This resource provides the Instance Configuration resource in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Core service.
Creates an instance configuration. An instance configuration is a template that defines the settings to use when creating Compute instances.
Example Usage
resource "oci_core_instance_configuration" "test_instance_configuration" {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
instance_details {
instance_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_instance_type
block_volumes {
attach_details {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_type
device = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_device
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_display_name
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
is_read_only = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_is_read_only
is_shareable = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_is_shareable
use_chap = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_attach_details_use_chap
create_details {
autotune_policies {
autotune_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_autotune_policies_autotune_type
max_vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_autotune_policies_max_vpus_per_gb
availability_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_availability_domain
backup_policy_id = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.test_volume_backup_policies.volume_backup_policies.0.id
block_volume_replicas {
availability_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_block_volume_replicas_availability_domain
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_block_volume_replicas_display_name
cluster_placement_group_id = var.cluster_placement_group_id
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
is_auto_tune_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_is_auto_tune_enabled
kms_key_id = oci_kms_key.test_key.id
size_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_size_in_gbs
source_details {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_source_details_type
id = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_source_details_id
vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_block_volumes_create_details_vpus_per_gb
xrc_kms_key_id = oci_kms_key.test_key.id
volume_id = oci_core_volume.test_volume.id
launch_details {
agent_config {
are_all_plugins_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_agent_config_are_all_plugins_disabled
is_management_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_agent_config_is_management_disabled
is_monitoring_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_agent_config_is_monitoring_disabled
plugins_config {
desired_state = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_agent_config_plugins_config_desired_state
name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_agent_config_plugins_config_name
availability_config {
is_live_migration_preferred = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_availability_config_is_live_migration_preferred
recovery_action = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_availability_config_recovery_action
availability_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_availability_domain
capacity_reservation_id = oci_core_capacity_reservation.test_capacity_reservation.id
cluster_placement_group_id = oci_identity_group.test_group.id
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
create_vnic_details {
assign_ipv6ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_ipv6ip
assign_private_dns_record = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_private_dns_record
assign_public_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_public_ip
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
hostname_label = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_hostname_label
ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details {
ipv6address = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6address
ipv6subnet_cidr = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6subnet_cidr
nsg_ids = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_nsg_ids
private_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_private_ip
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_security_attributes
skip_source_dest_check = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_skip_source_dest_check
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id
dedicated_vm_host_id = oci_core_dedicated_vm_host.test_dedicated_vm_host.id
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_display_name
extended_metadata = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_extended_metadata
fault_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_fault_domain
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
instance_options {
are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_instance_options_are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled
ipxe_script = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_ipxe_script
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
launch_mode = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_mode
launch_options {
boot_volume_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_boot_volume_type
firmware = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_firmware
is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
network_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_network_type
remote_data_volume_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_launch_options_remote_data_volume_type
licensing_configs {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_licensing_configs_type
license_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_licensing_configs_license_type
metadata = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_metadata
platform_config {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_type
are_virtual_instructions_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_are_virtual_instructions_enabled
config_map = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_config_map
is_access_control_service_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_access_control_service_enabled
is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled
is_measured_boot_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_measured_boot_enabled
is_memory_encryption_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_memory_encryption_enabled
is_secure_boot_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_secure_boot_enabled
is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled
is_trusted_platform_module_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_is_trusted_platform_module_enabled
numa_nodes_per_socket = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_numa_nodes_per_socket
percentage_of_cores_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_platform_config_percentage_of_cores_enabled
preemptible_instance_config {
preemption_action {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_preemptible_instance_config_preemption_action_type
preserve_boot_volume = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_preemptible_instance_config_preemption_action_preserve_boot_volume
preferred_maintenance_action = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_preferred_maintenance_action
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_security_attributes
shape = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape
shape_config {
baseline_ocpu_utilization = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape_config_baseline_ocpu_utilization
memory_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape_config_memory_in_gbs
nvmes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape_config_nvmes
ocpus = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape_config_ocpus
vcpus = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_shape_config_vcpus
source_details {
source_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_source_type
boot_volume_id = oci_core_boot_volume.test_boot_volume.id
boot_volume_size_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_boot_volume_size_in_gbs
boot_volume_vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_boot_volume_vpus_per_gb
image_id = oci_core_image.test_image.id
kms_key_id = oci_kms_key.test_key.id
instance_source_image_filter_details {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
defined_tags_filter = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_defined_tags_filter
operating_system = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_operating_system
operating_system_version = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_operating_system_version
options {
block_volumes {
attach_details {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_type
device = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_device
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_display_name
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
is_read_only = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_is_read_only
is_shareable = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_is_shareable
use_chap = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_attach_details_use_chap
create_details {
autotune_policies {
autotune_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_autotune_policies_autotune_type
max_vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_autotune_policies_max_vpus_per_gb
availability_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_availability_domain
backup_policy_id = data.oci_core_volume_backup_policies.test_volume_backup_policies.volume_backup_policies.0.id
cluster_placement_group_id = var.cluster_placement_group_id
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
kms_key_id = oci_kms_key.test_key.id
size_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_size_in_gbs
source_details {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_source_details_type
id = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_source_details_id
vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_block_volumes_create_details_vpus_per_gb
xrc_kms_key_id = oci_kms_key.test_key.id
volume_id = oci_core_volume.test_volume.id
launch_details {
agent_config {
are_all_plugins_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_agent_config_are_all_plugins_disabled
is_management_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_agent_config_is_management_disabled
is_monitoring_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_agent_config_is_monitoring_disabled
plugins_config {
desired_state = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_agent_config_plugins_config_desired_state
name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_agent_config_plugins_config_name
availability_config {
recovery_action = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_availability_config_recovery_action
availability_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_availability_domain
capacity_reservation_id = oci_core_capacity_reservation.test_capacity_reservation.id
cluster_placement_group_id = oci_identity_group.test_group.id
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
create_vnic_details {
assign_ipv6ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_ipv6ip
assign_private_dns_record = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_private_dns_record
assign_public_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_assign_public_ip
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
hostname_label = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_hostname_label
ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details {
ipv6address = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6address
ipv6subnet_cidr = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_launch_details_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6subnet_cidr
nsg_ids = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_nsg_ids
private_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_private_ip
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_security_attributes
skip_source_dest_check = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_create_vnic_details_skip_source_dest_check
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id
dedicated_vm_host_id = oci_core_dedicated_vm_host.test_dedicated_vm_host.id
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_display_name
extended_metadata = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_extended_metadata
fault_domain = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_fault_domain
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
instance_options {
are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_instance_options_are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled
ipxe_script = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_ipxe_script
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
launch_mode = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_mode
launch_options {
boot_volume_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_boot_volume_type
firmware = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_firmware
is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled
is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
network_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_network_type
remote_data_volume_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_launch_options_remote_data_volume_type
licensing_configs {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_licensing_configs_type
license_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_licensing_configs_license_type
metadata = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_metadata
platform_config {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_type
are_virtual_instructions_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_are_virtual_instructions_enabled
is_access_control_service_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_access_control_service_enabled
is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled
is_measured_boot_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_measured_boot_enabled
is_memory_encryption_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_memory_encryption_enabled
is_secure_boot_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_secure_boot_enabled
is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled
is_trusted_platform_module_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_is_trusted_platform_module_enabled
numa_nodes_per_socket = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_numa_nodes_per_socket
percentage_of_cores_enabled = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_platform_config_percentage_of_cores_enabled
preemptible_instance_config {
preemption_action {
type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_preemptible_instance_config_preemption_action_type
preserve_boot_volume = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_preemptible_instance_config_preemption_action_preserve_boot_volume
preferred_maintenance_action = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_preferred_maintenance_action
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_security_attributes
shape = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape
shape_config {
baseline_ocpu_utilization = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape_config_baseline_ocpu_utilization
memory_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape_config_memory_in_gbs
nvmes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape_config_nvmes
ocpus = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape_config_ocpus
vcpus = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_shape_config_vcpus
source_details {
source_type = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_source_type
