Class | Description |
Association |
The details of the association.
Association.Builder | |
AssociationCollection |
The results of an association search.
AssociationCollection.Builder | |
AssociationSummary |
The details of the association.
AssociationSummary.Builder | |
CaBundle |
CA bundle metadata.
CaBundle.Builder | |
CaBundleCollection |
The results of a CA bundle search.
CaBundleCollection.Builder | |
CaBundleSummary |
CA bundle metadata.
CaBundleSummary.Builder | |
Certificate |
The details of the certificate.
Certificate.Builder | |
CertificateAuthority |
The metadata details of the certificate authority (CA).
CertificateAuthority.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityCollection |
The results of a certificate authority (CA) search.
CertificateAuthorityCollection.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityIssuanceExpiryRule |
A rule that enforces how long certificates or certificate authorities (CAs) issued by this
particular CA are valid.
CertificateAuthorityIssuanceExpiryRule.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityRule |
A rule that you can apply to a certificate authority (CA) to enforce certain conditions on its
usage and management.
CertificateAuthoritySummary |
The metadata details of the certificate authority (CA).
CertificateAuthoritySummary.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityVersion |
The metadata details of the certificate authority (CA) version.
CertificateAuthorityVersion.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityVersionCollection |
The results of a certificate authority (CA) version search.
CertificateAuthorityVersionCollection.Builder | |
CertificateAuthorityVersionSummary |
The metadata details of the certificate authority (CA) version.
CertificateAuthorityVersionSummary.Builder | |
CertificateCollection |
The results of a certificate search.
CertificateCollection.Builder | |
CertificateRenewalRule |
A rule that imposes constraints on certificate renewal.
CertificateRenewalRule.Builder | |
CertificateRevocationListDetails |
The details of the certificate revocation list (CRL).
CertificateRevocationListDetails.Builder | |
CertificateRule |
A rule that you can apply to a certificate to enforce certain conditions on the certificate’s
usage and management.
CertificateSubject |
The subject of the certificate, which is a distinguished name that identifies the entity that
owns the public key in the certificate.
CertificateSubject.Builder | |
CertificateSubjectAlternativeName |
A subject alternative name for the certificate that binds additional or alternate names to the
subject of the certificate.
CertificateSubjectAlternativeName.Builder | |
CertificateSummary |
The details of the certificate.
CertificateSummary.Builder | |
CertificateVersion |
The details of the certificate version.
CertificateVersion.Builder | |
CertificateVersionCollection |
The results of a certificate version search.
CertificateVersionCollection.Builder | |
CertificateVersionSummary |
The details of the certificate version.
CertificateVersionSummary.Builder | |
ChangeCaBundleCompartmentDetails |
The details of the request to change compartments for the CA bundle.
ChangeCaBundleCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeCertificateAuthorityCompartmentDetails |
The details of the request to change compartments for the certificate authority (CA).
ChangeCertificateAuthorityCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
ChangeCertificateCompartmentDetails |
The details of the request to change compartments for the certificate.
ChangeCertificateCompartmentDetails.Builder | |
CreateCaBundleDetails |
The details of the CA bundle that you want to create.
CreateCaBundleDetails.Builder | |
CreateCertificateAuthorityConfigDetails |
The configuration details for creating a certificate authority (CA).
CreateCertificateAuthorityDetails |
The details for creating a certificate authority (CA).
CreateCertificateAuthorityDetails.Builder | |
CreateCertificateByImportingConfigDetails |
The details of the configuration for creating a certificate based on the keys from an imported
CreateCertificateByImportingConfigDetails.Builder | |
CreateCertificateConfigDetails |
The details of the contents of the certificate and certificate metadata.
CreateCertificateDetails |
The details of the certificate to create.
CreateCertificateDetails.Builder | |
CreateCertificateIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details of the configuration for creating an internally managed certificate which is issued
by a private certificate authority (CA).
CreateCertificateIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
CreateCertificateManagedExternallyIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details of the configuration for creating an externally managed certificate which is issued
by a private certificate authority (CA).
CreateCertificateManagedExternallyIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
CreateRootCaByGeneratingInternallyConfigDetails |
The details for creating a private root certificate authority (CA).
