Creating a Task Schedule
Create a task schedule in Data Integration for the task that you want to run on an automated schedule.
You create a task schedule to run the task on specific days and times, and at a specific frequency. A task schedule must be associated with an existing schedule. You can enable or disable a task schedule at any time.
The run options that you can define for a task schedule are as follows:
- The execution start date and time, and the end date and time. Enter a specific end time and date if you want a scheduled task run to continue beyond the default end date, which is three months from the creation date of a task schedule.
- The estimated time for a run to finish.
- The number of times to retry a run when a run fails.
In Data Integration, by default you can have simultaneous or parallel task runs of a task at a given time. To disallow concurrent task runs by a task schedule, select the disable simultaneous execution checkbox when you create the task schedule. When the checkbox is selected, any scheduled running of the task by the task schedule is skipped if the scheduled task run that's previously triggered is still running.
If you're creating a task schedule for a pipeline that includes tasks that are configured to run in the OCI
Data Flow service, use the following format if editing the default parameter values for OCI_DF_LOG_BUCKET
: oci://<bucket-name>@<tenancy-name>
The task schedule that you created is listed in the Task schedules section of the application details page. See Viewing Task Schedules.
All the task schedules that are created for this task are listed in the Task schedules section of the task details page in the application. See Viewing a Task's Associated Task Schedules.
Use the oci data-integration task-schedule create command and required parameters to create a task schedule for a published task:
oci data-integration task-schedule create [OPTIONS]
For a complete list of flags and variable options for CLI commands, see the Command Line Reference.
Run the CreateTaskSchedule operation to create a task schedule for a published task.