Pushing Big Data Service Logs to OCI Logging Service

Creating Custom Log Group and Log
  1. Create a log group. For example, test_bds_log_group. For more information, see Create Log Groups to Store Your Logs.
  2. Create custom log. For example, test_bds_hadoop_log. For more information, see Creating Custom Logs.
Creating Agent Configuration
  1. Create agent configuration. For example, test_bds_hadoop_log_age. For more information, see Creating an Agent Configuration.
  2. Set the following fields for Big Data Service:
    1. Change host groups to use dynamic group.
    2. Select dynamic group created in the previous task.
    3. Select Log Path as input type.
    4. Give input name. For example, hadoop-log.
    5. Give absolute file or folder path of the log source. For example, /var/log/hadoop/hdfs/*.
    6. In the log destination, select the log group and log name created in the previous task.
  3. Click Create.
  4. To immediately consume the changes in Big Data Service nodes, complete the following:
    1. Restart UMA agent downloader service in all the nodes. From any node run:
      dcli systemctl restart unified-monitoring-agent_config_downloader.service
    2. Restart UMA agent in all the nodes. From any node run:

      dcli systemctl restart unified-monitoring-agent.service
  5. Open the navigation menu  and select Observability & Management. Under Logging, select Logs.

    To troubleshoot a log not appearing, see Troubleshooting Logging.