boot_volume_id = oci_core_boot_volume.test_boot_volume.id
boot_volume_size_in_gbs = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_boot_volume_size_in_gbs
boot_volume_vpus_per_gb = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_boot_volume_vpus_per_gb
image_id = oci_core_image.test_image.id
instance_source_image_filter_details {
compartment_id = var.compartment_id
defined_tags_filter = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_defined_tags_filter
operating_system = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_operating_system
operating_system_version = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_launch_details_source_details_instance_source_image_filter_details_operating_system_version
secondary_vnics {
create_vnic_details {
assign_ipv6ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_assign_ipv6ip
assign_private_dns_record = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_assign_private_dns_record
assign_public_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_assign_public_ip
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
hostname_label = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_hostname_label
ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details {
ipv6address = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6address
ipv6subnet_cidr = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details_ipv6subnet_cidr
nsg_ids = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_nsg_ids
private_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_private_ip
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_security_attributes
skip_source_dest_check = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_skip_source_dest_check
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_display_name
nic_index = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_options_secondary_vnics_nic_index
secondary_vnics {
create_vnic_details {
assign_private_dns_record = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_assign_private_dns_record
assign_public_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_assign_public_ip
defined_tags = {"Operations.CostCenter"= "42"}
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_display_name
freeform_tags = {"Department"= "Finance"}
hostname_label = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_hostname_label
nsg_ids = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_nsg_ids
private_ip = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_private_ip
security_attributes = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_security_attributes
skip_source_dest_check = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_create_vnic_details_skip_source_dest_check
subnet_id = oci_core_subnet.test_subnet.id
display_name = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_display_name
nic_index = var.instance_configuration_instance_details_secondary_vnics_nic_index
instance_id = oci_core_instance.test_instance.id
source = var.instance_configuration_source
Argument Reference
The following arguments are supported:
- (Required) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment containing the instance configuration.defined_tags
- (Optional) (Updatable) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Optional) (Updatable) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Optional) (Updatable) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Required when source=NONE)block_volumes
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Block volume parameters.attach_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Volume attachmentDetails. Please see AttachVolumeDetailsdevice
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The device name.display_name
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- (Applicable when type=paravirtualized) Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.is_read_only
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the attachment should be created in read-only mode.is_shareable
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the attachment should be created in shareable mode. If an attachment is created in shareable mode, then other instances can attach the same volume, provided that they also create their attachments in shareable mode. Only certain volume types can be attached in shareable mode. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- (Required) The type of volume. The only supported values are “iscsi” and “paravirtualized”use_chap
- (Applicable when type=iscsi) Whether to use CHAP authentication for the volume attachment. Defaults to false.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Creates a new block volume. Please see CreateVolumeDetailsautotune_policies
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The list of autotune policies enabled for this volume.autotune_type
- (Required) This specifies the type of autotunes supported by OCI.max_vpus_per_gb
- (Required when autotune_type=PERFORMANCE_BASED) This will be the maximum VPUs/GB performance level that the volume will be auto-tuned temporarily based on performance monitoring.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The availability domain of the volume. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) If provided, specifies the ID of the volume backup policy to assign to the newly created volume. If omitted, no policy will be assigned.block_volume_replicas
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The list of block volume replicas to be enabled for this volume in the specified destination availability domains.availability_domain
- (Required when instance_type=compute) The availability domain of the block volume replica. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The display name of the block volume replica. You may optionally specify a display name for the block volume replica, otherwise a default is provided.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Specifies whether the auto-tune performance is enabled for this boot volume. This field is deprecated. Use theInstanceConfigurationDetachedVolumeAutotunePolicy
instead to enable the volume for detached autotune.kms_key_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the volume.size_in_gbs
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The size of the volume in GBs.source_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute)id
- (Optional) The OCID of the volume backup.type
- (Required) The type can be one of these values:volume
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.Allowed values:
: Represents Lower Cost option.10
: Represents Balanced option.20
: Represents Higher Performance option.30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option.
For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the Vault service key which is the master encryption key for the block volume cross region backups, which will be used in the destination region to encrypt the backup’s encryption keys. For more information about the Vault service and encryption keys, see Overview of Vault service and Using Keys.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the volume.
- (Required) The type of instance details. Supported instanceType is computelaunch_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Instance launch details for creating an instance from an instance configuration. Use thesourceDetails
parameter to specify whether a boot volume or an image should be used to launch a new instance. See LaunchInstanceDetails for more information.agent_config
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.are_all_plugins_disabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins.To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. Default value is false (management plugins are enabled).These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command.
The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the
object.- If
is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If
is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in thepluginsConfig
- If
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. Default value is false (monitoring plugins are enabled).These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring.
The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the
object.- If
is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If
is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in thepluginsConfig
- If
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.desired_state
- (Required when instance_type=compute) Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled.To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the
attributes must also be set to false.name
- (Required when instance_type=compute) The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware.is_live_migration_preferred
- (Optional) Whether to live migrate supported VM instances to a healthy physical VM host without disrupting running instances during infrastructure maintenance events. If null, Oracle chooses the best option for migrating the VM during infrastructure maintenance events.recovery_action
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance.RESTORE_INSTANCE
- The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set.STOP_INSTANCE
- The instance is recovered in the stopped state.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The availability domain of the instance. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under.cluster_placement_group_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the cluster placement group of the instance.compartment_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the compartment containing the instance. Instances created from instance configurations are placed in the same compartment as the instance that was used to create the instance configuration.create_vnic_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_ipv6ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether to allocate an IPv6 address at instance and VNIC creation from an IPv6 enabled subnet. Default: False. When provided you may optionally provide an IPv6 prefix (ipv6SubnetCidr
) of your choice to assign the IPv6 address from. Ifipv6SubnetCidr
is not provided then an IPv6 prefix is chosen for you.assign_private_dns_record
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_ipv6ip
- (Optional) Whether to allocate an IPv6 address at instance and VNIC creation from an IPv6 enabled subnet. Default: False. When provided you may optionally provide an IPv6 prefix (ipv6SubnetCidr
) of your choice to assign the IPv6 address from. Ifipv6SubnetCidr
is not provided then an IPv6 prefix is chosen for you.assign_public_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details
- (Optional) A list of IPv6 prefix ranges from which the VNIC should be assigned an IPv6 address. You can provide only the prefix ranges and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure selects an available address from the range. You can optionally choose to leave the prefix range empty and instead provide the specific IPv6 address that should be used from within that range.ipv6address
- (Optional) Optional. An available IPv6 address of your subnet from a valid IPv6 prefix on the subnet (otherwise the IP address is automatically assigned).ipv6subnet_cidr
- (Optional) Optional. Used to disambiguate which subnet prefix should be used to create an IPv6 allocation.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the dedicated virtual machine host to place the instance on.Dedicated VM hosts can be used when launching individual instances from an instance configuration. They cannot be used to launch instance pools.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.extended_metadata
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in themetadata
object.They are distinguished from
fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereasmetadata
fields are string/string maps only).The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.fault_domain
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains.If you do not specify the fault domain, the system selects one for you.
To get a list of fault domains, use the ListFaultDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Optional mutable instance options. As a part of Instance Metadata Service Security Header, This allows user to disable the legacy imds endpoints.are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) This is an advanced option.When a bare metal or virtual machine instance boots, the iPXE firmware that runs on the instance is configured to run an iPXE script to continue the boot process.
If you want more control over the boot process, you can provide your own custom iPXE script that will run when the instance boots; however, you should be aware that the same iPXE script will run every time an instance boots; not only after the initial LaunchInstance call.
The default iPXE script connects to the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI and performs a network boot. If you use a custom iPXE script and want to network-boot from the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI the same way as the default iPXE script, you should use the following iSCSI IP address:, and boot volume IQN: iqn.2015-02.oracle.boot.
For more information about the Bring Your Own Image feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Bring Your Own Image.
For more information about iPXE, see http://ipxe.org.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.launch_mode
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are:NATIVE
- VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for platform images.EMULATED
- VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.CUSTOM
- VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in theLaunchOptions
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values.boot_volume_type
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Emulation type for the boot volume.ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device.SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk.IDE
- Emulated IDE disk.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system.BIOS
- Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders.UEFI_64
- Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for platform images.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Deprecated. Instead useisPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled
in InstanceConfigurationLaunchInstanceDetails.network_type
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC).E1000
- Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Emulation type for volume.ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device.SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk.IDE
- Emulated IDE disk.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Custom metadata key/value pairs that you provide, such as the SSH public key required to connect to the instance.A metadata service runs on every launched instance. The service is an HTTP endpoint listening on You can use the service to:
- Provide information to Cloud-Init to be used for various system initialization tasks.
- Get information about the instance, including the custom metadata that you provide when you launch the instance.
Providing Cloud-Init Metadata
You can use the following metadata key names to provide information to Cloud-Init:
“ssh_authorized_keys” - Provide one or more public SSH keys to be included in the
file for the default user on the instance. Use a newline character to separate multiple keys. The SSH keys must be in the format necessary for theauthorized_keys
file, as shown in the example below.“user_data” - Provide your own base64-encoded data to be used by Cloud-Init to run custom scripts or provide custom Cloud-Init configuration. For information about how to take advantage of user data, see the Cloud-Init Documentation.
