Jarsigner Commands
When using the Jarsigner commands in this topic, ensure that you use the command flags discussed in Prerequisites for Keytool and Jarsigner.
Signing a Jar File with a Key
This operation signs a JAR file with a key. The command is run using jarsigner with JCE.
Command syntax:
jarsigner \
-J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \
-keystore <local-keystore-name>.dkms -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS -keypass <example-password> \
-signedjar <signed-jar-name> \
-digestalg <digest-algorithm> -sigalg <signature-algorithm> -certs <jar-to-be-signed> <hsm-key-alias>
If you receive a warning message stating "The signer's certificate chain is invalid. Reason: PKIX path building failed: sun.security.provider.certpath.SunCertPathBuilderException: unable to find valid certification path to requested targeThe signer's certificate chain is invalid
", the local keystore lacks a signed certificate.
You can resolve a certificate chain error with the following operations:
Use the keytool program to generate a CSR corresponding to the key on the HSM.
keytool \ -J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \ -certreq \ -alias <example-alias> \ -file <CSR-stored-file>.csr \ -keyalg <key-algorithm> -keysize <key-size> -sigalg <signature-algorithm> \ -dname <example-distinguished-name> \ -keypass <example-password> -keystore <keystore-name> -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS \
Note the following:
is used to generate a CSR.-alias
indicates the alias for the specified key. By specifying this alias, if the key doesn’t exist in the keystore, the DKKS keystore searches the HSM for a label matching this alias.-keyalg rsa -keysize 4096
specifies algorithm and key size for the key pair-sigalg sha512withrsa -dname
provides the details for the CSR
Use openssl to create a new self-signed local ca X.509 certificate (.crt file) and a RSA private key (.pem file).
openssl req -x509 -newkey rsa:4096 -sha512 -nodes \ -out <local-ca-crt>.crt \ -outform pem -keyout <local-ca-pem>.pem \ -subj /C=US/ST=CA/L=SanJose/O=ExampleCA/OU=Signing/CN=exampleca.com
Insert the CA owner certificate into the keystore.
keytool \ -J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \ -importcert -noprompt \ -alias <local-ca-cert-alias> \ -file <local-ca-crt>.crt \ -keypass <example-password> -keystore <keystore-name>.dkms -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS \
Note the following
is used to import a certificate-noprompt
instructs the program not to use prompts-alias
specifies the alias that the CA certificate will be assigned-file
is the file for the cert-keypass
sets a password for the key
List the certificate to ensure the local ca certificate is in the keystore:
keytool \ -J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \ -list \ -alias <local-ca-cert-alias> \ -keypass <example-password> -keystore <keystore-name> -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS \
The command returns output similar to the following:
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Using openssl, create an X.509 certificate with the generated CSR and local ca Crt. Then set the serial number for the new cert:
openssl x509 -req -days 365 \ -in <CSR-stored-file>.csr \ -CA <local-ca-crt>.crt \ -CAkey <local-ca-pem>.pem \ -set_serial <example-serial-number> \ -out <output-crt>.crt
Using keytool, import the <output-crt>.crt file into the keystore:
keytool \ -J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \ -importcert -noprompt \ -alias <output-crt-alias> \ -file <output-crt>.crt \ -keypass <example-password> -keystore <keystore-name> -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS \
Confirm that the certificate was successfully imported:
keytool \ -J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \ -list \ -alias <output-crt-alias> \ -keypass <example-password> -keystore <keystore-name> -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS \
The program returns output similar to the following:
Your keystore contains 1 entry
Signing a jar file with a new key ensures that the signing operation doesn't produce a certificate chain error, because the new key's certificate is added to the local keystore during creation. Use the instructions in Generate Key Pair to create a new key with keytool.
Verifying the JAR File Signing Details
Use the -verify
flag to verify the signing details of a signed JAR file, including which key was used to sign the file. The command is run using jarsigner with JCE.
Command syntax:
jarsigner \
-J-cp -J<dedicated_kms_jce_jar_path> \
-verify \
-keystore <local_keystore><local-keystore-name>.dkms -storepass <example-password> -storetype DKKS -keypass <example-password> \
-certs <signed-jar-name> <example-key-alias>