Download a Worker

After you have created an On-premise Vantage Point, you can download an Availability On-premise Vantage Point Worker, also known as Worker, by performing the following steps:

  1. Sign in to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure console.
  2. Open the navigation menu, click Observability & Management. Under Application Performance Monitoring, click Availability Monitoring.
  3. On the Availability Monitoring page, click On-premise Vantage Points from the left menu under Resources to open the On-premise Vantage Points page.
  4. On the On-premise Vantage Points page, select Download Worker.
  5. On the Download Worker window, download a worker based on the capability type.

    The following worker capability types are available:

    • Browser: The browser workers can run BROWSER and SCRIPTED_BROWSER availability monitors.
    • Non-browser: The non-browser workers can run REST, SCRIPTED_REST, NETWORK, and DNS availability monitors.

    After the worker type is selected, a docker image is downloaded. It contains the <image-version>tar.gz file.

    To verify the file integrity, check if the value of the MD5 checksum column matches the output of the following command:

    md5sum <image-version>tar.gz

Download a Worker using OCI Command Line Interface (CLI)

  • To download the Worker image with Non-browser capability, use apm-synthetic-worker-nonbrowser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz filename and the following OCI CLI command:
    oci os object get -ns <os_namespace> -bn apm-synthetics-opvp --name synthetic-opvp/synagentrest/x86_64/<image_version>/apm-synthetic-worker-nonbrowser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz --file  apm-synthetic-worker-nonbrowser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz
    The value of <os_namespace> is constant for a realm.
  • To download the Worker image with Browser capability, use apm-synthetic-worker-browser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz filename and the following OCI CLI command:
    oci os object get -ns <os_namespace> -bn apm-synthetics-opvp --name synthetic-opvp/synagent/x86_64/<image_version>/apm-synthetic-worker-browser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz --file apm-synthetic-worker-browser-x86_64-<image_version>.tar.gz
The above commands are available using the Console:
  1. On the Availability Monitoring page, click On-premise Vantage Points under Resources from the left menu.

    The On-premise Vantage Points page is displayed.

  2. Click Download Worker to download the On premise vantage point Worker.
  3. Select the preferred docker image (Browser or Non-browser) for download.
  4. Click the menu item and copy the generated CLI command.