Model Deployments GPU
Troubleshoot GPU model deployments.
Bootstrap Failed Because of the Model Size
In general, the model size is greater than 0 and less than the selected shape memory. Check the size of model and ensure that it's at least less than 70% of the memory size of the attached GPU or CPU with the Compute shape.
Runtime CUDA Out of Memory Error
If an CUDA out of memory (OOM)
error occurs, it could be because a payload is too large and there isn't enough space on the GPU to save the input and output tensor. To optimize performance, adjust the WEB_CONCURRENCY
factor in the application environment variable when using a service managed inference server.
Starting with a lower number, such as 1 or 2, might be beneficial because of the
variability in model types, frameworks, and input and output sizes. While Data Science tries to estimate the best number of model
replicas for increased throughput, issues might occur at runtime. When this is the case,
managing the number of model replicas on a GPU can be achieved by adjusting
factor computed by Data Science is found in model
deployment logs.
When using a BYOC container, we recommend reducing the number of replicas loaded onto the GPU. If these options don't suffice, upgrading to a larger GPU Compute shape might be necessary.