Metadata Example
“metadata” : { “quake_bot_level” : “Severe”, “ssh_authorized_keys” : “ssh-rsa
== rsa-key-20160227”, “user_data” : “ ==” } Getting Metadata on the Instance To get information about your instance, connect to the instance using SSH and issue any of the following GET requests:
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle”
You’ll get back a response that includes all the instance information; only the metadata information; or the metadata information for the specified key name, respectively.
The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.platform_config
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) (Optional) (Updatable only for VM’s) The platform configuration requested for the instance.If you provide the parameter, the instance is created with the platform configuration that you specify. For any values that you omit, the instance uses the default configuration values for the
that you specify. If you don’t provide the parameter, the default values for theshape
are used.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned.are_virtual_instructions_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM) Whether virtualization instructions are available. For example, Secure Virtual Machine for AMD shapes or VT-x for Intel shapes.config_map
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM | INTEL_SKYLAKE_BM) Instance Platform Configuration Configuration Map for flexible setting input.is_access_control_service_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM) Whether the Access Control Service is enabled on the instance. When enabled, the platform can enforce PCIe device isolation, required for VFIO device pass-through.is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM | INTEL_SKYLAKE_BM) Whether the input-output memory management unit is enabled.is_measured_boot_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the Measured Boot feature is enabled on the instance.is_memory_encryption_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the instance is a confidential instance. If this value istrue
, the instance is a confidential instance. The default value isfalse
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether Secure Boot is enabled on the instance.is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM | INTEL_SKYLAKE_BM) (Updatable only for AMD_VM and INTEL_VM) Whether symmetric multithreading is enabled on the instance. Symmetric multithreading is also called simultaneous multithreading (SMT) or Intel Hyper-Threading.Intel and AMD processors have two hardware execution threads per core (OCPU). SMT permits multiple independent threads of execution, to better use the resources and increase the efficiency of the CPU. When multithreading is disabled, only one thread is permitted to run on each core, which can provide higher or more predictable performance for some workloads.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled on the instance.numa_nodes_per_socket
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_MILAN_BM_GPU | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | GENERIC_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM | INTEL_SKYLAKE_BM) The number of NUMA nodes per socket (NPS).percentage_of_cores_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | GENERIC_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM | INTEL_SKYLAKE_BM) The percentage of cores enabled. Value must be a multiple of 25%. If the requested percentage results in a fractional number of cores, the system rounds up the number of cores across processors and provisions an instance with a whole number of cores.If the applications that you run on the instance use a core-based licensing model and need fewer cores than the full size of the shape, you can disable cores to reduce your licensing costs. The instance itself is billed for the full shape, regardless of whether all cores are enabled.
- (Required) The type of platform being configured.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Configuration options for preemptible instances.preemption_action
- (Required when instance_type=compute) The action to run when the preemptible instance is interrupted for eviction.preserve_boot_volume
- (Optional) Whether to preserve the boot volume that was used to launch the preemptible instance when the instance is terminated. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- (Required) The type of action to run when the instance is interrupted for eviction.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The preferred maintenance action for an instance. The default is LIVE_MIGRATE, if live migration is supported.LIVE_MIGRATE
- Run maintenance using a live migration.REBOOT
- Run maintenance using a reboot.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The shape of an instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the instance.You can enumerate all available shapes by calling ListShapes.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The shape configuration requested for the instance.If the parameter is provided, the instance is created with the resources that you specify. If some properties are missing or the entire parameter is not provided, the instance is created with the default configuration values for the
that you specify.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned.baseline_ocpu_utilization
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable withBASELINE_1_1
.The following values are supported:
- baseline usage is 1⁄8 of an OCPU.BASELINE_1_2
- baseline usage is 1⁄2 of an OCPU.BASELINE_1_1
- baseline usage is an entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes.nvmes
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The number of NVMe drives to be used for storage. A single drive has 6.8 TB available.ocpus
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The total number of OCPUs available to the instance.vcpus
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The total number of VCPUs available to the instance. This can be used instead of OCPUs, in which case the actual number of OCPUs will be calculated based on this value and the actual hardware. This must be a multiple of 2.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute)boot_volume_id
- (Applicable when source_type=bootVolume) The OCID of the boot volume used to boot the instance.boot_volume_size_in_gbs
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The size of the boot volume in GBs. The minimum value is 50 GB and the maximum value is 32,768 GB (32 TB).boot_volume_vpus_per_gb
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.Allowed values:
: Represents Balanced option.20
: Represents Higher Performance option.30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option.
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The OCID of the image used to boot the instance.kms_key_id
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the boot volume.instance_source_image_filter_details
- (Applicable when source_type=image) These are the criteria for selecting an image. This is required if imageId is not specified.compartment_id
- (Applicable when source_type=image) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment containing images to searchdefined_tags_filter
- (Applicable when source_type=image) Filter based on these defined tags. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.operating_system
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The image’s operating system. Example:Oracle Linux
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The image’s operating system version. Example:7.2
- (Required) The source type for the instance. Useimage
when specifying the image OCID. UsebootVolume
when specifying the boot volume OCID.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Multiple Compute Instance Configuration instance details.block_volumes
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Block volume parameters.attach_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Volume attachmentDetails. Please see AttachVolumeDetailsdevice
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The device name.display_name
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- (Applicable when type=paravirtualized) Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.is_read_only
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the attachment should be created in read-only mode.is_shareable
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the attachment should be created in shareable mode. If an attachment is created in shareable mode, then other instances can attach the same volume, provided that they also create their attachments in shareable mode. Only certain volume types can be attached in shareable mode. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- (Required) The type of volume. The only supported values are “iscsi” and “paravirtualized”.use_chap
- (Applicable when type=iscsi) Whether to use CHAP authentication for the volume attachment. Defaults to false.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Creates a new block volume. Please see CreateVolumeDetailsautotune_policies
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The list of autotune policies enabled for this volume.autotune_type
- (Required) This specifies the type of autotunes supported by OCI.max_vpus_per_gb
- (Required when autotune_type=PERFORMANCE_BASED) This will be the maximum VPUs/GB performance level that the volume will be auto-tuned temporarily based on performance monitoring.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The availability domain of the volume. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) If provided, specifies the ID of the volume backup policy to assign to the newly created volume. If omitted, no policy will be assigned.cluster_placement_group_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The clusterPlacementGroup Id of the volume for volume placement.compartment_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the volume.size_in_gbs
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The size of the volume in GBs.source_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options)id
- (Optional) The OCID of the volume backup.type
- (Required) The type can be one of these values:volume
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.
Allowed values: *
: Represents Lower Cost option. *10
: Represents Balanced option. *20
: Represents Higher Performance option. *30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option. For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB. *xrc_kms_key_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the Vault service key which is the master encryption key for the block volume cross region backups, which will be used in the destination region to encrypt the backup’s encryption keys. For more information about the Vault service and encryption keys, see Overview of Vault service and Using Keys.volume_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the volume.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Instance launch details for creating an instance from an instance configuration. Use thesourceDetails
parameter to specify whether a boot volume or an image should be used to launch a new instance.
See LaunchInstanceDetails for more information. *
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance. *are_all_plugins_disabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins.To get a list of available plugins, use the [ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/instanceagent/20180530/Plugin/ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins) operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see [Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/manage-plugins.htm). * `is_management_disabled` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. Default value is false (management plugins are enabled). These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command. The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the `pluginsConfig` object. * If `isManagementDisabled` is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. * If `isManagementDisabled` is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in the `pluginsConfig` object. * `is_monitoring_disabled` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. Default value is false (monitoring plugins are enabled). These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring. The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the `pluginsConfig` object. * If `isMonitoringDisabled` is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. * If `isMonitoringDisabled` is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in the `pluginsConfig` object. * `plugins_config` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The configuration of plugins associated with this instance. * `desired_state` - (Required when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled. To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the `isMonitoringDisabled` and `isManagementDisabled` attributes must also be set to false. * `name` - (Required when instance_type=instance_options) The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the [ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/instanceagent/20180530/Plugin/ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins) operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see [Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/manage-plugins.htm). * `availability_config` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware. * `recovery_action` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance. * `RESTORE_INSTANCE` - The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set. * `STOP_INSTANCE` - The instance is recovered in the stopped state. * `availability_domain` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The availability domain of the instance. Example: `Uocm:PHX-AD-1` * `capacity_reservation_id` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under. * `compartment_id` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment containing the instance. Instances created from instance configurations are placed in the same compartment as the instance that was used to create the instance configuration. * `create_vnic_details` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) and [Instance Configurations](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Concepts/instancemanagement.htm#config) for more information.