CreateRootCaByGeneratingInternallyConfigDetails.Builder | |
CreateSubordinateCaIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details for creating a private subordinate certificate authority (CA) which is issued by a
private CA.
CreateSubordinateCaIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
ObjectStorageBucketConfigDetails |
The details of the Object Storage bucket configured to store the certificate revocation list
ObjectStorageBucketConfigDetails.Builder | |
RevocationStatus |
The current revocation status of the entity.
RevocationStatus.Builder | |
RevokeCertificateAuthorityVersionDetails |
The details of the request to revoke a certificate authority (CA) version.
RevokeCertificateAuthorityVersionDetails.Builder | |
RevokeCertificateVersionDetails |
The details for revoking a certificate version.
RevokeCertificateVersionDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleCertificateAuthorityDeletionDetails |
The details of the request to schedule the deletion of the specified certificate authority (CA).
ScheduleCertificateAuthorityDeletionDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleCertificateAuthorityVersionDeletionDetails |
The details of the request to schedule the deletion of the specified certificate authority (CA)
ScheduleCertificateAuthorityVersionDeletionDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleCertificateDeletionDetails |
The details for scheduling the deletion of the specified certificate.
ScheduleCertificateDeletionDetails.Builder | |
ScheduleCertificateVersionDeletionDetails |
The details for scheduling the deletion of the specified certificate version.
ScheduleCertificateVersionDeletionDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCaBundleDetails |
The details of the CA bundle to update.
UpdateCaBundleDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCertificateAuthorityConfigDetails |
The configuration details for updating a certificate authority (CA).
UpdateCertificateAuthorityDetails |
The details for updating a certificate authority (CA).
UpdateCertificateAuthorityDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCertificateByImportingConfigDetails |
The details of the configuration for updating a certificate based on the keys from an imported
UpdateCertificateByImportingConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCertificateConfigDetails |
The details of the contents of the certificate and certificate metadata.
UpdateCertificateDetails |
The details of the certificate to update.
UpdateCertificateDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCertificateIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details for updating an internally managed certificate which is issued by a private
certificate authority (CA).
UpdateCertificateIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateCertificateManagedExternallyIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details for updating an externally managed certificate which is issued by a private
certificate authority (CA).
UpdateCertificateManagedExternallyIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateRootCaByGeneratingInternallyConfigDetails |
The details for updating a private root certificate authority (CA).
UpdateRootCaByGeneratingInternallyConfigDetails.Builder | |
UpdateSubordinateCaIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails |
The details for updating a private subordinate certificate authority (CA) which is issued by a
private CA.
UpdateSubordinateCaIssuedByInternalCaConfigDetails.Builder | |
Validity |
An object that describes a period of time during which an entity is valid.
Validity.Builder |
Enum | Description |
AssociationLifecycleState |
The current lifecycle state of the association.
AssociationType |
Type of the association.
CaBundleLifecycleState |
The current lifecycle state of the CA bundle.
CertificateAuthorityConfigType |
The manner in which the certificate authority (CA) was created, whether it is a root CA generated
internally by the service or a subordinate CA issued by another CA that was itself generated
internally by the service.
CertificateAuthorityLifecycleState |
The current lifecycle state of the certificate authority (CA).
CertificateAuthorityRule.RuleType |
The type of rule, whether a renewal rule regarding when to renew the CA or an issuance expiry
rule that governs how long the certificates and CAs issued by the CA are valid.
CertificateConfigType |
The manner in which the certificate was created.
CertificateLifecycleState |
The current lifecycle state of the certificate.
CertificateProfileType |
The name of the profile used to create the certificate, which depends on the type of certificate
you need.
CertificateRule.RuleType |
The type of rule.
CertificateSubjectAlternativeName.Type |
The subject alternative name type.
KeyAlgorithm |
The algorithm used to create key pairs.
RevocationReason |
The current reason for the certificate’s revocation.
SignatureAlgorithm |
The algorithm used to sign the public key certificate.
UpdateCertificateAuthorityConfigDetails.Stage |
The rotation state of the CA.
UpdateCertificateConfigDetails.Stage |
The rotation state of the certificate.
VersionStage |
A list of possible rotation states for the certificate version.
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