(**kwargs)¶ Bases:
The properties that define extra options for a cluster.
A constant which can be used with the ip_families property of a ClusterCreateOptions. IP_FAMILIES_I_PV6
A constant which can be used with the ip_families property of a ClusterCreateOptions. add_ons
Gets the add_ons of this ClusterCreateOptions. admission_controller_options
Gets the admission_controller_options of this ClusterCreateOptions. ip_families
Gets the ip_families of this ClusterCreateOptions. kubernetes_network_config
Gets the kubernetes_network_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. open_id_connect_discovery
Gets the open_id_connect_discovery of this ClusterCreateOptions. open_id_connect_token_authentication_config
Gets the open_id_connect_token_authentication_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. persistent_volume_config
Gets the persistent_volume_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. service_lb_config
Gets the service_lb_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. service_lb_subnet_ids
Gets the service_lb_subnet_ids of this ClusterCreateOptions. Methods
(**kwargs)Initializes a new ClusterCreateOptions object with values from keyword arguments. -
= 'IPv4'¶ A constant which can be used with the ip_families property of a ClusterCreateOptions. This constant has a value of “IPv4”
= 'IPv6'¶ A constant which can be used with the ip_families property of a ClusterCreateOptions. This constant has a value of “IPv6”
(**kwargs)¶ Initializes a new ClusterCreateOptions object with values from keyword arguments. The following keyword arguments are supported (corresponding to the getters/setters of this class):
Parameters: - service_lb_subnet_ids (list[str]) – The value to assign to the service_lb_subnet_ids property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- ip_families (list[str]) – The value to assign to the ip_families property of this ClusterCreateOptions. Allowed values for items in this list are: “IPv4”, “IPv6”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
- kubernetes_network_config (oci.container_engine.models.KubernetesNetworkConfig) – The value to assign to the kubernetes_network_config property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- add_ons (oci.container_engine.models.AddOnOptions) – The value to assign to the add_ons property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- admission_controller_options (oci.container_engine.models.AdmissionControllerOptions) – The value to assign to the admission_controller_options property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- persistent_volume_config (oci.container_engine.models.PersistentVolumeConfigDetails) – The value to assign to the persistent_volume_config property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- service_lb_config (oci.container_engine.models.ServiceLbConfigDetails) – The value to assign to the service_lb_config property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- open_id_connect_token_authentication_config (oci.container_engine.models.OpenIdConnectTokenAuthenticationConfig) – The value to assign to the open_id_connect_token_authentication_config property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
- open_id_connect_discovery (oci.container_engine.models.OpenIdConnectDiscovery) – The value to assign to the open_id_connect_discovery property of this ClusterCreateOptions.
¶ Gets the add_ons of this ClusterCreateOptions. Configurable cluster add-ons
Returns: The add_ons of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.AddOnOptions
¶ Gets the admission_controller_options of this ClusterCreateOptions. Configurable cluster admission controllers
Returns: The admission_controller_options of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.AdmissionControllerOptions
¶ Gets the ip_families of this ClusterCreateOptions. IP family to use for single stack or define the order of IP families for dual-stack
Allowed values for items in this list are: “IPv4”, “IPv6”, ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’. Any unrecognized values returned by a service will be mapped to ‘UNKNOWN_ENUM_VALUE’.
Returns: The ip_families of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: list[str]
¶ Gets the kubernetes_network_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. Network configuration for Kubernetes.
Returns: The kubernetes_network_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.KubernetesNetworkConfig
¶ Gets the open_id_connect_discovery of this ClusterCreateOptions.
Returns: The open_id_connect_discovery of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.OpenIdConnectDiscovery
¶ Gets the open_id_connect_token_authentication_config of this ClusterCreateOptions.
Returns: The open_id_connect_token_authentication_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.OpenIdConnectTokenAuthenticationConfig
¶ Gets the persistent_volume_config of this ClusterCreateOptions.
Returns: The persistent_volume_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.PersistentVolumeConfigDetails
¶ Gets the service_lb_config of this ClusterCreateOptions.
Returns: The service_lb_config of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: oci.container_engine.models.ServiceLbConfigDetails
¶ Gets the service_lb_subnet_ids of this ClusterCreateOptions. The OCIDs of the subnets used for Kubernetes services load balancers.
Returns: The service_lb_subnet_ids of this ClusterCreateOptions. Return type: list[str]