Disabling and Re-Enabling Load Balancer Logging

Disable and subsequently re-enable access or error logging for a load balancer.

Using the Console

  1. Open the navigation menu and select Networking. Under Load balancers, select Load balancer.
  2. To view the resources in a different compartment, use the Compartment filter to switch compartments. You must have permission to work in a compartment to see the resources in it. If you're not sure which compartment to use, contact an administrator. For more information, see Access Control.
  3. Select a State from the list to limit the load balancers displayed to that state.
  4. Select the load balancer for which you want to disable logging. The load balancer's Details page appears.
  5. On the load balancer's details page, select Logs.
  6. Click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) associated with the access or error category and select Disable.
  7. Confirm the disabling when prompted.
  8. To disable the request ID option, select Edit next to Request ID.

    Use the toggle button to disable the request ID. The Request ID helps you track and manage a request by providing a unique request identifier exposed in HTTP request and response headers.

    When the request ID is disabled, the load balancer won't add this unique request ID header to the request passed through to the load balancer backend or to the response returned. To enable the request ID, see Enabling a Log.

To enable a disabled log, click the Actions menu (Actions Menu) associated with the disabled access or error category and select Enable.