Apm Synthetics

oci.apm_synthetics.ApmSyntheticClient Use the APM Availability Monitoring API to query Scripts, Monitors, Dedicated Vantage Points and On-Premise Vantage Points resources.
oci.apm_synthetics.ApmSyntheticClientCompositeOperations This class provides a wrapper around ApmSyntheticClient and offers convenience methods for operations that would otherwise need to be chained together.


oci.apm_synthetics.models.AggregateNetworkDataDetails Details of the vantage point and corresponding execution times.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.AggregatedNetworkData Details of the aggregated network data.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.AggregatedNetworkDataResult The aggregated network results.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.AvailabilityConfiguration Monitor availability configuration details.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.AvailableCapability Available capability in a specific On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.BasicAuthenticationDetails Details for basic authentication.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.BrowserMonitorConfiguration Configuration details for the BROWSER monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ClientCertificate Client certificate in PEM format.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ClientCertificateDetails Details for client certificate.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.CreateDedicatedVantagePointDetails Details of the request body used to create a new dedicated vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.CreateMonitorDetails Details of the request body used to create a new monitor.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.CreateOnPremiseVantagePointDetails Details of the request body used to create a new On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.CreateScriptDetails Details of the request body used to create a new script.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.CreateWorkerDetails Details of the request body used to create a new worker for an On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DatabaseWalletDetails Details for database wallet.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DedicatedVantagePoint The information about a dedicated vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DedicatedVantagePointCollection The results of a dedicated vantage point search, which contains DedicatedVantagePointSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DedicatedVantagePointSummary Information about dedicated vantage points.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DnsConfiguration Information about the DNS settings.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DnsSecMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the DNSSEC monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DnsServerMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the DNS Server monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DnsTraceMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the DNS Trace monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.DvpStackDetails Details of a Dedicated Vantage Point (DVP) stack in Resource Manager.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.FtpMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the FTP monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.GeoSummary Geographic summary of a vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Header Details of the header.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.IdentityInfoDetails Domain details of the On-premise VP worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Link Details of the link between two nodes.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MaintenanceWindowSchedule Details required to schedule maintenance window.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Monitor The information about a monitor.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorCollection The results of a monitor search, which contains both MonitorSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorConfiguration Details of monitor configuration.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorResult The monitor result for a specific execution.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorResultData Details of the monitor result data.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorScriptParameter Details of the script parameter that can be used to overwrite the parameter present in the script.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorScriptParameterInfo Details of the script parameters in the monitor.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorStatusCountMap Details of the monitor count per state.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.MonitorSummary Information about the monitor.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.NetworkConfiguration Details of the network configuration.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.NetworkMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the NETWORK monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Node Details of the network node.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.OnPremiseVantagePoint The information about an On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.OnPremiseVantagePointCollection The results of an On-premise vantage point search, which contains OnPremiseVantagePointSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.OnPremiseVantagePointSummary Information about On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.OnPremiseVpWorkerVersionDetails Image version details of the On-premise VP worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.OracleRMStack Details of the Oracle Resource Manager stack, which is a subtype of the Dedicated Vantage Point stack.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Password Password.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.PasswordInText Password.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.PasswordInVault Vault secret OCID for password that can be used with monitor Resource Principal.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.PrivateKey The private key associated with the client certificate in PEM format.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.PublicVantagePointCollection The results of a public vantage point search, which contains PublicVantagePointSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.PublicVantagePointSummary Information about public vantage points.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.RequestAuthenticationDetails Details for request HTTP authentication.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.RequestQueryParam Information about request query parameters.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.RestMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the REST monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Script The information about the script.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptCollection The results of a script search, which contains both ScriptSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptParameter Details of the script parameters, paramName must be from the script content and these details can be used to overwrite the default parameter present in the script content.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptParameterInfo Information about script parameters.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptSummary Information about the script.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptedBrowserMonitorConfiguration Configuration details for the SCRIPTED_BROWSER monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.ScriptedRestMonitorConfiguration Configuration details for the SCRIPTED_REST monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.SqlMonitorConfiguration Request configuration details for the SQL monitor type.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.UpdateDedicatedVantagePointDetails Details of the request body used to update a dedicated vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.UpdateMonitorDetails Details of the request body used to update a monitor.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.UpdateOnPremiseVantagePointDetails Details of the request body used to update an On-premise vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.UpdateScriptDetails Details of the request body used to update a script.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.UpdateWorkerDetails Details of the request body used to update an On-premise VP worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.VantagePointExecution Details of a vantage point execution.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.VantagePointInfo Details of the vantage point.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.VantagePointNode Details of the vantage point node.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.VerifyText Details to verify text.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.Worker The information about an On-premise VP worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.WorkerCollection The results of an On-premise VP worker search, which contains WorkerSummary items and other data in an APM domain.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.WorkerMonitorList Details of the monitor assigned to an On-premise vantage point worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.WorkerSummary Information about On-premise VP worker.
oci.apm_synthetics.models.WorkersSummary Details of the workers in a specific On-premise vantage point.