
class oci.database.models.AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary(**kwargs)

Bases: object

An Autonomous Database backup. To use any of the API operations, you must be authorized in an IAM policy. If you’re not authorized, talk to an administrator. If you’re an administrator who needs to write policies to give users access, see Getting Started with Policies.

Warning: Oracle recommends that you avoid using any confidential information when you supply string values using the API.


LIFECYCLE_STATE_ACTIVE A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_CREATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_DELETING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_FAILED A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
LIFECYCLE_STATE_UPDATING A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_CUMULATIVE_INCREMENTAL A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_FULL A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_INCREMENTAL A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_LONGTERM A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_ROLL_FORWARD_IMAGE_COPY A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
TYPE_VIRTUAL_FULL A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
autonomous_database_id [Required] Gets the autonomous_database_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
backup_destination_details Gets the backup_destination_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
compartment_id [Required] Gets the compartment_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
database_size_in_tbs Gets the database_size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
db_version Gets the db_version of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
display_name [Required] Gets the display_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
id [Required] Gets the id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
is_automatic [Required] Gets the is_automatic of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
is_restorable Gets the is_restorable of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
key_store_id Gets the key_store_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
key_store_wallet_name Gets the key_store_wallet_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
kms_key_id Gets the kms_key_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
kms_key_version_id Gets the kms_key_version_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
lifecycle_details Gets the lifecycle_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
lifecycle_state [Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
retention_period_in_days Gets the retention_period_in_days of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
size_in_tbs Gets the size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
time_available_till Gets the time_available_till of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
time_ended Gets the time_ended of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
time_started Gets the time_started of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
type [Required] Gets the type of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
vault_id Gets the vault_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.


__init__(**kwargs) Initializes a new AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary object with values from keyword arguments.

A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “ACTIVE”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “CREATING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “DELETED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “DELETING”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “FAILED”


A constant which can be used with the lifecycle_state property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “UPDATING”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “CUMULATIVE_INCREMENTAL”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “FULL”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “INCREMENTAL”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “LONGTERM”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “ROLL_FORWARD_IMAGE_COPY”


A constant which can be used with the type property of a AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. This constant has a value of “VIRTUAL_FULL”


Initializes a new AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):

  • id (str) – The value to assign to the id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • compartment_id (str) – The value to assign to the compartment_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • autonomous_database_id (str) – The value to assign to the autonomous_database_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • display_name (str) – The value to assign to the display_name property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • type (str) – The value to assign to the type property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Allowed values for this property are: “INCREMENTAL”, “FULL”, “LONGTERM”, “VIRTUAL_FULL”, “CUMULATIVE_INCREMENTAL”, “ROLL_FORWARD_IMAGE_COPY”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • is_automatic (bool) – The value to assign to the is_automatic property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • time_started (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_started property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • time_ended (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_ended property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • lifecycle_details (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_details property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • database_size_in_tbs (float) – The value to assign to the database_size_in_tbs property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • lifecycle_state (str) – The value to assign to the lifecycle_state property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Allowed values for this property are: “CREATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”, “UPDATING”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
  • is_restorable (bool) – The value to assign to the is_restorable property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • key_store_id (str) – The value to assign to the key_store_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • key_store_wallet_name (str) – The value to assign to the key_store_wallet_name property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • kms_key_id (str) – The value to assign to the kms_key_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • vault_id (str) – The value to assign to the vault_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • kms_key_version_id (str) – The value to assign to the kms_key_version_id property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • retention_period_in_days (int) – The value to assign to the retention_period_in_days property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • time_available_till (datetime) – The value to assign to the time_available_till property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • db_version (str) – The value to assign to the db_version property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • size_in_tbs (float) – The value to assign to the size_in_tbs property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
  • backup_destination_details (oci.database.models.BackupDestinationDetails) – The value to assign to the backup_destination_details property of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.

[Required] Gets the autonomous_database_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the Autonomous Database.

Returns:The autonomous_database_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the backup_destination_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.

Returns:The backup_destination_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:oci.database.models.BackupDestinationDetails

[Required] Gets the compartment_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the compartment.

Returns:The compartment_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the database_size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The size of the database in terabytes at the time the backup was taken.

Returns:The database_size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:float

Gets the db_version of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. A valid Oracle Database version for Autonomous Database.

Returns:The db_version of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the display_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The user-friendly name for the backup. The name does not have to be unique.

Returns:The display_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the Autonomous Database backup.

Returns:The id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the is_automatic of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Indicates whether the backup is user-initiated or automatic.

Returns:The is_automatic of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:bool

Gets the is_restorable of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Indicates whether the backup can be used to restore the associated Autonomous Database.

Returns:The is_restorable of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:bool

Gets the key_store_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the key store of Oracle Vault.

Returns:The key_store_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the key_store_wallet_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The wallet name for Oracle Key Vault.

Returns:The key_store_wallet_name of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the kms_key_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the key container that is used as the master encryption key in database transparent data encryption (TDE) operations.

Returns:The kms_key_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the kms_key_version_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the key container version that is used in database transparent data encryption (TDE) operations KMS Key can have multiple key versions. If none is specified, the current key version (latest) of the Key Id is used for the operation. Autonomous Database Serverless does not use key versions, hence is not applicable for Autonomous Database Serverless instances.

Returns:The kms_key_version_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the lifecycle_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Additional information about the current lifecycle state.

Returns:The lifecycle_details of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

[Required] Gets the lifecycle_state of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The current state of the backup.

Allowed values for this property are: “CREATING”, “ACTIVE”, “DELETING”, “DELETED”, “FAILED”, “UPDATING”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The lifecycle_state of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the retention_period_in_days of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Retention period, in days, for long-term backups

Returns:The retention_period_in_days of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:int

Gets the size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The backup size in terrabytes (TB).

Returns:The size_in_tbs of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:float

Gets the time_available_till of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. Timestamp until when the backup will be available

Returns:The time_available_till of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_ended of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The date and time the backup completed.

Returns:The time_ended of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:datetime

Gets the time_started of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The date and time the backup started.

Returns:The time_started of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:datetime

[Required] Gets the type of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The type of backup.

Allowed values for this property are: “INCREMENTAL”, “FULL”, “LONGTERM”, “VIRTUAL_FULL”, “CUMULATIVE_INCREMENTAL”, “ROLL_FORWARD_IMAGE_COPY”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.

Returns:The type of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str

Gets the vault_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary. The OCID of the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure vault. This parameter and secretId are required for Customer Managed Keys.

Returns:The vault_id of this AutonomousDatabaseBackupSummary.
Return type:str