
class oci.database.models.BackupDestinationProperties(**kwargs)

Bases: object

The properties of the backup destination associated with the Autonomous Container Database.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new BackupDestinationProperties object with values from keyword arguments.


backup_destination_attach_history Gets the backup_destination_attach_history of this BackupDestinationProperties.
space_utilized_in_gbs Gets the space_utilized_in_gbs of this BackupDestinationProperties.
time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated Gets the time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated of this BackupDestinationProperties.

Initializes a new BackupDestinationProperties object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • backup_destination_attach_history (list[datetime]) – The value to assign to the backup_destination_attach_history property of this BackupDestinationProperties.
  • space_utilized_in_gbs (int) – The value to assign to the space_utilized_in_gbs property of this BackupDestinationProperties.
  • time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated property of this BackupDestinationProperties.

Gets the backup_destination_attach_history of this BackupDestinationProperties. The timestamps at which this backup destination is used as the preferred destination to host the Autonomous Container Database backups.

Returns:The backup_destination_attach_history of this BackupDestinationProperties.
Return type:list[datetime]

Gets the space_utilized_in_gbs of this BackupDestinationProperties. The total space utilized (in GBs) by this Autonomous Container Database on this backup destination, rounded to the nearest integer.

Returns:The space_utilized_in_gbs of this BackupDestinationProperties.
Return type:int

Gets the time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated of this BackupDestinationProperties. The latest timestamp when the backup destination details, such as ‘spaceUtilized,’ are updated.

Returns:The time_at_which_storage_details_are_updated of this BackupDestinationProperties.
Return type:datetime