummary |
Summary of resources impacted by a sighting.
SightingImpactedResourceSummary.Builder | |
SightingSummary |
Sighting summary definition.
SightingSummary.Builder | |
SightingType |
Information for a sighting type
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the SightingType.Builder . |
SightingType.Builder | |
SimpleCondition |
Information for a simple condition.
SimpleCondition.Builder | |
SkipBulkResponderExecutionDetails |
Details of responders to skip execution.
SkipBulkResponderExecutionDetails.Builder | |
TacticCollection |
Collection of tactic summaries.
TacticCollection.Builder | |
TacticSummary |
Summary information for a tactic.
TacticSummary.Builder | |
Target |
A target defines the scope of resources that Cloud Guard monitors and the rules to be enforced in
that monitoring.
Target.Builder | |
TargetCollection |
Collection of summary information for targets.
TargetCollection.Builder | |
TargetDetails |
Details specific to the target type.
TargetDetectorDetails |
Overriden settings of a detector rule in recipe attached to target.
TargetDetectorDetails.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipe |
A TargetDetectorRecipe resource contains a specific instance of one of the supported detector
types (for example, activity, configuration, or threat) in which some settings can be modified
specifically for a single target.
TargetDetectorRecipe.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipeCollection |
Collection of target detector recipe summaries.
TargetDetectorRecipeCollection.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRule |
A TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRule resource contains a specific instance of a single detector
rule in one of the supported detector types (for example, activity, configuration, or threat).
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRule.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleCollection |
Collection of summary information for target detector recipe detector rules.
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleCollection.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary |
Summary information for a detector rule in a detector recipe.
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary.Builder | |
TargetDetectorRecipeSummary |
Summary information for a target detector recipe
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the TargetDetectorRecipeSummary.Builder . |
TargetDetectorRecipeSummary.Builder | |
TargetIdsSelected |
Target selection on basis of target IDs.
TargetIdsSelected.Builder | |
TargetResourceTypesSelected |
Target selection on basis of target resource types.
TargetResourceTypesSelected.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipe |
A TargetResponderRecipe resource contains a specific instance of one of the supported detector
types (for example, activity, configuration, or threat) in which some settings can be modified
specifically for a single target.
TargetResponderRecipe.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipeCollection |
Collection of target responder recipe summaries.
TargetResponderRecipeCollection.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRule |
A TargetResponderRecipeResponderRule resource contains a specific instance of a single responder
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRule.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleCollection |
Collection of summary information for target responder recipe responder rules.
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleCollection.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary |
Summary information for a target responder recipe responder rule.
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary.Builder | |
TargetResponderRecipeSummary |
Summary information for a target responder recipe.
TargetResponderRecipeSummary.Builder | |
TargetSelected |
Specification of how targets are to be selected (select ALL, or select by TargetResourceType or
TargetSummary |
Summary information for a target.
TargetSummary.Builder | |
TechniqueCollection |
Collection of technique summaries.
TechniqueCollection.Builder | |
TechniqueSummary |
Summary information for a technique.
TechniqueSummary.Builder | |
TriggerResponderDetails |
The responder triggering details to be pushed to responder rules.
TriggerResponderDetails.Builder | |
UpdateBulkProblemStatusDetails |
List of problem IDs to be passed in to update problem status.
UpdateBulkProblemStatusDetails.Builder | |
UpdateConfigurationDetails |
Parameters to update Cloud Guard configuration details for a tenancy.
UpdateConfigurationDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDataMaskRuleDetails |
The information to be updated for a data mask rule.
UpdateDataMaskRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDataSourceDetails |
Parameters to update a data source.
UpdateDataSourceDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetails |
Parameters to use to update details for a detector recipe.
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetectorRule |
Parameters to use to update a detector rule.
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetectorRule.Builder | |
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to use to update details in a detector rule.
UpdateDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to be updated for a detector rule within a detector recipe.
UpdateDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateManagedListDetails |
Parameters to use to update details for a managed list.
UpdateManagedListDetails.Builder | |
UpdateProblemStatusDetails |
The additional details to be updated for the problem.
UpdateProblemStatusDetails.Builder | |
UpdateResponderRecipeDetails |
Parameters to use to update a responder recipe.
UpdateResponderRecipeDetails.Builder | |
UpdateResponderRecipeResponderRule |
Parameters to use to update a responder recipe responder rule.
UpdateResponderRecipeResponderRule.Builder | |
UpdateResponderRecipeResponderRuleDetails |
Parameters to use to update a responder rule within a responder recipe.
UpdateResponderRecipeResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateResponderRuleDetails |
Parameters to be updated for a responder rule within a responder recipe.
UpdateResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSavedQueryDetails |
Details of saved query to be updated
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UpdateSavedQueryDetails.Builder . |
UpdateSavedQueryDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityPolicyDetails |
Parameters to be used to update a security policy.
UpdateSecurityPolicyDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityRecipeDetails |
Parameters to be used to update a Security Zones security recipe.
UpdateSecurityRecipeDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSecurityZoneDetails |
Parameters to be used to update a security zone.
UpdateSecurityZoneDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDetails |
The target information to be updated.
UpdateTargetDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipe |
Parameters to update a detector recipe attached to a target.
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipe.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipeDetails |
Parameters to be used to update a target detector recipe.
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipeDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to use to update a detector rule in a detector recipe attached to a target.
UpdateTargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to update detector rule configuration details in a detector recipe attached to a
UpdateTargetDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetRecipeDetectorRuleDetails |
Parameters to be used to update a detector rule in a target detector recipe.
UpdateTargetRecipeDetectorRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetRecipeResponderRuleDetails |
Parameters to update the configuration details of a target detector recipe.
UpdateTargetRecipeResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetResponderRecipe |
Parameters to update a responder recipe attached to a target
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the UpdateTargetResponderRecipe.Builder . |
UpdateTargetResponderRecipe.Builder | |
UpdateTargetResponderRecipeDetails |
Parameters to update a responder recipe attached to a target.
UpdateTargetResponderRecipeDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleDetails |
Parameters to update a responder rule for a responder recipe attached to a target.
UpdateTargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateTargetResponderRuleDetails |
Parameters to update details for a responder rule for a target responder recipe.
UpdateTargetResponderRuleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateWlpAgentDetails |
On-premise resource agent update or renew certificate response resource.
UpdateWlpAgentDetails.Builder | |
WlpAgent |
Details of WLP agent.
WlpAgent.Builder | |
WlpAgentCollection |
Collection of WLP agents
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the WlpAgentCollection.Builder . |
WlpAgentCollection.Builder | |
WlpAgentSummary |
WLP agent resource running on an on-premise resource.
WlpAgentSummary.Builder | |
WorkRequest |
Detailed information about a work request (WorkRequest resource).
WorkRequest.Builder | |
WorkRequestError |
Summary information for an error (WorkRequestError resource) encountered while executing a work
Note: Objects should always be created or deserialized using the WorkRequestError.Builder . |
WorkRequestError.Builder | |
WorkRequestErrorCollection |
The collection of work request error resources.
WorkRequestErrorCollection.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntry |
A log message from the execution of a work request.
WorkRequestLogEntry.Builder | |
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection |
The collection of work request log entries.
WorkRequestLogEntryCollection.Builder | |
WorkRequestResource |
Parameters of a work request resource, which is created or operated on by a work request.
WorkRequestResource.Builder | |
WorkRequestSummary |
Summary information about a work request.
WorkRequestSummary.Builder | |
WorkRequestSummaryCollection |
Collection of work request summaries.
WorkRequestSummaryCollection.Builder |
Enum | Description |
ActionType |
Possible types of actions
ActorType |
The type of the actor who performed the operation.
AdhocQueryResultState |
Possible adhoc query states
AdhocQueryStatus |
Status of the adhoc query
ClassificationStatus |
The classification status of the sighitng.
CloudGuardStatus |
Enablement status values of Cloud Guard tenant.
CompositeCondition.CompositeOperator |
Composite condition operator
Condition.Kind |
Type of condition resource
ConditionFilterType |
Filter type (config filter or condition filter).
ConditionOperatorName |
Operation names supported for condition operator.
ConditionTypeEnum |
A condition configuration type to fetch the list of condition parameters.
ConditionValueType |
Possible condition-value types.
Confidence |
Level of confidence that a sighting is not a false positive.
ConfigurationLifecycleState |
Possible lifecycle states.
ConfigurationListItemType |
Possible configuration list item types.
ContinuousQueryStartPolicy.StartPolicyType |
Start policy delay timing
CveRiskLevel |
Possible risk level values for a CVE
DataMaskCategory |
Possible data masking categories.
DataMaskRuleStatus |
The enablement status of the data mask rule.
DataSourceEventInfoStatus |
Success/failure status of data source event.
DataSourceFeedProvider |
Provider of data source feed
DataSourceStatus |
The enablement status of the data source
DetectorEnum |
Possible detector types.
DetectorRecipeDetectorRule.ManagedListTypes | |
DetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary.ManagedListTypes | |
DetectorRecipeEnum |
possible recipe types
DetectorRule.ManagedListTypes | |
DetectorRuleSummary.ManagedListTypes | |
EntityType |
Type of entitiy for data source
EventStatus |
Possible event states.
FeedProviderType |
Provider of the feed (Oracle/Customer).
LifecycleState |
Current problem lifecycle state.
LoggingQueryOperatorType |
Possible operators
LoggingQueryType |
Type of logging query for data source (Sighting/Insight)
ManagedListType |
Type of information in the managed list.
MonitoringService |
Services integrated with Cloud Guard.
OperationStatus |
Possible operation status
OperationType |
Possible operation types
OperatorType |
Logical operator in the rule.
OwnerType |
Owner of the recipe.
ProblemCategoryEnum |
Detector sub-type associated with the target.
ProblemDimension |
Possible dimensions for distinguishing problems.
ProblemLifecycleDetail |
Possible lifecycle states.
ProblemLifecycleState |
Possible lifecycle states.
QueryReplicationStatus |
Possible types of query replication status
RecommendationLifecycleDetail |
Possible lifecycle states.
RecommendationType |
Recommendation types.
ResourceLock.Type |
Type of the lock.
ResourceRiskScoreDimension |
Possible dimensions for distinguishing resource risk score
ResponderActivityType |
Possible Responder activity types.
ResponderDimension |
Possible dimensions for distinguishing responder executions.
ResponderExecutionModes |
Possible responder execution modes.
ResponderExecutionStates |
Possible responder execution lifecycle states.
ResponderExecutionStatus |
Possible responder execution status.
ResponderModeTypes |
Responder rule execution mode.
ResponderRecipeResponderRule.SupportedModes | |
ResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary.SupportedModes | |
ResponderRule.SupportedModes | |
ResponderRuleSummary.SupportedModes | |
ResponderType |
Possible responder types.
RiskLevel |
Possible risk level values
SecurityRating |
Security ratings.
Severity |
The threat level of a sighting.
SortOrders |
Supported ort orders.
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRule.ManagedListTypes | |
TargetDetectorRecipeDetectorRuleSummary.ManagedListTypes | |
TargetResourceType |
Possible target resource types.
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRule.SupportedModes | |
TargetResponderRecipeResponderRuleSummary.SupportedModes | |
TargetSelected.Kind |
Kind of target selection to be used
WorkRequestResourceMetadataKey |
Metadata key for WorkRequest resource
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