- (Optional) Whether to allocate an IPv6 address at instance and VNIC creation from an IPv6 enabled subnet. Default: False. When provided you may optionally provide an IPv6 prefix (ipv6SubnetCidr
) of your choice to assign the IPv6 address from. Ifipv6SubnetCidr
is not provided then an IPv6 prefix is chosen for you.ipv6address_ipv6subnet_cidr_pair_details
- (Optional) A list of IPv6 prefix ranges from which the VNIC should be assigned an IPv6 address. You can provide only the prefix ranges and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure selects an available address from the range. You can optionally choose to leave the prefix range empty and instead provide the specific IPv6 address that should be used from within that range.ipv6address
- (Optional) Optional. An available IPv6 address of your subnet from a valid IPv6 prefix on the subnet (otherwise the IP address is automatically assigned).ipv6subnet_cidr
- (Optional) Optional. Used to disambiguate which subnet prefix should be used to create an IPv6 allocation.assign_private_dns_record
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the dedicated virtual machine host to place the instance on.
Dedicated VM hosts can be used when launching individual instances from an instance configuration. They cannot be used to launch instance pools. *
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information. *extended_metadata
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in themetadata
object.They are distinguished from
fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereasmetadata
fields are string/string maps only).The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes. *fault_domain
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains.If you do not specify the fault domain, the system selects one for you.
To get a list of fault domains, use the ListFaultDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Optional mutable instance options. As a part of Instance Metadata Service Security Header, This allows user to disable the legacy imds endpoints. *are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false. *ipxe_script
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) This is an advanced option.When a bare metal or virtual machine instance boots, the iPXE firmware that runs on the instance is configured to run an iPXE script to continue the boot process.
If you want more control over the boot process, you can provide your own custom iPXE script that will run when the instance boots; however, you should be aware that the same iPXE script will run every time an instance boots; not only after the initial LaunchInstance call.
The default iPXE script connects to the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI and performs a network boot. If you use a custom iPXE script and want to network-boot from the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI the same way as the default iPXE script, you should use the following iSCSI IP address:, and boot volume IQN: iqn.2015-02.oracle.boot.
For more information about the Bring Your Own Image feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Bring Your Own Image.
For more information about iPXE, see http://ipxe.org. *
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false. *launch_mode
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are: *NATIVE
- VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for platform images. *EMULATED
- VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller. *PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers. *CUSTOM
- VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in theLaunchOptions
parameter. *launch_options
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values. *boot_volume_type
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Emulation type for the boot volume. *ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device. *SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk. *IDE
- Emulated IDE disk. *VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images. *PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images. *firmware
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system. *BIOS
- Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders. *UEFI_64
- Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for platform images. *is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false. *is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Deprecated. Instead useisPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled
in InstanceConfigurationLaunchInstanceDetails. *network_type
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC). *E1000
- Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver. *VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking. *PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers. *remote_data_volume_type
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Emulation type for volume. *ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device. *SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk. *IDE
- Emulated IDE disk. *VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images. *PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images. *licensing_configs
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) List of licensing configurations associated with target launch values. *license_type
- (Optional) License Type for the OS license. *OCI_PROVIDED
- Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provided license (e.g. metered $/OCPU-hour). *BRING_YOUR_OWN_LICENSE
- Bring your own license. *type
- (Required) Operating System type of the Configuration. *metadata
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Custom metadata key/value pairs that you provide, such as the SSH public key required to connect to the instance.A metadata service runs on every launched instance. The service is an HTTP endpoint listening on You can use the service to: * Provide information to Cloud-Init to be used for various system initialization tasks. * Get information about the instance, including the custom metadata that you provide when you launch the instance.
Providing Cloud-Init Metadata
You can use the following metadata key names to provide information to Cloud-Init:
“ssh_authorized_keys” - Provide one or more public SSH keys to be included in the
file for the default user on the instance. Use a newline character to separate multiple keys. The SSH keys must be in the format necessary for theauthorized_keys
file, as shown in the example below.“user_data” - Provide your own base64-encoded data to be used by Cloud-Init to run custom scripts or provide custom Cloud-Init configuration. For information about how to take advantage of user data, see the Cloud-Init Documentation.
Metadata Example
“metadata” : { “quake_bot_level” : “Severe”, “ssh_authorized_keys” : “ssh-rsa
== rsa-key-20160227”, “user_data” : “ ==” } Getting Metadata on the Instance To get information about your instance, connect to the instance using SSH and issue any of the following GET requests:
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle”
You’ll get back a response that includes all the instance information; only the metadata information; or the metadata information for the specified key name, respectively.
The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes. *platform_config
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The platform configuration requested for the instance.If you provide the parameter, the instance is created with the platform configuration that you specify. For any values that you omit, the instance uses the default configuration values for the
that you specify. If you don’t provide the parameter, the default values for theshape
are used.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned. *are_virtual_instructions_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU) Whether virtualization instructions are available. For example, Secure Virtual Machine for AMD shapes or VT-x for Intel shapes. *is_access_control_service_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU) Whether the Access Control Service is enabled on the instance. When enabled, the platform can enforce PCIe device isolation, required for VFIO device pass-through. *is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM) Whether the input-output memory management unit is enabled. *is_measured_boot_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the Measured Boot feature is enabled on the instance. *is_memory_encryption_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the instance is a confidential instance. If this value istrue
, the instance is a confidential instance. The default value isfalse
. *is_secure_boot_enabled
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether Secure Boot is enabled on the instance. *is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled
- (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM) (Updatable only for AMD_VM and INTEL_VM) Whether symmetric multithreading is enabled on the instance. Symmetric multithreading is also called simultaneous multithreading (SMT) or Intel Hyper-Threading.Intel and AMD processors have two hardware execution threads per core (OCPU). SMT permits multiple independent threads of execution, to better use the resources and increase the efficiency of the CPU. When multithreading is disabled, only one thread is permitted to run on each core, which can provide higher or more predictable performance for some workloads. * `is_trusted_platform_module_enabled` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled on the instance. * `numa_nodes_per_socket` - (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | AMD_ROME_BM_GPU | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM) The number of NUMA nodes per socket (NPS). * `percentage_of_cores_enabled` - (Applicable when type=AMD_MILAN_BM | AMD_ROME_BM | INTEL_ICELAKE_BM) The percentage of cores enabled. Value must be a multiple of 25%. If the requested percentage results in a fractional number of cores, the system rounds up the number of cores across processors and provisions an instance with a whole number of cores. If the applications that you run on the instance use a core-based licensing model and need fewer cores than the full size of the shape, you can disable cores to reduce your licensing costs. The instance itself is billed for the full shape, regardless of whether all cores are enabled. * `type` - (Required) The type of platform being configured.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Configuration options for preemptible instances.preemption_action
- (Required when instance_type=instance_options) The action to run when the preemptible instance is interrupted for eviction.preserve_boot_volume
- (Optional) Whether to preserve the boot volume that was used to launch the preemptible instance when the instance is terminated. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- (Required) The type of action to run when the instance is interrupted for eviction.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The preferred maintenance action for an instance. The default is LIVE_MIGRATE, if live migration is supported.LIVE_MIGRATE
- Run maintenance using a live migration.REBOOT
- Run maintenance using a reboot.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The shape of an instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the instance.
You can enumerate all available shapes by calling ListShapes. *
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The shape configuration requested for the instance.If the parameter is provided, the instance is created with the resources that you specify. If some properties are missing or the entire parameter is not provided, the instance is created with the default configuration values for the
that you specify.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned. *baseline_ocpu_utilization
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable withBASELINE_1_1
.The following values are supported: * `BASELINE_1_8` - baseline usage is 1/8 of an OCPU. * `BASELINE_1_2` - baseline usage is 1/2 of an OCPU. * `BASELINE_1_1` - baseline usage is an entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance. * `memory_in_gbs` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes. * `nvmes` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The number of NVMe drives to be used for storage. A single drive has 6.8 TB available. * `ocpus` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The total number of OCPUs available to the instance. * `vcpus` - (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The total number of VCPUs available to the instance. This can be used instead of OCPUs, in which case the actual number of OCPUs will be calculated based on this value and the actual hardware. This must be a multiple of 2.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options)boot_volume_id
- (Applicable when source_type=bootVolume) The OCID of the boot volume used to boot the instance.boot_volume_size_in_gbs
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The size of the boot volume in GBs. The minimum value is 50 GB and the maximum value is 32,768 GB (32 TB).boot_volume_vpus_per_gb
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.
