Crypto Operations and Mechanisms

Learn about the operations, mechanisms, and algorithms supported by the Dedicated Key Management JCE provider.

Generate Keys and Key Pairs

Use the JCE provider to generate keys of the following types:

  • RSA: RSA is widely used for secure data transmission, digital signatures, and key exchange protocols.

  • EC (Elliptic Curve): Elliptic curve cryptography offers high security with smaller key sizes, making it efficient for modern cryptographic applications such as SSL/TLS and blockchain.

  • AES (Advanced Encryption Standard): AES is a widely adopted encryption standard for protecting sensitive data, providing strong security for both data-at-rest and data-in-transit.

  • DESede (Triple DES): Triple DES is an enhancement of the original DES algorithm, offering improved security through several rounds of encryption. DESede is supported only on non-FIPS clusters, and is typically used for legacy applications that require backward compatibility.

Convert Keys with Key Factories

Key factories are used to convert keys to conform with a given key specifications. See Interface KeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information. The two primary types of key factories for JCE are:


The SecretKeyFactory factory is designed for importing or deriving symmetric keys. It lets you to pass a supported Key or KeySpec to import symmetric keys. See Class SecretKeyFactory in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.

The following KeySpec classes are compatible with the generateSecret method:

  • KeyAttributesMap: This class lets you import key bytes along with associated attributes.
  • SecretKeySpec: This class is used to import symmetric key specifications. See Interface SecretKey in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.
  • DESedeKeySpec: This class is used only with the DESedeKeyFactory, and lets you import the DESedeKey specification. Note that DESede is supported only on non-FIPS clusters. See Class DESedeKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information. This class lets you derive symmetric keys based on an existing DKMS AES key.

The translateKey method can accept any key that implements the Key interface, which provides flexibility in key handling. To translate a persistent key, set DEDICATED_KMS_JCE_TRANSLATE_KEY_PERSISTENT as TRUE in your environment variables or system properties.


The KeyFactory factory is used for importing asymmetric keys. By passing a valid Key or KeySpec, you can import asymmetric keys into Dedicated Key Management. See Class KeyFactory in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.

The following KeySpec classes are supported for the generatePublic method:

  • KeyAttributesMap: Available for both RSA and EC KeyTypes.
  • X509EncodedKeySpec:This class is for generatePublic in the RSAKeyFactory and EcKeyFactory, and is used to import the X509 encoded key specification. See Class X509EncodedKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.
  • RSAPublicKeySpec: For generatePublic in the RSAKeyFactory. Use this class to import the RSA public key specification. See Class RSAPublicKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.
  • ECPublicKeySpec: For generatePublic in the EcKeyFactory. Use this class to import the EC public key specification. See Class ECPublicKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.

The following KeySpec classes are supported for the generatePrivate method:

  • PKCS8EncodedKeySpec: Used for both EC and RSA private keys. See Class PKCS8EncodedKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.
  • RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec: For for RSA private keys only. See Class RSAPrivateCrtKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.
  • ECPrivateKeySpec: For for EC private keys only. See Class ECPrivateKeySpec in the Java Platform API documentation for more information.

The translateKey method accepts any key that implements the Key interface, providing seamless conversion between different key formats.

Cipher Functions

The Dedicated Key Management JCE provider supports following combinations of algorithm, mode, and padding.

Algorithm Mode Padding Notes



Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.

Implements Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE for AES/CBC NoPadding




Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.
AES CTR AES/CTR/NoPadding Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.

Implements Cipher.WRAP_MODE, Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.

When performing AES-GCM encryption, the HSM ignores the initialization vector (IV) in the request and uses an IV that it generates. When the operation completes, you must call Cipher.getIV() to get the IV.





Implements Cipher.WRAP_MODE and Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE.
DESede (Triple DES) CBC



Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.

DESede is supported only on non-FIPS clusters.

DESede (Triple DES) ECB



Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.

DESede is supported only on non-FIPS clusters.


RSA/ECB/PKCS1Padding see note 1







Implements Cipher.WRAP_MODE, Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE, Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.
RSA ECB RSA/ECB/NoPadding Implements Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE and Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE.







Implements Cipher.WRAP_MODE and Cipher.UNWRAP_MODE.

Sign and Verify Functions

DKMS JCE provider supports the following types of signature and verification:

RSA Signature Types

  • NONEwithRSA


  • SHA1withRSA

  • SHA1withRSA/PSS

  • SHA1withRSAandMGF1

  • SHA224withRSA

  • SHA224withRSAandMGF1

  • SHA224withRSA/PSS

  • SHA256withRSA

  • SHA256withRSAandMGF1

  • SHA256withRSA/PSS

  • SHA384withRSA

  • SHA384withRSAandMGF1

  • SHA384withRSA/PSS

  • SHA512withRSA

  • SHA512withRSAandMGF1

  • SHA512withRSA/PSS

ECDSA Signature Types


  • SHA1withECDSA

  • SHA224withECDSA

  • SHA256withECDSA

  • SHA384withECDSA

  • SHA512withECDSA

Message Digest Functions

Generate cryptographic hash values for data integrity verification. DKMS JCE provider supports the following message digests.

  • SHA-1

  • SHA-224

  • SHA-256

  • SHA-384

  • SHA-512

Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) Functions

Generate hash-based message authentication code (HMAC) keys for cryptographic hash functions. HMAC is used for verifying data integrity and authenticity by applying a secret key with a hash function. The Dedicated Key Management JCE provider supports the following HMAC algorithms:

  • HmacSHA1 (Maximum data size in bytes: 16288)

  • HmacSHA224 (Maximum data size in bytes: 16256)

  • HmacSHA256 (Maximum data size in bytes: 16288)

  • HmacSHA384 (Maximum data size in bytes: 16224)

  • HmacSHA512 (Maximum data size in bytes: 16224)

Cipher-based message authentication code (CMAC)

Generate cipher-based message authentication codes (CMACs) using block ciphers (for example, AES) to produce an authentication code that ensures message integrity and authenticity. CMAC operates similarly to HMAC but uses a symmetric key cipher for the cryptographic operation.

The Dedicated Key Management JCE provider supports the AESCMAC algorithm for CMAC generation.