Allowed values: *
: Represents Balanced option. *20
: Represents Higher Performance option. *30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option.For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB. *
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The OCID of the image used to boot the instance. *instance_source_image_filter_details
- (Applicable when source_type=image) These are the criteria for selecting an image. This is required if imageId is not specified. *compartment_id
- (Applicable when source_type=image) (Updatable) The OCID of the compartment containing images to search *defined_tags_filter
- (Applicable when source_type=image) Filter based on these defined tags. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. *operating_system
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The image’s operating system. Example:Oracle Linux
- (Applicable when source_type=image) The image’s operating system version. Example:7.2
- (Required) The source type for the instance. Useimage
when specifying the image OCID. UsebootVolume
when specifying the boot volume OCID.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Secondary VNIC parameters.create_vnic_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_private_dns_record
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Security Attributes for this resource. This is unique to ZPR, and helps identify which resources are allowed to be accessed by what permission controls. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.nic_index
- (Applicable when instance_type=instance_options) Which physical network interface card (NIC) the VNIC will use. Defaults to 0. Certain bare metal instance shapes have two active physical NICs (0 and 1). If you add a secondary VNIC to one of these instances, you can specify which NIC the VNIC will use. For more information, see Virtual Network Interface Cards (VNICs).
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Secondary VNIC parameters.create_vnic_details
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_private_dns_record
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Security Attributes for this resource. This is unique to ZPR, and helps identify which resources are allowed to be accessed by what permission controls. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.nic_index
- (Applicable when instance_type=compute) Which physical network interface card (NIC) the VNIC will use. Defaults to 0. Certain bare metal instance shapes have two active physical NICs (0 and 1). If you add a secondary VNIC to one of these instances, you can specify which NIC the VNIC will use. For more information, see Virtual Network Interface Cards (VNICs).
- (Required when source=INSTANCE) The OCID of the instance to use to create the instance configuration.source
- (Optional) The source of the instance configuration. An instance configuration defines the settings to use when creating Compute instances, including details such as the base image, shape, and metadata. You can also specify the associated resources for the instance, such as block volume attachments and network configuration.
When you create an instance configuration using an existing instance as a template, the instance configuration does not include any information from the source instance’s boot volume, such as installed applications, binaries, and files on the instance. It also does not include the contents of any block volumes that are attached to the instance.
To create an instance configuration that includes the custom setup from an instance’s boot volume, you must first create a custom image from the instance (see CreateImage). Then, use the custom image to launch a new instance (see LaunchInstance). Finally, create the instance configuration based on the instance that you created from the custom image.
To include block volume contents with an instance configuration, first create a backup of the attached block volumes (see CreateVolumeBackup). Then, create the instance configuration by specifying the list of settings, using InstanceConfigurationVolumeSourceFromVolumeBackupDetails to include the block volume backups in the list of settings.
The following values are supported:
: Creates an instance configuration using the list of settings that you specify.
: Creates an instance configuration using an existing instance as a template.
** IMPORTANT ** Any change to a property that does not support update will force the destruction and recreation of the resource with the new property values
Attributes Reference
The following attributes are exported:
- The OCID of the compartment containing the instance configuration.deferred_fields
- Parameters that were not specified when the instance configuration was created, but that are required to launch an instance from the instance configuration. See the LaunchInstanceConfiguration operation.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- The OCID of the instance configuration.instance_details
- Block volume parameters.attach_details
- Volume attachmentDetails. Please see AttachVolumeDetailsdevice
- The device name.display_name
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.is_read_only
- Whether the attachment should be created in read-only mode.is_shareable
- Whether the attachment should be created in shareable mode. If an attachment is created in shareable mode, then other instances can attach the same volume, provided that they also create their attachments in shareable mode. Only certain volume types can be attached in shareable mode. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- The type of volume. The only supported values are “iscsi” and “paravirtualized”.use_chap
- Whether to use CHAP authentication for the volume attachment. Defaults to false.
- Creates a new block volume. Please see CreateVolumeDetailsautotune_policies
- The list of autotune policies enabled for this volume.autotune_type
- This specifies the type of autotunes supported by OCI.max_vpus_per_gb
- This will be the maximum VPUs/GB performance level that the volume will be auto-tuned temporarily based on performance monitoring.
- The availability domain of the volume. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- If provided, specifies the ID of the volume backup policy to assign to the newly created volume. If omitted, no policy will be assigned.block_volume_replicas
- The list of block volume replicas to be enabled for this volume in the specified destination availability domains.availability_domain
- The availability domain of the block volume replica. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- The display name of the block volume replica. You may optionally specify a display name for the block volume replica, otherwise a default is provided.
- The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- Specifies whether the auto-tune performance is enabled for this boot volume. This field is deprecated. Use theInstanceConfigurationDetachedVolumeAutotunePolicy
instead to enable the volume for detached autotune.kms_key_id
- The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the volume.size_in_gbs
- The size of the volume in GBs.source_details
- The OCID of the volume backup.type
- The type can be one of these values:volume
- The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.Allowed values:
: Represents Lower Cost option.10
: Represents Balanced option.20
: Represents Higher Performance option.30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option.
For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB.
- The OCID of the Vault service key which is the master encryption key for the block volume cross region backups, which will be used in the destination region to encrypt the backup’s encryption keys. For more information about the Vault service and encryption keys, see Overview of Vault service and Using Keys.
- The OCID of the volume.
- The type of instance details. Supported instanceType is computelaunch_details
- Instance launch details for creating an instance from an instance configuration. Use thesourceDetails
parameter to specify whether a boot volume or an image should be used to launch a new instance. See LaunchInstanceDetails for more information.agent_config
- Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance.are_all_plugins_disabled
- Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins.To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent.
- Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. Default value is false (management plugins are enabled).These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command.
The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the
object.- If
is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If
is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in thepluginsConfig
- If
- Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. Default value is false (monitoring plugins are enabled).These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring.
The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the
object.- If
is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. - If
is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in thepluginsConfig
- If
- The configuration of plugins associated with this instance.desired_state
- Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled.To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the
attributes must also be set to false.name
- The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent.
- Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware.is_live_migration_preferred
- Whether to live migrate supported VM instances to a healthy physical VM host without disrupting running instances during infrastructure maintenance events. If null, Oracle chooses the best option for migrating the VM during infrastructure maintenance events.recovery_action
- The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance.RESTORE_INSTANCE
- The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set.STOP_INSTANCE
- The instance is recovered in the stopped state.
- The availability domain of the instance. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under.compartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment containing the instance. Instances created from instance configurations are placed in the same compartment as the instance that was used to create the instance configuration.create_vnic_details
- Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_private_dns_record
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- The OCID of the dedicated virtual machine host to place the instance on.Dedicated VM hosts can be used when launching individual instances from an instance configuration. They cannot be used to launch instance pools.
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.extended_metadata
- Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in themetadata
object.They are distinguished from
fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereasmetadata
fields are string/string maps only).The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.fault_domain
- A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains.If you do not specify the fault domain, the system selects one for you.
To get a list of fault domains, use the ListFaultDomains operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API.
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- Optional mutable instance options. As a part of Instance Metadata Service Security Header, This allows user to disable the legacy imds endpoints.are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled
- Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false.
- This is an advanced option.When a bare metal or virtual machine instance boots, the iPXE firmware that runs on the instance is configured to run an iPXE script to continue the boot process.
If you want more control over the boot process, you can provide your own custom iPXE script that will run when the instance boots; however, you should be aware that the same iPXE script will run every time an instance boots; not only after the initial LaunchInstance call.
The default iPXE script connects to the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI and performs a network boot. If you use a custom iPXE script and want to network-boot from the instance’s local boot volume over iSCSI the same way as the default iPXE script, you should use the following iSCSI IP address:, and boot volume IQN: iqn.2015-02.oracle.boot.
For more information about the Bring Your Own Image feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see Bring Your Own Image.
For more information about iPXE, see http://ipxe.org.
- Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.launch_mode
- Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are:NATIVE
- VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for platform images.EMULATED
- VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.CUSTOM
- VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in theLaunchOptions
- Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values.boot_volume_type
- Emulation type for the boot volume.ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device.SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk.IDE
- Emulated IDE disk.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images.
- Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system.BIOS
- Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders.UEFI_64
- Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for platform images.
- Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- Deprecated. Instead useisPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled
in InstanceConfigurationLaunchInstanceDetails.network_type
- Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC).E1000
- Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers.
- Emulation type for volume.ISCSI
- ISCSI attached block storage device.SCSI
- Emulated SCSI disk.IDE
- Emulated IDE disk.VFIO
- Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images.PARAVIRTUALIZED
- Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images.
- Custom metadata key/value pairs that you provide, such as the SSH public key required to connect to the instance.A metadata service runs on every launched instance. The service is an HTTP endpoint listening on You can use the service to:
- Provide information to Cloud-Init to be used for various system initialization tasks.
- Get information about the instance, including the custom metadata that you provide when you launch the instance.
Providing Cloud-Init Metadata
You can use the following metadata key names to provide information to Cloud-Init:
“ssh_authorized_keys” - Provide one or more public SSH keys to be included in the
file for the default user on the instance. Use a newline character to separate multiple keys. The SSH keys must be in the format necessary for theauthorized_keys
file, as shown in the example below.“user_data” - Provide your own base64-encoded data to be used by Cloud-Init to run custom scripts or provide custom Cloud-Init configuration. For information about how to take advantage of user data, see the Cloud-Init Documentation.
Metadata Example
“metadata” : { “quake_bot_level” : “Severe”, “ssh_authorized_keys” : “ssh-rsa
== rsa-key-20160227”, “user_data” : “ ==” } Getting Metadata on the Instance To get information about your instance, connect to the instance using SSH and issue any of the following GET requests:
curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle” curl -H “Authorization: Bearer Oracle”
You’ll get back a response that includes all the instance information; only the metadata information; or the metadata information for the specified key name, respectively.
The combined size of the
objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes.platform_config
- The platform configuration requested for the instance.If you provide the parameter, the instance is created with the platform configuration that you specify. For any values that you omit, the instance uses the default configuration values for the
that you specify. If you don’t provide the parameter, the default values for theshape
are used.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned.are_virtual_instructions_enabled
- Whether virtualization instructions are available. For example, Secure Virtual Machine for AMD shapes or VT-x for Intel shapes.config_map
- Instance Platform Configuration Configuration Map for flexible setting input.is_access_control_service_enabled
- Whether the Access Control Service is enabled on the instance. When enabled, the platform can enforce PCIe device isolation, required for VFIO device pass-through.is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled
- Whether the input-output memory management unit is enabled.is_measured_boot_enabled
- Whether the Measured Boot feature is enabled on the instance.is_memory_encryption_enabled
- Whether the instance is a confidential instance. If this value istrue
, the instance is a confidential instance. The default value isfalse
- Whether Secure Boot is enabled on the instance.is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled
- Whether symmetric multi-threading is enabled on the instance.Intel and AMD processors have two hardware execution threads per core (OCPU). SMT permits multiple independent threads of execution, to better use the resources and increase the efficiency of the CPU. When multithreading is disabled, only one thread is permitted to run on each core, which can provide higher or more predictable performance for some workloads.
- Whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled on the instance.numa_nodes_per_socket
- The number of NUMA nodes per socket (NPS).percentage_of_cores_enabled
- The percentage of cores enabled.type
- The type of platform being configured.
- Configuration options for preemptible instances.preemption_action
- The action to run when the preemptible instance is interrupted for eviction.preserve_boot_volume
- Whether to preserve the boot volume that was used to launch the preemptible instance when the instance is terminated. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- The type of action to run when the instance is interrupted for eviction.
- The preferred maintenance action for an instance. The default is LIVE_MIGRATE, if live migration is supported.LIVE_MIGRATE
- Run maintenance using a live migration.REBOOT
- Run maintenance using a reboot.
- Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- The shape of an instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the instance.You can enumerate all available shapes by calling ListShapes.
- The shape configuration requested for the instance.If the parameter is provided, the instance is created with the resources that you specify. If some properties are missing or the entire parameter is not provided, the instance is created with the default configuration values for the
that you specify.Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified
, an error is returned.baseline_ocpu_utilization
- The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable withBASELINE_1_1
.The following values are supported:
- baseline usage is 1⁄8 of an OCPU.BASELINE_1_2
- baseline usage is 1⁄2 of an OCPU.BASELINE_1_1
- baseline usage is an entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance.
- The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes.nvmes
- The number of NVMe drives to be used for storage. A single drive has 6.8 TB available.ocpus
- The total number of OCPUs available to the instance.vcpus
- The total number of VCPUs available to the instance. This can be used instead of OCPUs, in which case the actual number of OCPUs will be calculated based on this value and the actual hardware. This must be a multiple of 2.
- The OCID of the boot volume used to boot the instance.boot_volume_size_in_gbs
- The size of the boot volume in GBs. The minimum value is 50 GB and the maximum value is 32,768 GB (32 TB).boot_volume_vpus_per_gb
- The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.Allowed values:
: Represents Balanced option.20
: Represents Higher Performance option.30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option.
- The OCID of the image used to boot the instance.kms_key_id
- The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the boot volume.instance_source_image_filter_details
- These are the criteria for selecting an image. This is required if imageId is not specified.compartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment containing images to searchdefined_tags_filter
- Filter based on these defined tags. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags.operating_system
- The image’s operating system. Example:Oracle Linux
- The image’s operating system version. Example:7.2
- The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the boot volume.source_type
- The source type for the instance. Useimage
when specifying the image OCID. UsebootVolume
when specifying the boot volume OCID.
- Multiple Compute Instance Configuration instance details.block_volumes
- Block volume parameters.attach_details
- Volume attachmentDetails. Please see AttachVolumeDetailsdevice
- The device name.display_name
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled
- Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume’s paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false.is_read_only
- Whether the attachment should be created in read-only mode.is_shareable
- Whether the attachment should be created in shareable mode. If an attachment is created in shareable mode, then other instances can attach the same volume, provided that they also create their attachments in shareable mode. Only certain volume types can be attached in shareable mode. Defaults to false if not specified.type
- The type of volume. The only supported values are “iscsi” and “paravirtualized”.use_chap
- Whether to use CHAP authentication for the volume attachment. Defaults to false.
- Creates a new block volume. Please see CreateVolumeDetailsautotune_policies
- The list of autotune policies enabled for this volume.autotune_type
- This specifies the type of autotunes supported by OCI.max_vpus_per_gb
- This will be the maximum VPUs/GB performance level that the volume will be auto-tuned temporarily based on performance monitoring.
- The availability domain of the volume. Example:Uocm:PHX-AD-1
- If provided, specifies the ID of the volume backup policy to assign to the newly created volume. If omitted, no policy will be assigned.cluster_placement_group_id
- The clusterPlacementGroup Id of the volume for volume placement.compartment_id
- The OCID of the compartment that contains the volume.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- The OCID of the Vault service key to assign as the master encryption key for the volume.size_in_gbs
- The size of the volume in GBs.source_details
- The OCID of the volume backup.type
- The type can be one of these values:volume
- The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service’s elastic performance options. See Block Volume Performance Levels for more information.
Allowed values: *
: Represents Lower Cost option. *10
: Represents Balanced option. *20
: Represents Higher Performance option. *30
: Represents the Ultra High Performance option. For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB. *xrc_kms_key_id
- The OCID of the Vault service key which is the master encryption key for the block volume cross region backups, which will be used in the destination region to encrypt the backup’s encryption keys. For more information about the Vault service and encryption keys, see Overview of Vault service and Using Keys.volume_id
- The OCID of the volume.
- Instance launch details for creating an instance from an instance configuration. Use thesourceDetails
parameter to specify whether a boot volume or an image should be used to launch a new instance.
See LaunchInstanceDetails for more information. *
- Configuration options for the Oracle Cloud Agent software running on the instance. *are_all_plugins_disabled
- Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available plugins. This includes the management and monitoring plugins.To get a list of available plugins, use the [ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/instanceagent/20180530/Plugin/ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins) operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see [Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/manage-plugins.htm). * `is_management_disabled` - Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can run all the available management plugins. Default value is false (management plugins are enabled). These are the management plugins: OS Management Service Agent and Compute Instance Run Command. The management plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the `pluginsConfig` object. * If `isManagementDisabled` is true, all of the management plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. * If `isManagementDisabled` is false, all of the management plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual management plugins by providing a value in the `pluginsConfig` object. * `is_monitoring_disabled` - Whether Oracle Cloud Agent can gather performance metrics and monitor the instance using the monitoring plugins. Default value is false (monitoring plugins are enabled). These are the monitoring plugins: Compute Instance Monitoring and Custom Logs Monitoring. The monitoring plugins are controlled by this parameter and by the per-plugin configuration in the `pluginsConfig` object. * If `isMonitoringDisabled` is true, all of the monitoring plugins are disabled, regardless of the per-plugin configuration. * If `isMonitoringDisabled` is false, all of the monitoring plugins are enabled. You can optionally disable individual monitoring plugins by providing a value in the `pluginsConfig` object. * `plugins_config` - The configuration of plugins associated with this instance. * `desired_state` - Whether the plugin should be enabled or disabled. To enable the monitoring and management plugins, the `isMonitoringDisabled` and `isManagementDisabled` attributes must also be set to false. * `name` - The plugin name. To get a list of available plugins, use the [ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/instanceagent/20180530/Plugin/ListInstanceagentAvailablePlugins) operation in the Oracle Cloud Agent API. For more information about the available plugins, see [Managing Plugins with Oracle Cloud Agent](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Tasks/manage-plugins.htm). * `availability_config` - Options for defining the availabiity of a VM instance after a maintenance event that impacts the underlying hardware. * `recovery_action` - The lifecycle state for an instance when it is recovered after infrastructure maintenance. * `RESTORE_INSTANCE` - The instance is restored to the lifecycle state it was in before the maintenance event. If the instance was running, it is automatically rebooted. This is the default action when a value is not set. * `STOP_INSTANCE` - The instance is recovered in the stopped state. * `availability_domain` - The availability domain of the instance. Example: `Uocm:PHX-AD-1` * `capacity_reservation_id` - The OCID of the compute capacity reservation this instance is launched under. * `compartment_id` - The OCID of the compartment containing the instance. Instances created from instance configurations are placed in the same compartment as the instance that was used to create the instance configuration. * `create_vnic_details` - Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) and [Instance Configurations](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/Concepts/instancemanagement.htm#config) for more information. * `assign_private_dns_record` - Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See the `assignPrivateDnsRecord` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `assign_public_ip` - Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See the `assignPublicIp` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `defined_tags` - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm). Example: `{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}` * `display_name` - A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information. * `freeform_tags` - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm). Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}` * `hostname_label` - The hostname for the VNIC's primary private IP. See the `hostnameLabel` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `nsg_ids` - A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see [NetworkSecurityGroup](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/NetworkSecurityGroup/). * `private_ip` - A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See the `privateIp` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `security_attributes` - [Security attributes](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/zero-trust-packet-routing/zpr-artifacts.htm#security-attributes) are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a [Zero Trust Packet Routing](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/zero-trust-packet-routing/overview.htm) (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example: `{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}` * `skip_source_dest_check` - Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See the `skipSourceDestCheck` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `subnet_id` - The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See the `subnetId` attribute of [CreateVnicDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/CreateVnicDetails/) for more information. * `dedicated_vm_host_id` - The OCID of the dedicated virtual machine host to place the instance on. Dedicated VM hosts can be used when launching individual instances from an instance configuration. They cannot be used to launch instance pools. * `defined_tags` - Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm). Example: `{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}` * `display_name` - A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it's changeable. Avoid entering confidential information. * `extended_metadata` - Additional metadata key/value pairs that you provide. They serve the same purpose and functionality as fields in the `metadata` object. They are distinguished from `metadata` fields in that these can be nested JSON objects (whereas `metadata` fields are string/string maps only). The combined size of the `metadata` and `extendedMetadata` objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes. * `fault_domain` - A fault domain is a grouping of hardware and infrastructure within an availability domain. Each availability domain contains three fault domains. Fault domains let you distribute your instances so that they are not on the same physical hardware within a single availability domain. A hardware failure or Compute hardware maintenance that affects one fault domain does not affect instances in other fault domains. If you do not specify the fault domain, the system selects one for you. To get a list of fault domains, use the [ListFaultDomains](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/identity/20160918/FaultDomain/ListFaultDomains) operation in the Identity and Access Management Service API. Example: `FAULT-DOMAIN-1` * `freeform_tags` - Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm). Example: `{"Department": "Finance"}` * `instance_options` - Optional mutable instance options. As a part of Instance Metadata Service Security Header, This allows user to disable the legacy imds endpoints. * `are_legacy_imds_endpoints_disabled` - Whether to disable the legacy (/v1) instance metadata service endpoints. Customers who have migrated to /v2 should set this to true for added security. Default is false. * `ipxe_script` - This is an advanced option. When a bare metal or virtual machine instance boots, the iPXE firmware that runs on the instance is configured to run an iPXE script to continue the boot process. If you want more control over the boot process, you can provide your own custom iPXE script that will run when the instance boots; however, you should be aware that the same iPXE script will run every time an instance boots; not only after the initial LaunchInstance call. The default iPXE script connects to the instance's local boot volume over iSCSI and performs a network boot. If you use a custom iPXE script and want to network-boot from the instance's local boot volume over iSCSI the same way as the default iPXE script, you should use the following iSCSI IP address:, and boot volume IQN: iqn.2015-02.oracle.boot. For more information about the Bring Your Own Image feature of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, see [Bring Your Own Image](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Compute/References/bringyourownimage.htm). For more information about iPXE, see http://ipxe.org. * `is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled` - Whether to enable in-transit encryption for the data volume's paravirtualized attachment. The default value is false. * `launch_mode` - Specifies the configuration mode for launching virtual machine (VM) instances. The configuration modes are: * `NATIVE` - VM instances launch with iSCSI boot and VFIO devices. The default value for platform images. * `EMULATED` - VM instances launch with emulated devices, such as the E1000 network driver and emulated SCSI disk controller. * `PARAVIRTUALIZED` - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers. * `CUSTOM` - VM instances launch with custom configuration settings specified in the `LaunchOptions` parameter. * `launch_options` - Options for tuning the compatibility and performance of VM shapes. The values that you specify override any default values. * `boot_volume_type` - Emulation type for the boot volume. * `ISCSI` - ISCSI attached block storage device. * `SCSI` - Emulated SCSI disk. * `IDE` - Emulated IDE disk. * `VFIO` - Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images. * `PARAVIRTUALIZED` - Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images. * `firmware` - Firmware used to boot VM. Select the option that matches your operating system. * `BIOS` - Boot VM using BIOS style firmware. This is compatible with both 32 bit and 64 bit operating systems that boot using MBR style bootloaders. * `UEFI_64` - Boot VM using UEFI style firmware compatible with 64 bit operating systems. This is the default for platform images. * `is_consistent_volume_naming_enabled` - Whether to enable consistent volume naming feature. Defaults to false. * `is_pv_encryption_in_transit_enabled` - Deprecated. Instead use `isPvEncryptionInTransitEnabled` in [InstanceConfigurationLaunchInstanceDetails](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/datatypes/InstanceConfigurationLaunchInstanceDetails). * `network_type` - Emulation type for the physical network interface card (NIC). * `E1000` - Emulated Gigabit ethernet controller. Compatible with Linux e1000 network driver. * `VFIO` - Direct attached Virtual Function network controller. This is the networking type when you launch an instance using hardware-assisted (SR-IOV) networking. * `PARAVIRTUALIZED` - VM instances launch with paravirtualized devices using VirtIO drivers. * `remote_data_volume_type` - Emulation type for volume. * `ISCSI` - ISCSI attached block storage device. * `SCSI` - Emulated SCSI disk. * `IDE` - Emulated IDE disk. * `VFIO` - Direct attached Virtual Function storage. This is the default option for local data volumes on platform images. * `PARAVIRTUALIZED` - Paravirtualized disk. This is the default for boot volumes and remote block storage volumes on platform images. * `licensing_configs` - List of licensing configurations associated with target launch values. * `license_type` - License Type for the OS license. * `OCI_PROVIDED` - Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provided license (e.g. metered $/OCPU-hour). * `BRING_YOUR_OWN_LICENSE` - Bring your own license. * `type` - Operating System type of the Configuration. * `metadata` - Custom metadata key/value pairs that you provide, such as the SSH public key required to connect to the instance. A metadata service runs on every launched instance. The service is an HTTP endpoint listening on You can use the service to: * Provide information to [Cloud-Init](https://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/) to be used for various system initialization tasks. * Get information about the instance, including the custom metadata that you provide when you launch the instance. **Providing Cloud-Init Metadata** You can use the following metadata key names to provide information to Cloud-Init: **"ssh_authorized_keys"** - Provide one or more public SSH keys to be included in the `~/.ssh/authorized_keys` file for the default user on the instance. Use a newline character to separate multiple keys. The SSH keys must be in the format necessary for the `authorized_keys` file, as shown in the example below. **"user_data"** - Provide your own base64-encoded data to be used by Cloud-Init to run custom scripts or provide custom Cloud-Init configuration. For information about how to take advantage of user data, see the [Cloud-Init Documentation](http://cloudinit.readthedocs.org/en/latest/topics/format.html). **Metadata Example** "metadata" : { "quake_bot_level" : "Severe", "ssh_authorized_keys" : "ssh-rsa <your_public_SSH_key>== rsa-key-20160227", "user_data" : "<your_public_SSH_key>==" } **Getting Metadata on the Instance** To get information about your instance, connect to the instance using SSH and issue any of the following GET requests: curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Oracle" curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Oracle" curl -H "Authorization: Bearer Oracle"<any-key-name> You'll get back a response that includes all the instance information; only the metadata information; or the metadata information for the specified key name, respectively. The combined size of the `metadata` and `extendedMetadata` objects can be a maximum of 32,000 bytes. * `platform_config` - The platform configuration requested for the instance. If you provide the parameter, the instance is created with the platform configuration that you specify. For any values that you omit, the instance uses the default configuration values for the `shape` that you specify. If you don't provide the parameter, the default values for the `shape` are used. Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified `shape`, an error is returned. * `are_virtual_instructions_enabled` - Whether virtualization instructions are available. For example, Secure Virtual Machine for AMD shapes or VT-x for Intel shapes. * `is_access_control_service_enabled` - Whether the Access Control Service is enabled on the instance. When enabled, the platform can enforce PCIe device isolation, required for VFIO device pass-through. * `is_input_output_memory_management_unit_enabled` - Whether the input-output memory management unit is enabled. * `is_measured_boot_enabled` - Whether the Measured Boot feature is enabled on the instance. * `is_memory_encryption_enabled` - Whether the instance is a confidential instance. If this value is `true`, the instance is a confidential instance. The default value is `false`. * `is_secure_boot_enabled` - Whether Secure Boot is enabled on the instance. * `is_symmetric_multi_threading_enabled` - Whether symmetric multithreading is enabled on the instance. Symmetric multithreading is also called simultaneous multithreading (SMT) or Intel Hyper-Threading. Intel and AMD processors have two hardware execution threads per core (OCPU). SMT permits multiple independent threads of execution, to better use the resources and increase the efficiency of the CPU. When multithreading is disabled, only one thread is permitted to run on each core, which can provide higher or more predictable performance for some workloads. * `is_trusted_platform_module_enabled` - Whether the Trusted Platform Module (TPM) is enabled on the instance. * `numa_nodes_per_socket` - The number of NUMA nodes per socket (NPS). * `percentage_of_cores_enabled` - The percentage of cores enabled. Value must be a multiple of 25%. If the requested percentage results in a fractional number of cores, the system rounds up the number of cores across processors and provisions an instance with a whole number of cores. If the applications that you run on the instance use a core-based licensing model and need fewer cores than the full size of the shape, you can disable cores to reduce your licensing costs. The instance itself is billed for the full shape, regardless of whether all cores are enabled. * `type` - The type of platform being configured. * `preemptible_instance_config` - Configuration options for preemptible instances. * `preemption_action` - The action to run when the preemptible instance is interrupted for eviction. * `preserve_boot_volume` - Whether to preserve the boot volume that was used to launch the preemptible instance when the instance is terminated. Defaults to false if not specified. * `type` - The type of action to run when the instance is interrupted for eviction. * `preferred_maintenance_action` - The preferred maintenance action for an instance. The default is LIVE_MIGRATE, if live migration is supported. * `LIVE_MIGRATE` - Run maintenance using a live migration. * `REBOOT` - Run maintenance using a reboot. * `security_attributes` - Security Attributes for this resource. This is unique to ZPR, and helps identify which resources are allowed to be accessed by what permission controls. Example: `{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}` * `shape` - The shape of an instance. The shape determines the number of CPUs, amount of memory, and other resources allocated to the instance. You can enumerate all available shapes by calling [ListShapes](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/api/#/en/iaas/latest/Shape/ListShapes). * `shape_config` - The shape configuration requested for the instance. If the parameter is provided, the instance is created with the resources that you specify. If some properties are missing or the entire parameter is not provided, the instance is created with the default configuration values for the `shape` that you specify. Each shape only supports certain configurable values. If the values that you provide are not valid for the specified `shape`, an error is returned. * `baseline_ocpu_utilization` - The baseline OCPU utilization for a subcore burstable VM instance. Leave this attribute blank for a non-burstable instance, or explicitly specify non-burstable with `BASELINE_1_1`. The following values are supported: * `BASELINE_1_8` - baseline usage is 1/8 of an OCPU. * `BASELINE_1_2` - baseline usage is 1/2 of an OCPU. * `BASELINE_1_1` - baseline usage is an entire OCPU. This represents a non-burstable instance. * `memory_in_gbs` - The total amount of memory available to the instance, in gigabytes. * `nvmes` - The number of NVMe drives to be used for storage. A single drive has 6.8 TB available. * `ocpus` - The total number of OCPUs available to the instance. * `vcpus` - The total number of VCPUs available to the instance. This can be used instead of OCPUs, in which case the actual number of OCPUs will be calculated based on this value and the actual hardware. This must be a multiple of 2. * `source_details` - * `boot_volume_id` - The OCID of the boot volume used to boot the instance. * `boot_volume_size_in_gbs` - The size of the boot volume in GBs. The minimum value is 50 GB and the maximum value is 32,768 GB (32 TB). * `boot_volume_vpus_per_gb` - The number of volume performance units (VPUs) that will be applied to this volume per GB, representing the Block Volume service's elastic performance options. See [Block Volume Performance Levels](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/Block/Concepts/blockvolumeperformance.htm#perf_levels) for more information. Allowed values: * `10`: Represents Balanced option. * `20`: Represents Higher Performance option. * `30`-`120`: Represents the Ultra High Performance option. For performance autotune enabled volumes, it would be the Default(Minimum) VPUs/GB. * `image_id` - The OCID of the image used to boot the instance. * `instance_source_image_filter_details` - These are the criteria for selecting an image. This is required if imageId is not specified. * `compartment_id` - The OCID of the compartment containing images to search * `defined_tags_filter` - Filter based on these defined tags. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see [Resource Tags](https://docs.cloud.oracle.com/iaas/Content/General/Concepts/resourcetags.htm). * `operating_system` - The image's operating system. Example: `Oracle Linux` * `operating_system_version` - The image's operating system version. Example: `7.2` * `source_type` - The source type for the instance. Use `image` when specifying the image OCID. Use `bootVolume` when specifying the boot volume OCID.
- Secondary VNIC parameters.create_vnic_details
- Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_private_dns_record
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.nic_index
- Which physical network interface card (NIC) the VNIC will use. Defaults to 0. Certain bare metal instance shapes have two active physical NICs (0 and 1). If you add a secondary VNIC to one of these instances, you can specify which NIC the VNIC will use. For more information, see Virtual Network Interface Cards (VNICs).
- Secondary VNIC parameters.create_vnic_details
- Contains the properties of the VNIC for an instance configuration. See CreateVnicDetails and Instance Configurations for more information.assign_ipv6ip
- Whether to allocate an IPv6 address at instance and VNIC creation from an IPv6 enabled subnet. Default: False. When provided you may optionally provide an IPv6 prefix (ipv6SubnetCidr
) of your choice to assign the IPv6 address from. Ifipv6SubnetCidr
is not provided then an IPv6 prefix is chosen for you.assign_private_dns_record
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a private DNS record. Defaults to true. See theassignPrivateDnsRecord
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.assign_public_ip
- Whether the VNIC should be assigned a public IP address. See theassignPublicIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.defined_tags
- Defined tags for this resource. Each key is predefined and scoped to a namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Operations.CostCenter": "42"}
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.freeform_tags
- Free-form tags for this resource. Each tag is a simple key-value pair with no predefined name, type, or namespace. For more information, see Resource Tags. Example:{"Department": "Finance"}
- The hostname for the VNIC’s primary private IP. See thehostnameLabel
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.nsg_ids
- A list of the OCIDs of the network security groups (NSGs) to add the VNIC to. For more information about NSGs, see NetworkSecurityGroup.private_ip
- A private IP address of your choice to assign to the VNIC. See theprivateIp
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.security_attributes
- Security attributes are labels for a resource that can be referenced in a Zero Trust Packet Routing (ZPR) policy to control access to ZPR-supported resources. Example:{"Oracle-DataSecurity-ZPR": {"MaxEgressCount": {"value":"42","mode":"audit"}}}
- Whether the source/destination check is disabled on the VNIC. See theskipSourceDestCheck
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.subnet_id
- The OCID of the subnet to create the VNIC in. See thesubnetId
attribute of CreateVnicDetails for more information.
- A user-friendly name. Does not have to be unique, and it’s changeable. Avoid entering confidential information.nic_index
- Which physical network interface card (NIC) the VNIC will use. Defaults to 0. Certain bare metal instance shapes have two active physical NICs (0 and 1). If you add a secondary VNIC to one of these instances, you can specify which NIC the VNIC will use. For more information, see Virtual Network Interface Cards (VNICs).
- The date and time the instance configuration was created, in the format defined by RFC3339. Example:2016-08-25T21:10:29.600Z
The timeouts
block allows you to specify timeouts for certain operations:
* create
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when creating the Instance Configuration
* update
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when updating the Instance Configuration
* delete
- (Defaults to 20 minutes), when destroying the Instance Configuration
InstanceConfigurations can be imported using the id
, e.g.
$ terraform import oci_core_instance_configuration.test_instance_configuration "id"